Can I Hold Your Hand?

14 Days to find love.

(A/N:c’mon you guys~!! Where are my comments!?! I need all your lovely comments to keep me motivated so I can post more chapters and stories! Please~~~~~~~?????? Please with a cherry on top!!??-I never understood that saying- or otherwise I might discontinue the story and I know you guys don’t want that~ so please comment!! Consahamida!!)





Taemin POV:

She was walking beside me, her long hair brushing my arm now and then.

I wanted so badly to go over and hold her hand…but that would be weird. Maybe if I asked her.

All throughout the hike I tried asking her, looking into her eyes and saying to myself again and again: alright, this time for sure.

And then nothing came out of my gaping mouth.

She was about to step onto the sandy beach when I finally got the guts to speak

“Kimberley” I asked shyly. She turned around slowly to look at me with those adorable brown eyes.

“Yes, Taemin?” I blushed at the sound of my name on her lips. She did the same and looked off to the others instead. They were about 50 metres away from us already.

Fast walkers much?

I looked back at Kim…and she was still staring at them. I followed her gaze to see Minho hyung with Yuri. He wasn’t paying much attention to her, hmm…

Kim features were twisted into an expression of discontent.

Oh right, I’m not supposed to be with her, am I? Unless…

Well, he said to keep her safe, and I am…from the hurt of seeing Minho looking at one of her friends.

“Kimmi-ah” I called her name. No response.

“Kimmi-ah! Kimmi-ah!!” I shook her slightly.

“Mianheo oppa, neh?” She looked up at me with her bright brown eyes.

She called me oppa.

She called me oppa.


I smiled internally as I looked into her pretty brown eyes. I felt my cheeks go red.

“Can I hold your hand?” I asked timidly

Well, I can keep her safe while she’s holding my hand can’t I? And I deserve this! I’ve been waiting the entire day!

It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t get the opportunity to hold her hand.

She didn’t answer but took my hand and said “Let’s go”

I stared at the back of her head, my gaze content and warm and my smile spreading from ear to ear.

She looked back at me and just stared for a while. My grin spread even wider.

I looked at what she was looking at before.

And I saw Minho hyung staring at us, with a very angry leech on his arm.


Yuri POV:

How dare that steal MY Minho’s attention away from me!!??

Ugh, and how could she? Just…LOOK at her! She was…NORMAL! What did she have that I didn’t!?

Brown hair. Brown eyes. Tall.


But oppa just kept staring at her.

I pouted angrily and tugged on Minho’s arm.

“Oppa~” I wailed cutely as I pouted at him. He looked down to me, his face nonchalant and bored.

I gave him my best puppy dog expression and he forced a smile at me.

I don’t want a forced one! I want a real one!!!!

I pouted but he didn’t see, he was looking off at Caitlin again.



Minho POV:

I divided my glances like this: Caitlin, then Kim, then Caitlin some more before Yuri tugged on my arm again, then to Kim again and then back to Caitlin.

Why is life so hard~?

I was moving on.

Caitlin. I liked Caitlin now.

But then why is it that I keep looking over to Kim and Taemin?

Aish, this kid, I told him to keep her safe, not…whatever it is he is doing now.

I don’t like Kim anymore…I don’t! It’s just the guilt that keeps me looking back…right?

Besides, Taemin liked her. I know he has for a while because before the accident he would always hang around her. He knew that I liked her too, so he let us date and now…she’s still recovering.

It’s my turn now. I have to respect my dongseang and let him enjoy his time with Kim.

I looked back at Caitlin.

Pretty brown eyes, short chestnut coloured hair…

I sighed.

Just then, Yuri tried getting my attention again. Ugh. When will this girl STOP!?

I looked at her, bored and slightly pissed. She was pouting cutely and snuggling into my arm.

Dude, this chick already had blocked the flow of blood to my arm, IS THAT NOT ENOUGH FOR HER!!!???

She did a little aego and smiled at me “Oppa~ talk to me~”

I don’t WANT to talk. Geez.

I smiled sheepishly.

The reason why I didn’t like Yuri was not just because she was annoying, it happened ages ago…

Just then I caught Caitlin’s eye. I gazed back, mesmerized by her gaze. We stood like that, just staring at each other until she blushed and looked away.

I wanted to go over to her and hold her hand. But I couldn’t.

That would be weird.

I sighed again. I would have to wait for now.


Caitlin POV:

I could feel a heavy gaze on me and so I felt uneasy.

I glanced around, seeing Minho staring at me intensely. I stood there for a while –we were already at camp- gazing back at Minho.

He had such big, handsome eyes…and his shoulders are…broad and…

Then I caught sight of Yuri and I have no words to describe the coldness on her face.

I blushed and looked down, ashamed and embarrassed that I let those thoughts run in my head.

He was Kim’s boyfriend!

…Well was, but they never really officially broke up so…

Ugh, what are you thinking Caitlin?

I can’t like him…can I?

I looked back at him.

His hands were big and strong and his beautiful face was contorted with disgust as he looked down towards Yuri.

I felt sorry for him.

I looked back towards his empty hand. It looked warm and soft.

I wanted to go over and hold it, to feel it’s warmth and to feel the pleasure from his touch. (A/N: NOT IN THAT WAY!!!)

I looked down and began helping Hilda with the tent.


Minho POV:


LET GO OF ME YURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked down at her and grimaced.

“I have to go help hyung” I said, pulling my arm away from her crab-like grasp and heading towards G.O hyung.

I didn’t care if I hurt her feelings, she deserved it after what happened to Joonie hyung…




(A/N: Hey! Another quick author note here sorry!

 Omo, what happened to Joonie!?!

You’ll find out soon enough!!! :P alright, I’ll let you guys go now ;D)

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geegeegeegeebabybaby #1
@Starrrrrrrrrrs whoops, sorry lol. i didn't realise that, i'll fix it now xD
@yuhhesy sorry if the chapter was short, i have exams coming up and it's been really stressful
#4 cut it..:"(
pinkypn #5
i hope the can find them and save them
pinkypn #6
i feel bad for taeyang cuz he's surrounded by couples and he cann't b w/jeanee. now what r they going to do since he got them lost and what will he do now