Before U Go

We Got Married.... with INFINITE's Hoya

Last week's on WGM featured the Saeya couple bidding their farewell for the new year. As wife, Saehyun leaves, Hoya had one last surprise of the year.

Today... WGM is today going to air a special episode of the Saeya Couple... It starts now! :D


The camera was focusing on a lonely two-seater creamish sofa, when suddenly the PD cue for you guys to enter. Both you and Hoya walked in casually from opposite ends. Both of you sat down and started getting ready for filming.

'Ready, and action!'


'Annyeong, everyone! We are the SaeYa Couple!' Both of you did you're individual greetings.

'Saehyun-ah.' You turned to face Hoya, with a big grin. 'The New Year is almost approaching...'

'Nae, and...'

'We've made so many memories together on We Got Married!' Hoya cheered and clapped his hands, like a little kid.

You could only laugh. 'Haha.. Of course~ We were totally daebak!' You showed two thumbs up at the camera.



'Hoya-sshi... What was your most memorable moment?'' You asked.

'Uh, for me?' He pointed to himself.

You nodded. For you, there was only one memorable moment that touched your heart.


'Hmmm...' Hoya cupped his hands to his chin, as if he was in deep thought.


'I think we've made too much memories that I reckon, that we can't possibly forget any!' Hoya smiled.

You sighed. I guess he is right~


You smiled. 'Remember playing with the kids?'

Hoya chuckled. 'Yeah~' He kinda spoke with a mono-tone.

You gave him a weird look. You made a kid cry, I remember~ haha...

'Hm, Saehyun-ah, remember our first meet?' He was trying not to bring up that embarrassing moment.

You nodded. 'Yeah! But it was so awkward...'

'Awkward, wasn't it? I was so nervous too~'

'and I remember L-sshi-'

'Yah! Don't mention him!' Hoya was turning red. You sensed jealously. Obviously, who wouldn't be envious of L's perfect face. Hoya, of course.


You smiled and nodded, knowing not to bring up L again.

'OMO!' You raised your voice. 'Oops, I mean, remember when you lost our house keys on our first night?' You pointed at Hoya.

Hoya shrugged his shoulders and scratched his head. 'Well, it's wasn't my fault, remember? You had the keys in your bag.'

You bit your lip, and gave a slight awkward laugh. 'Yeah, yeah well...' You stammered.

Hoya pulled you into a hug. 'It's okay.' You pushed him away.

You pouted. 'You're so annoying... we've also had our first couple fight on that day.'

'It was such a wonderful day...' Hoya laughed. 'Saehyun-ah, go cook me some ramen.' He put his hands around your arms and started nudging it. 

You raised your eyebrows and gave him a 'seriously' look. 'No, I don't want to. I am sleepy. Go cook ramen for yourself.'

'AW... please, please, please, please, please....' Hoya whined.

'I think you're a bit too old to be whining...' and with that, Hoya's face went turned blank.


Then Hoya did an evil-some-sort-of-laugh.

'What's so funny, oppa?' You asked, with raising curiousity.

'I've brought you a goodbye present~' Hoya had his arms behind his back and was flashing you a wide grin.

You tilted your head to the side. 'What is it? I am dying to know!'

'Close your eyes...' and you did.

'No peeking.' Hoya was silently laughing behind your back.


He held the portrait of the younger self, that was sent by Hyoyeon unnie, as a housewarming gift.

Hoya held the portrait in front of you. 'Okay! You can open them now!'


'Surprise Saehyun-ah!!!' Hoya cheered.

You gasped in horror and shock, as you saw the worst taken picture of you, staring right back at you.



The crowded room was suddenly filled with shrieking screams and hysterical laughter.




'It's. not. funny.'  You breathlessly muttered, after a few crazy moments of hitting and nudging Hoya.

'Isn't my honey so cute.' He held the portrait, who surprising survived the claws of your hands.

You could only sighed and cover your face in embarrassment.

