I can't be with you

14 Days to find love.

Taeyang POV:


“I need to talk to you” she said to me, determination strong in her voice.

I looked in surprise as she folded her legs and sat in-front of me, folding her arms and squaring her shoulders.

The silence lasted for what seemed to be forever until finally the drought of movement was over

Her shoulders slumped down from their ridged position, her hands slumping down to her lap and her gaze shifting from my eyes to the scratchy tent material on the floor.

“Talk to me…why haven’t you been talking to me?” she asked faintly. Her words were mumbled and hinted with self-consciousness.

I clamped the back of my neck with my palm and looked away, chagrin flooding into my body.

I smiled ruefully to myself.

How was I meant to explain this to her?


Mir’s POV:


“Mir-ah!” I heard a familiar voice call my name

I spun around and before I had time to react, Tiffany had slammed into me, wrapping her arms around my torso and snuggling her face into my chest.

I stumbled back in surprise and looked down to see her brown hair covered in leaves. I brushed off the dirt and picked out the leaves, smiling down warmly at her and hugging her back.

I looked up, meeting eyes with G.O just in-front of me. I tried to stop the sickening lump rising in my throat when he looked at me like that.

Tiffany let go of me and looked up at her brother, cracking at smile at him. He looked down and smiled back at her lopsidedly, only one end of his mouth pulling up. He directed his gaze to me again.

I swallowed hard.

“If you hurt her, you, and your Mr. Fluffy, are dead meat. Got that Cheolyong-ah?” he smiled at me scarily and pulled my head under his arm. I struggled against his grip on my head, wrestling with his arm and walking backwards. In the background I could hear Joonie hyung laughing enthusiastically, and I imagined him in a knight’s costume holding his belly and leaning back as he shook with it.

I have too much of an imagination.

I finally wrestled free from him, smoothing my hair with my hands. G.O came over and punched my arm lightly.

“Don’t worry, Tiff ‘ll patch him back up for ya Mir” Seungho said patting my back and laughing at my tomato red face.

Suddenly, I felt warmth wind around my waist from the back, Seungho’s big hand replaced with soothing heat. I looked down to see Tiffany’s hands at my belly, hooked around one another.

She buried her face into my back.

Well…I’ve survived this far haven’t i?

I turned in her arms and hugged her back.


Jeanne’s POV:


He’s not speaking…it’s like being away from him and being in-front of him doesn’t make a difference.

WHY ISN’T HE TALKING!?!?!?!?!?!?

He looked at me finally, smiling sheepishly and his eyelids drooping down to cover half his eyes. He looked at me apologetically and dropped his hands from behind his head.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been paying attention to you, but you have to understand that I am your counsellor, I can’t have a relationship with you” he said slowly. The words sounded practised, chosen specifically and carefully to avoid revealing…well, I have to find that out now don’t I?

“I don’t believe you…you’re hiding something that you don’t want me to find out. You’re keeping me in the blue…and I can tell that whatever it is…it’s really big” Being the school’s reporter had its advantages sometimes.

He turned away, looking out the netted window behind his head and focusing on the commotion outside.

“I better go check on them” he said off-hand, moving up and out the door in his sleep-worn singlet and track pants and trekking across the sand to the others.

I sat on his sleeping bag, feeling his warmth still lingering in the nylon. I lay down on it and breathed in his scent, closing my eyes in frustration.

What was he hiding from me?

Suddenly it dawned on me that I was in his tent, all alone…and free to do as I please. I grinned evilly.

 I quickly stretched over to the bag and ped the contents, seeing as no one could stop me. I rummaged through the contents of the bag, hoping to find…well, I didn’t know what I was going to find, but I hoped it would help me find out what our leader was hiding.

I knew this was snooping, and it was wrong, but I couldn’t drive my hands away from the canvas bag and its potential contents.

While searching, I let my mind wonder.

