Bonfire Stories.

14 Days to find love.

(A/N: NEW FANFICS UP!!!! Hyung, don’t forget me is now up and a new fanfic called I Am Heartless  will be up soon - written by yours truly, unless you’re a girl then that would be weird - and another fic will be up soon called so be VERY excited!!)


Natalia POV:

Yesung and I sat in front of the huge flames, dancing and playing in the dark sky, teasing us with its warmth.

I sat down next to Tiffany and hugged my knees to my chest. So warm yet so cold.

I looked over to Tiffany and she smiled at me. She had G.O’s smile and it reminded me of his kindness. I smiled back. She curled up and leaned on the log behind us.

We were all sitting in a square-ish formation.

Mir, Tiffany, Me, Yesung, Yasmin and Onew on one side, Taemin, Minho, Yuri, Yunho, Caitlin and Kim one another, Key, Joon, Jeanne, Hilda and Chundoong and then G.O on the other and Taeyang, Mr Lee and Jessica on the last one.

I guess Jesscia was sitting there because no one else would sit next to them. I can tell cause Jessica looks as if she’s gonna throw up from sitting in line to Mr Lee’s dandruff fountain of a head.



Taeyang stood up with a torch in his hand and a scary look on his face…oh no.

“Tonight’s your first bonfire night and in tradition, we must partake in roasting marshmallows and the sharing of ghostly stories” he said in a deep “scary” voice. His words we so formal yet he kept such a straight face that everyone cracked up laughing.

But I stayed silent.


I hugged my knees closer to my chest and felt something warm and comforting on my shoulders.


I smiled at him.

The marshmallows were passed round and the thick, woollen blankets were draped over our knees.

“Who wants to go first?” Taeyang asked avoiding Jeanne’s eyes.


Since when is he avoiding her? Odd.

“I will!” Tiffany volunteered.

Funny thing about Tiffany, she hates scary movies and listening to scary stories, but she loves telling them.

And the ones she tells are FREAKY.

The torch was passed down to her and I shrank back into Yesung. He tightened his grip on my shoulders.

“What I am about to tell you is a true story. It happened to a friend of mine a couple of years ago,” she stopped dramatically and took a swift glance at us. Oh geez.

She closed her eyes and angled the torch just under her chin, so that the yellow light made her look intimidating.

“She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbours.

Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances. Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed. She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbours were suspicious, but they could find no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.


Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The miller's wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and heading out of town.


The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbours. They came to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen followed him out into the field and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large oak tree, holding a magic wand that was pointed towards the miller's house. She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the miller's daughter.


The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and fled back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground. The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the field, where they built a huge bonfire and burned her at the stake.

As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.

From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Mary's name three times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.” She finished just over a whisper


Tiffany POV:



“Yah! What’s wrong Jessica-sshi?” Oppa asked her, wrapping his arms around her figure and smiling to himself.

Omo. Oppa, even after all that she did to you…you still love her don’t you?

I sighed.

“I…was scared…oppa…” she mumbled into his chest.


And don’t you even think about calling him oppa again.


I balled up my fists.

G.O oppa was hugging and comforting her when Yuri decided to speak up.

“Yah! Oppa what about me? I’m scared too!” Yuri latched onto Minho’s arm.

Poor arm.

Minho looked over to an oblivious Caitlin uncomfortably and then looked down to the leech firmly attached to his arm. He looked so awkward it wasn’t funny.

Okay, maybe it was…a little bit.

I looked around at the others.

Kim was practically a shaking statue. Her eyes were wide and she was hugging her knees as Caitlin tried to calm her. Natalia was the exact same, only that she had Yesung’s arm around her, keeping her from shaking. Hilda, Yunho, Chundoong, Seungho, Joon and Mir weren’t affected. Dammit but Yasmin was snuggling into Key and he had his arms awkwardly hovering around her figure. (A/N: click hereto watch what I mean)

This is probably what I would look like if I weren’t the one telling the story.

Yeah I’m weird like that.


Natalia POV:


I pulled my legs closer to my chest.

I looked over to Yesung. He smiled at me and hugged me tighter.

On second thought maybe I will sleep…

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geegeegeegeebabybaby #1
@Starrrrrrrrrrs whoops, sorry lol. i didn't realise that, i'll fix it now xD
@yuhhesy sorry if the chapter was short, i have exams coming up and it's been really stressful
#4 cut it..:"(
pinkypn #5
i hope the can find them and save them
pinkypn #6
i feel bad for taeyang cuz he's surrounded by couples and he cann't b w/jeanee. now what r they going to do since he got them lost and what will he do now