The Dark.

14 Days to find love.

Taeyang POV:



They're GOOD.

THEY'RE ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

o 3o

Joon, Seungho, Chundoong, Mir and G.O were wrestling with some dummies we managed to make with pillows and a few sticks. The girls were working on more defensive traning so that they could defend themselves if anything should happen to them, although i'm sure where they would hit if any of them were in a situation. Minho was helping Taemin toughen up; he'd been really for it at the start, but wimped out saying that he was scared and he didn't want to hurt anyone. Onew and Key were working their blocks and attacks and Yunho was revising what he'd learnt because he was the only one here with actual martial arts training (except for me of course, not to be smug)



Tiff POV:


We've been training for two days straight, and i swear, Boot Camp at school wasn't this harsh. we've only gotten like, what, 3 hours sleep?

 I looked around, eyeing the girls.

Ii could see Kim trying her best and Hilda spacing off next to her. Natalia was giving it her all - poor thing - with tears in her eyes, Yasmin was laughing after seeing Onew fall (Aish, our Onew~~ ONEW CONDITION!!) and lastly Jessica and Yuri crying over their nails and hair. What pain in the -.-

"Freaking hell- Shut the hell up!" I'm really getting sick off those two for the past two days all they've being doing is complain. I know we're all tired and anxious and frustrated and mad but seriously, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE HAIR IS FLAT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FREAKING LET THE WORLD KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I envy people in Africa, they've never heard of Jessicas and Yuris.

Yeah yeah I'm out of character, but i havent gotten sleep - actually no one here as gotten sleep - we're tried, we're hungry and  we are sick of hearing "OMG MY HAIR...LIKE OMG ITS SO GOING TO LOSE ITS VOLUME..YURI HURRY I NEED HAIRSPRAY"




Natalia's POV:

i turned to see Tiff unni yell at Jessica and Yuri. I slowly walked over, grabbing her shoulder and shaking my head.

"Unni-yah, this is no time to pick a fight. We have to get Jeannie and Yesung back" Tears filled my eyes again.

Hearing that name slip my tounge brings back memories of the night he dissapeared, I promised myself I would work hard and not give up, that I would get Yesung back at my side. NATALIA FIGHTING~! I could just picture him saying that with a grin on his face.

"Please unni," Tiff sighed giving up, her jaw still flexed "Anyway unni its no use, they wont listen to us just forget about it"



Tiff POV:


I sighed deeply.

Fine fine, I'll stop, but they better not start up later otherwise I'll really go at them.


"Tiffany-ah, gwenchana?" I turned

"Oh, Mir oppa, anneyoung. Neh, I'm fine, just a bit tired" ^^"

His face betrayed no emotion as he pulled me into a hug.



"Oh main," he said sheepishly, back to his old self.

"How do you think Taeyang looks?" i asked him.

"Not good" he replied simply "He's been stressing over everyone, especially yesung and Jeanne. He's worried that the Riders will do something to them"

I looked at our Leader. "He's got a fair reason to"


UnKnown POV:


I stared at the girl stirring, conciousness leaking into her features until she lifted her head up. Her hands and feet were bound, and her torso wrapped up in ropes to the back of the chair.

She finally looked up, her alarmed eyes growing wide when she saw our creully beautiful faces.

"Hyung-nim, she's-"

"I know." i cut him off, my eyes never leaving the girl.

She stared back with huge eyes.

"You and I are going to go on a field trip, Jeanne."

"Hyung, what about..." he pointed at the unconcious boy on the floor.

I thought for a moment. "Take him too. Let our precious dongseang see what happens when you decide to leave the team"

He kicked Yesung awake, making a thumping sound as his boot contacted with his back. He woke with a stutter, hunching over in pain.

My team member hoisted him up onto his broad shoulder as i handed Jeanne over to hi as well.

"Let's go pay a visit to The Blue Rider's infamous dropout, shall we?"

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geegeegeegeebabybaby #1
@Starrrrrrrrrrs whoops, sorry lol. i didn't realise that, i'll fix it now xD
@yuhhesy sorry if the chapter was short, i have exams coming up and it's been really stressful
#4 cut it..:"(
pinkypn #5
i hope the can find them and save them
pinkypn #6
i feel bad for taeyang cuz he's surrounded by couples and he cann't b w/jeanee. now what r they going to do since he got them lost and what will he do now