What if he was something bad? What would I do when I found out the truth? Was he one of those men who run around knocking up girls and then running away when something happened? No. Taeyang wouldn’t do something like that. He wasn’t the type to. I couldn’t imagine him doing anything like that.

My mind shifted back to when I first saw him.

I remember gawking at the veins that were prominent on his arms…but come on, the dude has serious meat on him. It’s a real wonder how a camp counsellor gets to that level of ripped. Most of the time, I see camp counsellors that are either extremely skinny, or a bit too roundish to be moderate. Taeyang was different. He wore a different aura around him than the gung-ho, let’s-have-some-nice-clean-neato-fun-together camp counsellors.

While in the midst of my thoughts, I almost missed a little silver box in the deepest corner of the bag.

I pulled it out, eager from the discovery. I pulled it open hesitantly, afraid of what might be concealed in the innocent looking box.

I almost dropped it.

Why would he have one of these?


Natalia POV:


I watched the grey-blue waves wash onto the yellow sand of South Korean shores when I was suddenly aware of warmth wrapping around my palm.

I looked up into warm brown of Yesung’s eyes, sparkling when he smiled.

I blushed, looking away.

How could he have that kind of effect on me by just smiling and holding my hand?

I blushed harder.

Out of nowhere, Taeyang leader-nim steps out and jogs towards the campfire section. He must not have seen us because he didn’t say anything to us, which is totally out of character for him. In sync, Yesung and I looked around to see the place he had appeared.


Yesung POV:


“Let’s check it out!” Natalia said, dragging me to the place of thick foliage that Taeyang-hyung appeared from.

Before I had time to object, we were both worming our way through the protruding foliage. I flinched back when a huge leaf Natalia brushed back hit me in the face.

“Kyaaaaaa~~!” I yelled, slapping my face free from cobwebs and dirt.

I swear the spider slipped down my top.

“Ow!” the spider was crawling all over my stomach now…aish.


Finally, I shook it out of my shirt, letting it drop to the ground and scurry on its merry way.

Pedo arachnid. (A/N: I’ve been away from school too long =.= arachnid is a technical term meaning spider ^^;)

I looked up finally to see the back of Natalia’s head. I jumped back, thinking her hair was the spider come back to haunt me.

Relaxing, I restarted my breathing and tried to see around her. Nice as the back of her head was, I’d rather see her face.

“Natalia-sshi, what is it?” I asked. Why was she oblivious to the fact that a spider tried to me?

“Natalia-sshi? Natalia!? Yah!!” I shook her, desperate to see if she…well…I wanted to know if she was alright.

Finally, she spoke.

“Oppa, what’s that?” she asked, pointing at a shinee (;P) piece of metal on the ground.

My eyes landed on the small object.


!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?IS THAT REALLY ONE OF THE MARKERS OF THE BLUE RIDERS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RUN FOR YOUR FIRE TRUCKING LIVES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I lunged for the marker, grazing my knees on the sharp rocks.

“Wae, wae, wae wae wae~?” Natalia said in confusion

I held it up to her. Her eyes widened to three times their size.

Oh yeah. Now she’s having a spazz attack too.

 In case you didn’t pay attention to the information before, please refer back to it now. For those who can’t be bothered here it is again, now in Natalia form:


!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?IS THAT REALLY ONE OF THE MARKERS OF THE BLUE RIDERS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RUN FOR YOUR FIRE TRUCKING LIVES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay back to me.

See? The look on her face too proves that I’m not making this up.

The Blue Riders are no force to be messed with. They’re usually the one on the news for vandalism, or drug dealing. Last year, one of their top dogs disappeared…no one knows who or where he is, but everyone knows that both they gang and the police are searching for him…

Full on , man.

They’re hideout was somewhere on the outskirts of Seoul city…so why was one of their markers here?

Oh yeah, did I mention that they brand their members…like, literally tie them down and put hot metal to their skin.

I know right. Ouch.

Back to the point.

What was a gang marker doing out here in the middle of nowhere? Unless…

“Yesung-ah!? Natalia-ah!?” my head snapped in the direction of our names.

