
We Got Married.... with INFINITE's Hoya

‘G-g-g-g-girlfriend?!’ You stammered.

You stared at Hoya, then to SeRim, then back at Hoya.

You widened your mouth in utter disbelief.

You turned to face the camera crew.

‘Is this true?’

The only response you could receive was utter silence and shrugs.


‘Of course it is!’ SeRim squealed in excitement. ‘I am sorry, for my appearance, but Hoya-oppa wasn’t answering my calls. Wae, oppa? Wae?’ She whined, whilst tugging onto Hoya’s arms.

You could only stare at SeRim tugging onto Hoya, like a magnet and up to him, like a plastic.

You sighed. ‘Saehyun-ah, let’s talk about this, over here.’ The PD called you, over, behind the camera.



He sighed. ‘Did you know about this?’

‘What?’ Your eyes widened. You shouldn't be asking me that...

‘I-I-I didn’t even know…’ Suddenly there was this urge for me to panic and just simply ask that SeRim girl to nicely go off set.

But knowing her attitude and personality, you wouldn’t even go there.

‘Okay…’ The PD scratched his head. ‘Saehyun-ah, we have to continue with filming, so if that’s okay, we’ll distract SeRim and you and Hoya can go and film your episode at the café, okay?’

You nodded, yet there was a hit of doubt looming over your head.

You breathe in, and walked back onto the MBC waiting lobby, only to find, SeRim sitting on Hoya’s lap, his face.


I can’t…

Must contain it…

Play nice, Saehyun-ah…


‘Oppaaaaa’ SeRim whined. Hoya didn’t seem to be unfazed by SeRim touching his nose. You just stood there, gobsmacked by what was happening in front of your eyes.


Good luck, trying to distract this magnet… You thought.

‘Sorry, but…’ Hoya started whispering into SeRim’s ear, making her all giggly and flirty.

Am I really that invisible?

Was I played?

Lee Howon, you better give me these answers…

SeRim shot up from Hoya’s lap, and brush past you, not before whispering…

‘Have fun, filming your final episode…’ And with that, she blew kisses to Hoya and simply strutted her way out.

Hoya waved, before turning to face you, because you have been staring at him, this whole time.

‘Okay guys!’ The PD clapped his hands. ‘You guys can start walking to the coffee shop now… 1, 2, 3 action…’





Once outside, you and Hoya kept your distance when walking. You didn’t look at him, or anything.


‘This is awkward…’ Hoya finally spoke up.

Of course it is! Bringing your girlfriend, on to the set…

‘Yeah…’ You whispered.

‘Uh… Hoya, do you like her?’

It was the one of the most stupidest question you could think of, as your brain was just so confused and fazed, but what happened.

He has a girlfriend… Someone he truly loves…


‘WE ARE HERE!’ Hoya cheered, ignoring your question, making you feel so small and you were almost on the verge of feeling guilty.


You guys sat down, in a booth, and Hoya ordered drinks for you.

You sighed, and avoided his eyes. You were almost on the verge of tears and even though, you haven’t been with him in such a long time, it really hurted.


Hurted, to know that he is already dating someone.

Hoya pulled out his phone, and starting texting someone.

‘Who are you texting?’ You asked, pushing all feelings aside.

‘Who else? My baby…’ Your face fell.


Great. I feel so worthless now…


He must really love her…


It’s definitely my last episode…


A month long vacation, made our relationship falter…


I can’t help but to blame myself…


Did that kiss at Second Invasion Concert, change things around?


Hoya giggled at his phone.

You it up, and smiled.

‘How long have you guys been dating?’ Seriously, your mind was asking most idiotic questions, however you wanted answers.

‘A month, Saehyun-ah…’ Suddenly, the camera crew threw random articles in front of you.


‘...Infinite’s Hoya and actress, Park SeRim are an item!’


‘Infinite’s Hoya and Park SeRim. An lovey-dovey couple…’


‘Infinite representatives confirmed Hoya and actress SeRim relationship…’


‘First date already? Infinite’s Hoya and Park SeRim spotted holding hands…’


The last article’s picture seemed familiar to you. It was when you returned to Korea, with Yunho… And it was definitely Hoya. He was wearing the exact same clothes and it was in the same time frame…

And a month relationship? Exactly the time you took for the vacation.


‘Excuse Me…’ You excused yourself, and you quick stepped yourself to the bathroom.