'Awwwww!' Hoya started pinching the cheeks of the portrait. 'Saehyun, is oh-so-cute!'

You could only helplessly sighed and shake your head.



The trend of the coffee kiss could only be started by our very own 'SaeYa couple...'  What are their true feelings?

The PD asked you guys to answer the question.

'Eh, well... It was...' You looked at Hoya. 'Memorable?'

He had a poker face. He was avoiding your eyes. It was really going to be hard to answer the question.

'Is it really that hard to answer the question?' The PD asked. 'I mean after all, it wasn't our idea...'

'Well...' Hoya started. 'I think, there is no word for it, except for the word, love...'


*****Flashback, to last night*****


It was a cold, windy and raining night. It was around 10PM and you and Hoya were going to film your last 'date' of the year. The theme was memories, and you and Hoya were walking hand-in-hand, with Hoya holding an umbrella, to protect you guys from the rain.


The streets were dark, dim and the sound of cars whooshing in the rain. Rain was starting to pour like a waterfall.

'Aish... So cold... and windy.' You muttered, underneath your scarf, as you huddled closer towards Hoya.

'Are you alright?' Hoya asked, concerned.

'Yeah.' You smiled. Seeing the sight of Hoya made you happy. It made you flutter.

'Oppa...' You whispered.


'Thank you for all---' You sneezed.

'Aigoo~ Saehyun-ah, you're getting a cold. I don't think customs is gonna let you leave for Australia, any time soon~'

You were wiping your nose with a tissue and chuckled at Hoya's comment.

'Do you want to come with me then? I am sure you would be happy being squished among my clothes in my suitcase.'

Hoya grinned. 'Of course I would love to~'


The PD and the cameraman suddenly came running back, panting and gasping for breath. They were drenched and dripping wet from the pouring rain.


'Guys, the cafe that we were going to film tonight, closed early. Mianhae.. but we are going to run back to the van and pack our equipment. See that bus stop down the street?' He pointed to a lonely bus stop underneath a lamp post. 'Meet us there...' and with that, the two men got running onto their feet.


You and Hoya started pacing towards the bus stop. Suddenly the rain got heavier. Heavier. Heavier.


'Aish.' You groaned. Your hair was drenched by the downpour and so was your jacket. Hoya was the same.

'Are you alright?' Hoya asked, while he was busy turning his back towards you, as he was closing the umbrella.


You nodded and starting warming up your hands together. Suddenly, as you were huffing and puffing air into your hands, you caught yourself staring at the side view of Hoya. His hair, was dripping wet. His face was perfect, even for a side view. Those beautiful eyes. Those perfect lips.


Drops of rain were slowly falling from his hair down slowly onto his perfected face. Somewhat, you were attracted to it. Every single drop that came from him. And as slowly as they were running down their face, you didn't realise Hoya was staring at you at the whole time.




As the last drop fell, you went to witness another one, only to meet Hoya's eyes. You gulped. You hadn't even realised you were blocked by Hoya, as you pressed your back harder into the bus stop wall.

You quickly turned away, staring at the ground. You bit your lip. You started breathing faster. And faster. Same with your heartbeat. *What is this feeling?'


You closed your eyes and inhaled. Exhale. Opens eyes. You got kinda of a shock, when you saw Hoya's face right in front of yours.

He gave you a weird eye look. Like he was lost in his own world. Both of you, were staring at each other, as if it was the last thing to do...



Lost in our own fiction. Like Neverland, that couldn't exist.




'Erm...' You decided the break the silence. However, the world of reality still hadn't shown itself.

You bit your lip and sighed. 'I think we are a bit too close, oppa...' Your voice trailed off.



'Did you know how long I have dreaming of this moment, Saehyun-ah.' Hoya looked at you. His eyes were somewhat ignited with passion. 


'I guess you know how I feel too... You know, these past days have been really driving me crazy. Is it wrong to think about you all the time? However,  I can't confess you know. I feel like there is so much to lose if I say those three words.'