I turned to Natalia.

“Natalia-sshi, I want you to take this, and hide it with you. You’re not to show or tell anyone about this until we figure out what to do, okay?” I told her. No one could find out about this. What if it turned out to be a false alarm? No reason to start un-necessary panic now is there?

She nodded.

“Oppa…I’m scared…what if something happens to us?” she asked timidly, playing with her fingers.

I looked at her forlornly. As much as I hated putting her into danger, we had to work together. I bent down so that I could see her eyes. I stared into them intently before pulling her in for a hug.

“Don’t worry Natalia-ah, oppa will save you” I whispered in her ear, she buried her face in my chest and cuddled closer.

“Yesung!!! Natalia!!!” Okay, now I KNOW that’s Chundoong calling us. Who else has such a light voice?

“Hide it now” I whispered to her. She quickly stuffed it into her pocket.

“There you are!” Chundoong came out of the brush with his arms open in exasperation “why are you guys here in the first place?”

“Oh, just taking a wonder around”

“Well hurry up and wonder back to camp, Taeyang-hyung is making us pack up and leave in an hour” he said, turning around and waking back the way he came.

I took Natalia by the hand and led her back to camp.

I will find out what is going on.


Hilda POV:


Yunho helped me pack up my tent after he was done with his.

He’s so nice!

Ever since the other day, he’s been walking with me, helping me out…he seems really sweet.

He even held my hand this morning when the others were fighting!

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was worried about Tiffany-ah and Mir, G.O and Joon oppa-nim, but having Yunho there made it hard to concentrate on them…

We had just finished packing up and were talking to Kim and Taemin when Chundoong oppa, Yesung oppa and Natalia-ah came in.

“Anyo oppa!” I yelled to Chundoong, breaking away from the conversation and running over to hug him.

Wow, he was getting really skinny. I’ll make sure he eats better at dinner tonight.

“Hilda-yah,” he said “do you really miss your oppa that much?”

I nodded my head. I love my oppa. He’s really the best…and he buys me lots of yummy things too!

He chuckled.

“Come on, have you packed up already?” I nodded again.

“Yunho oppa helped me” I gave my eye smile.

Lately, Chundoong oppa has been a little hard on Yunho oppa cause he keeps spending a lot of time with me. I’ve been trying to get him to ease up a bit so Yunho oppa doesn’t feel bad. ^^;

“Oh, really? Do you think he’d mind helping me with mine?”’

“I’ll come too!” i nodded and flitted back to where Yunho was.

“Oppa wants you to help him take down his tent!” his eyes lit up.

“Arraso” he said, walking next to me as we went back to Chundoong oppa.

On the way, I saw Jeanne by herself, trying to stuff her tent in its bag.

”Er…tell Chundoong oppa I’ve gone to help Jeanne” he nodded and went towards my brother, grabbing his hand and patting him on the back.

I steered towards Jeanne, picking up the other end of the nylon and helping her fold.

“Thanks umma,” she said with a smirk.

“No problem child” I smiled back at her.

We had this thing…since I’m the oldest of our group, everyone calls me umma…xDD

We worked in silence for a while, which isn’t like Jeanne…I decided to break the ice.

“So what’s up?” I asked casually as she dropped the tent pegs into their canvas bag.

She stayed silent.

“Jeanne? Is everything okay?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah I’m fine” she smiled

“What’s been going on lately? You haven’t been as hyper as usual…I miss your randomness”

She laughed.


Jeanne POV:

I decided to talk to him again.

“Taeyang-sshi” I called after him

He hesitated but slowed his pace so I could catch up. We were far away from the others so that they couldn’t hear us.

“I need to talk to you” I said, puffing slightly from the run

“What’s there to talk about? I already told you Jeanne, I can’t be in a relationship with you because of who I am”

I took a long look at him…but nothing about him seemed to support the evidence of what I had found in his bag.

“I know who you are” I said, hoping he would understand what I was getting at. He didn’t.