You couldn’t stop staring at yourself in the mirror.


Am I being too nice?


I should just leave them as they are…


But, she is so mean… and has so much attitude…


How can Hoya love a girl like her?!


You breathe in and decided to walk out, not before, the annoying and whiny voice of Park SeRim came bursting through the doors.


‘Yahhhhhh! Leeeee Howonnnnn! Why didn’t you tell me you were here? Are you on your lunch break? ME TOOOO!’ She immediately bear hugged him, but he did seem a little uncomfortable.


‘Um…’ Hoya started, but he was interrupted, when you walked over to the table. SeRim turned her head and you looked as if you were a piece of trash.


‘Oh. It’s you… Why can’t you just go away? Leave us alone…’


YOU should be the LEAVING US ALONE!


You bit your lip in frustration, and you sat down, so the waiter could serve you guys, your drinks.

‘Where’s mine?’ SeRim asked, acting too frustrated and over dramatic. She immediately grabbed your chocolate skimmed milkshake off the tray and started slurping your drink.

SeRim stared right through at you again, while slurping your milkshake.

‘Mianhae…’ You whispered.

Why am I apologising? I am so stupid and dumb today…


‘What?’ SeRim snapped at you. ‘Gosh, just go order another for yourself. And I think I might want another one.’

‘Sure, another for you, it won’t be a problem… Saehyun-ah, you don’t mind, right?’ Hoya asked.

You nodded, half-contently.

‘And make sure you pay for the bill. Because I don’t want my baby, forking out money on a useless girl like you…’ SeRim said.

You turned and choked back tears…

I really shouldn’t be here.

Your eyes were starting to get watery, as you approached the counter.

‘Annyeong.’ The waiter greeted you, happily. ‘What can I get for you?’

‘Uh…’ You started sniffing and wiping the sides of your eyes. ‘Just two more chocolate milkshakes and…’ You started pulling a 20, 000 ($20~) won note.

‘Here, keep the change too…’ You handed over the note to the waiter, and you decided just to wait at the counter for the drinks, because you didn’t want to go back.

You hung your head low.



Why am I here?

Did I just fork out a bill, for that brat!

I should really go…

It is really our last episode…


Lee Howon, I don’t love you anymore…







Hyoyeon could only stare, lifelessly.

Poor Saehyun… I should call someone, because I share her pain…

Without, leaving her eyes that were glued on television screen, her fingers creeped on the sofa, and she grabbed her phone and called the last person, she called, which was Saehyun’s umma…

Ring, ring, ring… Answers…

‘Saehyun’s umma… I can’t believe it… He doesn’t love her anymore… Lee Howon… Remember him? The idol I was telling you, that Saehyun was going to play his make-believe husband… He has a girlfriend! And Saehyun is like crying on camera right now… Otteke, Saehyun’s umma? It really seems-‘

Call disconnected.


Huh? That’s so strange, of Saehyun’s umma, to just hang up on me…


Hyoyeon quickly glanced at the disconnected call, and then back at the again, at the television.


However she knew, when she stared at the disconnected call, she had just made a really huge mistake…


The disconnected caller ID was Jung Yunho…


This update was for my lovely, beautiful patient subscribers *hugs* ^__^ and especially, my unnie, Rianne2580! <3

hehehe.. unnie, its your favourite person! ;P jks, jks~

However, Thank You for sticking with the SaeYa Couple! <3 Woo~ and I can't double update today... Sorry, unnie!~



On another note, you guys should listen to Miss A's Touch because it was the song inspiration for this chapter! and it has eng subs! :P

Clicky- (

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#WGM with Hoya~ Final Chapter is Chapter 64~ just a little heads up ^^


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inspirit_147 #1
Chapter 63: please please update :3
Chapter 63: Oh my god...
I just want to cry :(((((((((((
This is so beautiful and that time when it looked like Hoya was cheating on her i was crying my eyes out omg author-nim, what have you done to me?!?!♥
HyunJane #3
Chapter 63: new reader here~~~~ (i think i'm bit too late)
Goldie #4
Chapter 63: Awww but ir's ok!
yooamie #5
Chapter 63: awk! this is such an adorable fanfic! it's kinda sad the way it ended like that, but it's ok ^^
skylightbaek #6
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
skylightbaek #7
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
Infinitely4k #8
Chapter 63: I love it ^^
Updatee sooonnn !
Glad99 #10
Hey, will u update soon? :)