Free Old Selves

Fix the World [CYOA/Interactive]

The legends stood outside an obsidian castle surrounded by an metal wall pulsing with electricity. Chen pressed his palm against the wall and felt the electricity move throughout the building.

"We should be 5- or so floors down..." Chen said. "The room is enforced with some kind of barrier that restricts powers, so it is necessary that we find a way to destroy or even temporarily interrupt the connection." He closed his eyes and concentrated a bit more. "It seems like there are a few main hubs for the wires... any one of them could be the security room."

"Well hurry up." Kris said impatiently. "We don't have much time."

Chen sighed, "If you give me a minute, I could-"

"Kai, Chen, come with me." Kris interupted. "We'll find a way to kill the barrier. The rest of you get down to the cell discreetly, then be on stanby. Like Kyungsoo said, there is no way knowing how much time we have." Kris turned to Kai and nodded.

Kai held Kris and Chen by the upper arm before transporting away inside the castle.

"Nice." Xiumin mumbled. "They get the easy way in. On the other hand, we still have to figure that out."

The remaining group sighed before looking up at the impenetrable structure.

⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚁ ⚀

"Crap" Kai whispered as they landed in the middle of a hallway. "Another barrier is here. I can't transport us again."

"Why didn't you see this?" Kris asked Chen. "It's kind of important."

"It blended in with the rest of the structure." Chen replied. "This castle has a lot of connections and like I was about to say before you interupted, if you don't take the time to look, you can easily miss something."

"Let's just get to a control room." Kai interjected. "Chen, do you have an idea of which one is the right one?"

"Fortunately, I do." Chen responded before walking past Kris. "Best be on the look out though, there are security cameras everywhere. I'm surprised we haven't been seen yet, actually."

"Don't dwell on that. Just go." Kris started. He knew he was being y, but he was also stressed and nervous and didn't want the plan to fail.

Chen turned the corner and found himself facing an elevator. "Third floor elevator." He mumbled. "The room is a floor below us."

"That's not too bad." Kai said.

"On the opposite side of the castle." Chen finished. Kai frowned.

"It's okay, guys." Kris began. "We got this." As he finished his sentence, the elevator dinged and doors opened.

"Hey! How'd you guys escape?" Five guards exited the elevator and surrounded them. "We should take them back to the chamber. Quickly, before Heechul finishes."

Kris, Chen, and Kai glanced at each other before obediently following the guards.

Within minutes, they were standing at the door leading to their cell. Kris was thankful the door leading to the cell wasn't see through. "Weren't there three of you?" The guard leading them questioned.

Kris and Chen shook their heads. The guard looked at them suspiciously before unlocking the door. Chen sent a surge of electricity through the air, electrifying the guards that stood around them. Chen and Kris quickly undressed two of the guards and switched clothing.

"What do we do now?" Chen muttered. Heechul is going to be arriving at the cell sooner or later and Kai was nowhere to be found.

Kris grunted before he put on his helmet, searched the fallen guards for the cell keys, and entered into the cell.

"Finally!" Baekhyun groaned. "I was starting to get bored in here."

Kris made eye contact with his old self in the cell and wordlessly took out the keys and unlocked the door. Kris turned to walk out as fast as possible. It was too weird seeing himself like that.

"Wait." His voice resonated behind him. "Take off your helmet." Kris continued walking out, but a strong hand grabbed his shoulder. He turned around and faced himself. "I said, take off your helmet." 

Kris sighed and took it off. The room fell into complete silence as Kris stood face-to-face with Kris. Suddenly, Kris' skin started to glow underneath the guard's armour he put on. "We gave you guys this chance." He said. "Don't waste it."

Chen saw what happened to Kris and started to creep away. He rounded a corner as he heard the past legends exit the cell and start their mission. Alone, he felt his skin heat up as it started to glow as well. Their past is changing. They are disappearing. Goodbye, Xiumin. Hopefully, we will do better this time.

⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚁ ⚀

"What the was that" Chanyeol muttered. "I can barely stand one Kris and for a moment there was two."

"He was from the future." Tao said. "I could tell from his body. He's been through a lot more than the Kris we have has."

Kris turned around and faced the rest of the legends. "We have been given the chance to succeed where we failed in the past. We could stay here and try to defeat Heechul or we could retreat and regroup. What should we do?"


“Ahh.” Luhan whined as he clutched his head.

Sehun immediately crawled over to his side and started rubbing Luhan’s temples. “You okay?”

“Headache…” Luhan uttered while his face contorted in pain. Lay left Suho’s side and walked over to Luhan.

Lay quickly analyzed Luhan to see if there was something he could do. “Sorry, Luhan.” Lay muttered. “There seems to be nothing wrong. All I do is heal.” Lay resentfully spat the last part.

“Lay, it’s not your fault.” Luhan whispered before his eyes suddenly went blank.

“Luhan?” Sehun called while waving his hand in front of his face. “Luhan!”

Luhan returned to his self, startling the 11 other men looking worried for him. “Luhan.” Sehun uttered. “What happened?” Luhan shrugged. He honestly remembered vague bits and pieces of the vision.

"It's not really clear, but we need to return the heart of Eden?" Luhan mumbled, confused.

Kris acknowledged Luhan's message before continuing, "We can talk about that later, but soon Heechul is going to return and we need to act now."

1. Attack Heechul now

2. Escape and Regroup

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Omo, this looks really exciting! I can't wait to read it!
Omo, this looks really exciting! I can't wait to read it!