ABCs of Jaeling

Jaeling Café

Definitely more than one way to die.



A for Abortion

Jaejoong's parents casually aborts him to erase his existence. ("The Child in the Womb")


B for Bridge

Jaejoong commits suicide by jumping of a bridge. ("One Soul")


C for Classified

Jaejoong kills his wife, Xinling, after she discovers he's been using their daughter to store classified information. ("306")


D for Damned

Damn Jaejoong for being a mortal vampire. Useless. ('In the Hour of Our Sacrifice 3")


E for Escape

Xinling escapes the cycle of killing and immortality by giving her immortality to Jaejoong. ("Ocean Sky's Red Horizon")


F for Fold

Jaejoong folds in to Xinling and takes pity on her. He allows her to possess his body and kill him off. ("Where Evil Sleeps")


G for Gravity

Xinling's life ends when gravity reverses for the last time. ("N E X: Allies for the Strange")


H for Hysteria

In her hysterical state of being, Xinling rips open Jaejoong's chest with her bare hands. ("i ████ you")


I for Injection

Xinling injects unknown fluids in her chest with a metal syringe. ("Metal Heart Sundays")


J for Judgment

Heaven's messenger, Xinling, is sent down to make the King of Earth, Jaejoong, understand. ("Ocean of Heaven")


K for Kaboom

Jaejoong dies from an explosion. If that doesn't kill him. The final explosion will definitely kill him. ("Out of Time")


L for Love

Xinling makes her final breath last to avenge her dead lover. ("Bleed All of Me")


M for Mince

Xinling minces Jaejoong's body real well, leaving only his hands so she can continue touching them. ("Still")


N for

Xinling and her friend boil the Jaejoong and his equally friend. ("The Lingkou House")


O for Organized

Xinling organizes her own assassination because she's too much of a coward to kill herself. ('I Will Pray for You")


P for Pencil

Jaejoong stabs Xinling in the bath with a pencil and bleeds her out. ("N E X")


Q for Quench

Divine Dragon Flower, Xinling, tries to quench her undying thirst with Restrained Dragon Hero, Jaejoong. ("Damsel in Distress")


R for Revolver

Jaejoong is shot by a little girl with a colt .45 revolver she pulls out from her teddy bear named Ted. ("Fighter: Know No Limits")


S for Successor

Jaejoong dies with his dead wife's successor to avoid her anger. ("If You Stay")


T for Truck

Jaejoong gets hit by an on coming truck while pushing Xinling out of the way. ("Metal Heart Sundays")


U for Used

Xinling is used up like a miracle generating battery. ("Love? Or Not?")


V for Voices

Jaejoong, the Demon Ice God, listens to the voices in his head and kills Xinling, the Goddess of Fire. ("Burn Me")


W for War

Xinling loses the war against her father and fails to protect the world she's grown to love. ("Fortress Falls")


X for XXX

Xinling is ed to death while Jaejoong and Junki stand on the sideline and watch. ("In the Hour of Our Sacrifice 3")


Y for Yandere

Xinling dies when her yandere "daughter" decides she must have her mother all to herself. ("Skein of Yarn")


Z for Zap

Cyndi, Jaejoong, and the other three assassins die from a beam zapped from an alien spaceship. ("I Am an Assassin Story")



Mentioned death count (not all deaths included):

Jaejoong: 15

Cyndi: 13



Postscript: Inspired by "The ABCs of Death." After watching a few parts of that... I was like... how many times have I killed my two favorite idols? The answer is: plenty... as a matter of fact, more than enough to cover the alphabet.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool