I don't know why. Pt 2

We Got Married.... with INFINITE's Hoya

‘Fine, I will cook for you.’ You finally gave in. Hoya immediately jumped off the mattress.

‘Really? Are you serious? You’ll cook for me?’ Hoya’s eyes widened.

*Geez, he is such a little kid* Harhar… you took the chance. You quickly ran and spread yourself on the mattress.

‘Yay! I have to mattress to myself.’ You looked at Hoya. Hoya pouted. You smiled half-heartly. ‘You can go cook for yourself.’

‘Don’t you actresses need to eat?’ You shot him a glare. ‘Why won’t you cook for me? Just once, please…’ *Aish, this girl is hard* ‘Fine, cook for me and you can sleep on the mattress tonight.’

You sprung up and headed for the kitchen. ‘You promised alright.’ You walked into the kitchen where there was a fridge, a stove, sink and a small 4-seater dinner table.  

You simply boiled the water and placed the packet ramen in. Then you saw some boxes in the corner with kitchen essentials piled on top of each other. *Might as well, place stuff anyway, while the ramen is cooking.*

‘Yah, Hoya, come help me pack this stuff away’.  You shouted. Soon enough, both you and Hoya were stacking shelves, placing away cutlery and putting away pots and pans. However your eyes met with a stapled paper which read ‘Lee Howon’s Personal Profile’. Soon enough, Hoya found the same thing, but with your name on it.

‘What is this?’ You asked. Both you and Hoya read it inside. Soon enough, it was like a fact sheet about each other.

‘Hahaha… What’s this? Ideal girls are Lee Dahae, F(x)’s Krystal, Kara’s Seungyeon, 4minute’s JiYoon, SNSD’s Tiffany…’ *Where’s my name?* You suddenly felt more disappointed. ‘I am disappointed. I am hurt. Where’s my name, Hoya-ah!’. You pretended to act like you were going to cry.

‘Well, where’s my name here? Big Bang’s G-Dragon, CN BLUE’s Jonghyun, Super Junior’s Eunhyuk, BEAST’s Hyunseung, 2AM’s Seulong, INFINITE’s Hoya… Oh. My name is here.’

‘And you didn’t write mine’ *Aish, what I am thinking* ‘Maybe I should’ve chosen Myungsoo (aka L)’. You muttered under your breath. However Hoya heard it all.

‘What did you say? Something about L?. Saehyun-ah, Mianhae. I wrote this way before you debuted. I didn’t mean it-’ He replied sincerely.

You sighed. ‘Fine, if you have to choose between me or let’s say 4minute’s JiYoon, who would you chose?’

Hoya replied. ‘Easy, who else but you, Kim Saehyun. Why else would I choose someone else?’ You smiled. ‘Anyways, what’s that burning smell…’

It made you feel better that he was assuring you. However at the same time, you smelt something burning. Like gas. No. Noodles. Noodles? *RAMEN!?!*

‘ARGH! My ramen is getting burnt!’ Hoya gasped. ‘Oh no, what do we do?’

‘Your ramen? Since when was it yours? Ah, stop making a big fuss. Just get it off the stove.’ However Hoya just stood there. You sighed. You took the pot off the stove and ramen seemed alright. There were a few burnt noodles. Nevertheless, you served it in two bowls, one for you and Hoya.

You guys sat down across on the table. You were eating the ramen, when you saw Hoya looking at you.

‘What?’ You mumbled with ramen in your mouth.

‘I guess actresses eat after all.’ Hoya smiled. You sighed. This was going to be an ongoing joke. You knew it. You simply ignored and continued eating. Slurping and eating your ramen until it was gone, you were full.

‘Wow, you can eat a lot’. You shot him a dirty glare. You raised your eyebrows. ‘Anyways, Saehyun-ah, if you chose between me and G-Dragon, who would it be?’

‘Yeah, well you can wash the dishes. I am getting ready for bed.’

Hoya groaned. ‘But you didn’t answer my-‘

You turned around and made an evil smile. ‘I am charge remember? And for your answer… I wanna say you, Hoya, but you still have a lot to prove.’ You chuckled.

*A lot to prove eh?* Hoya thought. Afterwards, you brushed your teeth, removed your makeup and washed your face. You walked out of the bathroom and walked into the house’s only bedroom, only to find Hoya lying on it.

‘Yah, get off. You know that mattress is for me.’ You stood there, with your arms on your hips. You stared closer at Hoya. ‘Helloooooo. C’mon, Hoya. You promised remember?’

‘mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…’ That was all that Hoya could mumble.

You pulled your hair. ‘Fine, I don’t know why. Aishhhhhh… Lee Howon. I’ll get you back’.  Soon enough, you went to the living room and slept soundly on the sofa.


Hehehe~ sorry for the late update~ had to work all wknd >< anyways, HELLO and THANK YOU to my 50 subscribers! ^^ I can't thank you guys enough! :)

ooh @cindy980... thank you... but I am feeling the pressure now! hopefully, you'll continue liking it! ^__^ ENJOY~ xD

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#WGM with Hoya~ Final Chapter is Chapter 64~ just a little heads up ^^


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inspirit_147 #1
Chapter 63: please please update :3
Chapter 63: Oh my god...
I just want to cry :(((((((((((
This is so beautiful and that time when it looked like Hoya was cheating on her i was crying my eyes out omg author-nim, what have you done to me?!?!♥
HyunJane #3
Chapter 63: new reader here~~~~ (i think i'm bit too late)
Goldie #4
Chapter 63: Awww but ir's ok!
yooamie #5
Chapter 63: awk! this is such an adorable fanfic! it's kinda sad the way it ended like that, but it's ok ^^
skylightbaek #6
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
skylightbaek #7
Dude my birthday is on feb 10!How awesome you feb 9!
Infinitely4k #8
Chapter 63: I love it ^^
Updatee sooonnn !
Glad99 #10
Hey, will u update soon? :)