I Hope

We Got Married.... with INFINITE's Hoya

It has been a crazy week and today was still no exception. The ‘coffee’ kiss of the Saeya Couple, is the current trend of the nation. You heard about it everywhere, from newspapers to articles from gossip magazines, even your manager, YoungWoo, whose constant taunting wasn’t enough. Pictures of lovers backhugging each other and girls with drinking coffee in their mouths.

*Wow.* You thought. You were scrolling through the articles and pictures on your phone.  There was this picture that caught your attention. It was a girl drinking coffee in and her boyfriend, supposedly, was back-hugging her, and ready to pucker up his lips onto his girlfriend’s cheek.


*That kiss was really something…* You thought.



‘Saehyun-ah.’ Youngwoo called. ‘You need to go see Hyun Suk-nim in his office now…’

*I wonder why the CEO needs to see me now…* You nodded and closed your phone, and headed for his office, using the elevator on your way.


You waited for the elevator to arrive at your level. The doors opened. You saw Seungri again. He was his cheery self, until the doors unveiled you waiting outside. He immediately pouted.

‘Seungri-ah. What’s is wrong?’ You asked.

‘Humph.’ He closed his eyes and walk out of the elevator. You decided to nudge him hard enough, to make him lose his balance.

‘Yah, what was that for, noona?’ He snapped, while trying to regain his balance.

‘Still calling me noona, eh?’ You replied. You gave him an evil smile and said ‘I will never feel old as you do, and did you forget? I am forever younger than you!’ You poked your tongue out.

‘Fine! I. WILL. SEE. YOU. LATER! SAEHYUN. NOON-A!’ He laughed and walked away. You shook your head, wondering why the kid still acts the way he does. You smiled and entered the elevators and headed for the President’s office.



‘Howon-ah. You need to see the CEO-nim right now.’ His manager told him. Infinite were in the middle of their Japanese lessons, preparing for their Japanese debut.

‘Okay.’ He obeyed the word of his manager, and excused himself from the group.

Sungjong sighed. ‘Hyung, is really working hard these days, don’t you think?’

Woohyun gasped. ‘Yah, Lee Sungjong! How can you say that? You never work as hard Hoya, anyways.’ Sungkyu seemed to agree and chuckled. Woohyun joined in too. They both giggled and high-fived each other.

Dongwoo, L and Sungyeol were busily studying the Japanese. Sungjong sighed. Those hyungs. Always teasing me! T^T. I am forever alone!



You reached YG’s office. Surprising it was quiet and the secretary asked you to enter the President’s office. You inhaled a deep breath and once you let it out, you opened the door and went in.

‘Annyeong-saehyo. President-nim.’ You greeted and bowed. YG stood up and greeted you back.

‘Annyeong, Saehyun-ah. Please seat.’ YG motioned for you to seat and you guys sat down.

‘Saehyun. This is regarding your participation on We Got Married.’ Immediately you felt a sense of confusion and a hint of disappointment from the President.

‘I’m sorry.’ You bowed. ‘I apologise if I haven’t been reaching your expectations. I will try my hardest.’ You spoke sincerely.

‘Huh?’ The President was confused. ‘Saehyun-ah. There is no need to be sorry for. Please clear your thoughts of anything, and listen to what I am going to say afterwards.

‘Oh…’ You bit your lip. *I am such a fool!* ‘Okay, please continue and I will listen.’

‘Okay, Saehyun. You’ve would have realised that the broadcast of you and Hoya’s episode, is doing it’s good round of publicity.’

You nodded. After all, nothing is scripted. Except that the missions have to be completed.

'Well, I just want to clarify, make sure, your heart doesn’t ask for more whilst your time on WGM. I am warning you. Don’t fall in love with Hoya. And that  is for any other celebrity. It is too troublesome, for you and the company to think about it. After all, you haven’t established your reputation as an actress yet.’ You nodded. You understood, what he meant.

However that kiss was really something. Different? Unique? Even so, Special?

You wondered what happened if something uncontrollable and fate decide to come in.

*Do I have genuine feelings for Hoya? Surely, I am just being a wife to him for reality, however… ARGH! I don’t know… Maybe I do? After all, all the things he had done for him. Wait. That was all part of the mission that day. Or was it?* You silently sighed. Love was just confusing. Even more so, troublesome.

‘Okay.’ You replied. ‘I understand your words, President-nim. I will take my leave now.’ You got up and bowed.

Let’s just hope it’s all fun and games… Right? You didn’t give it much thought. After all, it’s a reality show and you were learning some of life’s valuable experiences. You closed your eyes and inhaled.

Ah! Let’s just not think about it… After all, my feelings are nothing, but we are just friends. Me and Hoya. Friends…


Hoya had just come out of the same meeting with the CEO. He sat down on the sofa beside the CEO’s office and sighed.

Well, there’s nothing wrong, by showing affection, right? After all, I am just doing what I do to protect her, like any other girl I’ll fall with. Then again… she is so different to my previous girlfriends. But, after all, it’s just a show, with fun and what not…


WHOA! I haven’t updated in a LONGGGGG time.. ~sorry, sorry~  so thank you for your patience! ^__^ I had a mini writer’s block, among other stuff like… shopping! xD and.... <3 INFINITE <3

Hehehe… Seungri-ah… :P

I know.. I know.. I’m complaining too.. such a boring chapter.. however I’m building on it, for something interesting later on in the story… So keep your eyes and ears open! :D

Comments and subscribing are greatly appreciated! I LOVE YOU ALL! <3

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#WGM with Hoya~ Final Chapter is Chapter 64~ just a little heads up ^^


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inspirit_147 #1
Chapter 63: please please update :3
Chapter 63: Oh my god...
I just want to cry :(((((((((((
This is so beautiful and that time when it looked like Hoya was cheating on her i was crying my eyes out omg author-nim, what have you done to me?!?!♥
HyunJane #3
Chapter 63: new reader here~~~~ (i think i'm bit too late)
Goldie #4
Chapter 63: Awww but ir's ok!
yooamie #5
Chapter 63: awk! this is such an adorable fanfic! it's kinda sad the way it ended like that, but it's ok ^^
skylightbaek #6
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
skylightbaek #7
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
Infinitely4k #8
Chapter 63: I love it ^^
Updatee sooonnn !
Glad99 #10
Hey, will u update soon? :)