“Good, then no hard feelings?” I looked away. It hurt for him to just accept it and move on.

He simply didn’t understand.

We had wandered around a bit now, so when I stopped ad took a look around…we were no longer on the path…and I hadn’t remembered coming this way…

As much as I wanted to tell my point, I didn’t want to get lost too so for now…

“Taeyang-sshi, where are we?”


Taeyang POV:


“What’s there to talk about? I already told you Jeanne, I can’t be in a relationship because of who I am” If she’d known the real reason why, that response would seem so ironic.

She stared at me for a good while.

“I know who you are” I felt a stab in the middle of my chest. I couldn’t be with her anyway…yet, why does it hurt so much for her to move on so easily?

“Good,” I had to keep my feelings and my reputation in check…I couldn’t be seen as a weak leader “then no hard feelings?”

She simply looked away.

I shouldn’t care if I hurt her.

I can’t have her.

I shouldn’t like her.

I can’t.

After a long silence, a breakthrough.

“Taeyang-sshi, where are we?” she asked me

I realised then that I had just been walking wherever my feet had taken me. We were now in the brush, off the trail and surrounded by a lush green.

“Anything wrong? Why did we stop?” asked Kim from behind as the others started to catch up.

“I don’t remember coming this way hyung…?” Taemin said, standing next to Kim and taking her hand.

“Yeah me either” Kim agreed as they looked at each other and smiled in agreement.

In a way, I envied them.

I envied them for being able to have a free relationship without any boundaries.

“Hyung, are you okay, you seem a little…” Mir asked from behind

“Yeah, um yes I’m fine” I stuttered

“So, where are we?” asked Caitlin and Minho at the same time, bushing when they met each other’s eyes and looking away.


I breathed in a deep breath. How could I have been so stupid!?

“Guys…I don’t know how to tell you this…but we’re lost” I smiled sheepishly

I unison groan with occasional gasps sounded through the quiet air.

“But while we’re here…might as well make the most of it…how about we camp out here for a while until I figure out where we are and we’ll start again in the morning.

“Whatever, at least we’re all still together right?” Joon said cheerfully. Tiffany punched him in the arm lightly.

Thank you Tiffany.


As the kids started setting up and I started getting to work on finding our whereabouts, guess who comes up to chat?

“Hey, sorry about the whole…getting lost thing…” she smiled sheepishly but my heart still missed beats.

“Don’t think about it” I said back to her lamely, trying to ignore how fast my heart beat. (A/N: 2PM ftw. :D)

I motioned for her to sit.

It was silent for a while.

“Taeyang-sshi…what I said earlier…I didn’t mean I knew who you were as a camp counsellor…I meant the REAL you…Dong Yeong-bae”

I felt my head snap up as she said my name.

My REAL name.

“I know who you are, Taeyang-sshi…” she took a deep breath “you’re the dropout from The Blue Riders, aren’t you?”





(A/N: There you go!! Absolute jam-packed chappie to make up for not posting in like…forever, again, sorry ^^;

Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did, and sorry for not making the MirxTiffany thing more exciting xD

In case you guys haven’t been told before, the TIKINA team actually live in Australia, which is being ravaged by floods at the moment. There have been entire towns submerged by all the water and roads ripped apart. People have been left stranded and people are saying that the clean-up will take at LEAST two years…show your support by donating today at the link below…if you don’t that’s okay, just spread the word and get others to pitch in in helping them too…

Sorry for my rant xDD thank you for being so patient and please continue your support!!



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geegeegeegeebabybaby #1
@Starrrrrrrrrrs whoops, sorry lol. i didn't realise that, i'll fix it now xD
@yuhhesy sorry if the chapter was short, i have exams coming up and it's been really stressful
yeah..you cut it..:"(
pinkypn #5
i hope the can find them and save them
pinkypn #6
i feel bad for taeyang cuz he's surrounded by couples and he cann't b w/jeanee. now what r they going to do since he got them lost and what will he do now