.A f f i r m a t i v e.

14 Days to find love.

Tiffany POV:


Onew looked left and right, his soft, intelligent eyes alertly scanning the foliage. He stood up and veered left; leaving me and Mir sitting on the rotting log, shock still the dominant feature in both ours and the group’s faces.

People don’t just disappear, not in places like this, things like that happen in America, in movies, in books, in theatre plays…not here. Not in real life.

I stood up, the strength slowly filtering into my legs and stumbled my way over to Jeanne’s tent.

I really don’t know what I was trying to find there, in her tent, nor what I wanted to see in her tent, but I felt as if I needed proof that she was really gone. I fumbled with the zip and finally fell onto the tough orange nylon of her sleeping bag.

I rummaged through her things violently, chucking tampons, clothes and various other items over my shoulder. I couldn’t care less.

I finally found something that might help me. It was a silver box that was hidden deep in her bag. I weighed it in my palm before flipping the reluctant top up to see the contents.

I gaped.

“Surprising?” I whipped my head towards the sound of Taeyang’s voice behind me.

“Sunbae…” I couldn’t finish the sentence, he’d already grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the tent.



Mir POV:


I saw Leader and Tiffany walking towards us, their faces impassive as they stood side by side to address us.

“Natalia-yah” Her voice was flat.

Natalia shrugged out of Key, Caitlin and Hilda’s tentative hands. She walked carefully to Taeyang and Tiffany. The entire camp was quiet, not even Jessica or Yuri dared to let a sound out of their whiny mouths.

“Where is it Natalia?” Tiffany asked, her voice firm but gentle

“I don’t know-“

“I think you do” She cut her off, reaching into Natalia’s pocket and revealing…


The camp convulsed all at once.


“Oh my gosh, oooooooh my gosh oh my gosh, oh my gosh~~~”

“…gonna die~, and ima be all dead~...”

“No, can’t be, impossible…” G.O did nothing but shake his head in disbelief.

Me? You may be thinking. I was going insane.

I bolted towards Tiffany, crushing her to my chest and her hair maniacally. She didn’t stop me.

“Yah” I heard Taeyang bark. When no one listened, he tried a different approach.

“SHUTTHEUP” everyone stood frozen in their place, as if his voice had paralysed them all on the spot.

We all stared at him, wonder and terror mixing in our features. The man that we had thought of for so long as the perfect camp counsellor, was a runaway from one of Seoul’s most notorious gangs.

I angled my body so that my back shielded Tiffany from Taeyang, bringing her closer to me. I saw that Chundoong and Yunho had stood side by side in-front of Hilda, creating a barrier that was angled at him, and the same with Taemin and Kim, our skinny maknae puffing out his chest and putting his arms out to shield Kim…the same with Minho and Caitlin, and Yasmin and Onew…

But then she pushed me away.

“Yah, really, he’s been our leader for what…a week and you really don’t trust him enough to stay still and talk to you calmly?” She asked, prying my arms away from her shoulders.

She went over and took Natalia’s hand, before striding over to Taeyang.

“I ran with the wrong crowd, I admit it, and I could’ve gotten into a lot of trouble with the things that the gang forced me to do, but I’ve changed. Honestly. You’ve known me for a while and I don’t look or act like someone bad. I wanted to start over. I changed my name and ran away; I never thought they’d go looking for me. Jeanne and Yesung are missing now, and I know it’s my fault that they’re gone, but I’m going to get them back. I promise. I just need a little help…”


We all looked to the owner of that voice.

Joon stood in defiance, his shoulders squared and fists balled.

“When one of us goes, we all go” Seungho backed him up, sending leadership intimidation to anyone who would object.

“I’ll go too”

“And me”

“We’ll help as we can”

More and more and more people started agreeing and declaring their loyalty. One by one everyone (including me) had stood and said yes, except for two.

Jessica and Yuri were still statues staring into the distance, their doll-like faces oblivious to anything that we’ve said.

“Yuri…Jessica…we…need, ahem, you to uh…” Tiffany stuttered, unsure of what to say

“I’m in” Came her dumbfounded voice, as if she didn’t even know that she’d said it herself.

Yuri looked at Jessica frantically “Me too!” she waved her hands, desperate for attention.

I took Tiffany in my arms again, wanting her to be somewhere close to me right now, with tensions running high. She grabbed at the fabric of my shirt, leaning her head on my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Taemin try to do the same thing with Kim, she hugged him instead.

Minho back hugging Caitlin cautiously, as if he was weighing every movement and comparing it to what Taemin was doing, Onew putting a solid hand on Yasmin’s shoulder, Key standing behind Natalia for support, Chundoong and Yunho simultaneously hugging Hilda with their arms…

It was a picture of unity.

We all looked at Taeyang hopefully.

“Then it’s done” He said firmly, almost steely “You’ll start training immediately”










(A/N: Sorry for the late and ty chapter ^^" forgive me? i had a science test and a load of assignments to hand in :S)

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geegeegeegeebabybaby #1
@Starrrrrrrrrrs whoops, sorry lol. i didn't realise that, i'll fix it now xD
@yuhhesy sorry if the chapter was short, i have exams coming up and it's been really stressful
yeah..you cut it..:"(
pinkypn #5
i hope the can find them and save them
pinkypn #6
i feel bad for taeyang cuz he's surrounded by couples and he cann't b w/jeanee. now what r they going to do since he got them lost and what will he do now