Hoya placed his finger on his lips and made a shush sound.


'I don't think I will regret this.'


You understood.You closed your eyes. You didn't want to think about it anymore. It was driving you crazy. The consequences seemed so far away that really nothing mattered right now.


You could smell Hoya getting closer and closer. Hoya slowly interlaced your fingers together with his. You squeezed them tight. You squeezed your eyes harder. Anticipation and fear was kicking in...


However, your lips met in an instant.

Nothing mattered.

Oh, how long you waited for this.

You pressed harder into his lips.

Suddenly, you were in some kind of trance.

Like you were flying.

The world was turning.



No, it couldn't.

It can't be.

It' can't be a dream!



Suddenly, an unwanted flash mob of lights hit your eyes. Hoya jerked his lips away from yours. You opened your eyes, covering it, from the unwanted light. Oh gosh...




Oh great.


I am so dead meat.

You tilted your head out, bringing your arms to cling onto Hoya. You peeked out, so only to see the van, that the PD was driving.


'Saehyun-ah.' Hoya called.

You directed your attention from the van to Hoya. You didn't know what to say. You were speechless. Dumfounded. So, you nodded instead.

'Thank You.' He whispered. You smiled. At least, you were assured the kiss happened for real.


The van finally reached the bus stop and the PD was screaming against the rain for you guys to come in. Already, drenched, you and Hoya made a beeline for the van and quickly closed the door.

You sat there, panting. Staring into the rainy night sky.



'So did you guys kiss-' The PD abruptly asked.

"NO!" You and Hoya shouted at the same time. You stared at him. *Oh crap, we are so dead now.* You didn't realise, but you were blushing red like a rose in front of Hoya and the PD.

'WHOA! Chill... People these days... I mean I just saw Hoya's back and no sight of Saehyun's face....'  The cameraman assured you guys. The PD wasn't that convinced though.

'Erm.. well...' Hoya stuttered.

Hoya looked at you.

He was lost.

Desperate times called for desperate measures.


You prayed Hoya would say nothing that would convince the PD... You begged...


'I.... I.... was.... just.... er.... protecting her from the rain!' Hoya smiled slyly.

Inside, you were smiling and cheering. The PD looked at you, and to which you nodded.

'Okay... Well, today's filming is changed to tomorrow. Meet at MBC's building tomorrow. 9AM sharp.' You and Hoya nodded.

You let out a breath of relief. You pretended to fix up your hair, when in fact you were staring at Hoya.


You mouthed. 'Thank you, Oppa~'



heyhey... guess who it is! ^____^

I've missed you all! T^T.. How are our New Years, my fellow friends! xD

Wah! *claps hands* SOOOOO... did this make up for the fourteen days/two weeks that I didn't update?xD

I do, apologise in advance~ T^T Mianhae~~

Well, I was planning to make it into two chapters, but then again.. you guys are SO PATIENT!!! ^^

Mwah... I love you ALL!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ I look forward to your comments and new subscribers and readers are MOST DEFINITELY WELCOME!!! :DDD

Next chapter is coming soon!!! ^_____^


*oh, how much I've missed writing~* :P

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#WGM with Hoya~ Final Chapter is Chapter 64~ just a little heads up ^^


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inspirit_147 #1
Chapter 63: please please update :3
Chapter 63: Oh my god...
I just want to cry :(((((((((((
This is so beautiful and that time when it looked like Hoya was cheating on her i was crying my eyes out omg author-nim, what have you done to me?!?!♥
HyunJane #3
Chapter 63: new reader here~~~~ (i think i'm bit too late)
Goldie #4
Chapter 63: Awww but ir's ok!
yooamie #5
Chapter 63: awk! this is such an adorable fanfic! it's kinda sad the way it ended like that, but it's ok ^^
skylightbaek #6
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
skylightbaek #7
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
Infinitely4k #8
Chapter 63: I love it ^^
Updatee sooonnn !
Glad99 #10
Hey, will u update soon? :)