Coffee Bowl Hospital

Jaeling Café


Where we poison first and cure later.


Welcome to the Coffee Bowl Hospital, located next to the Ramen Bowl Aquarium. Here, we poison first and cure later. 

Our Coffee Shop Hours: 5AM to 11PM (open seven days a week)

Our Delivery Hours: 9AM to 8PM (orders will not be accepted after 7PM)

Our Hospital Hours: 24 hours/7 days a week (dedicated to curing you, our staff never sleeps)

Our Pharmacy Hours: Varies (depending on Salesman/Pharmacist Junsu's mood)

Our Morgue/Cremation Visitation Hours: 11AM to 5PM Tuesday thru Sunday (closed on Monday because it's Nurse Cyndi's day off)


The Coffee Bowl Hospital Modern Layout:


Underground Level: Morgue/Cremation Area (Run by: Cremator Jaejoong)


Jaejoong busy stuffing dead bodies into the oven.


Oh, nevermind. Jaejoong is fixing the boilers. He'll stuff dead bodies in the oven later.



Ground Level: Coffee Bowl Shop (Run by: Barista Bleedy and Icky, the Delivery Man)


Serves coffee in bowls. Want your coffee in a cup? Go somewhere else. Occasionally serves alcoholic beverages to on duty staff.


Bleedy making a cocktail for Doctor Park Yoochun. He obviously needs it judging by his choice of footwear.


After this, right back to work, doctor. 



That car is so fitting for delivery. Especially when Cremator Jaejoong ask to tag along on deliveries which sometimes annoys Icky, the delivery man. "Bro... seriously... we're not even going to pick up a dead body... why you coming along?"


While Cremator Jaejoong explains his reason for tagging along, Salesman/Pharmacist is on the sideline enjoying the show. Shouldn't he be selling some drugs or something? Lots of free time there...



All Floors Above: Bowl Hospital (Run by: Receptionist Rose, Doctor Park Yoochun. Nurse Cyndi)


The Bowl Hospital consist of two VIP rooms. Many patient wards. An operation room. The lobby area. And the list can go on and on and on...


Nurse Cyndi quietly checking up on the sick patients sent up from the Coffee Bowl downstairs. They all had the Special Bleedy Coffee Bowl. There might not be hope for them... so... Cremator Jaejoong will be receiving some business.


Someone trying to check into the hospital? Looks like he's being ignored by Rose (on the left) and her student trainee (on the right).


The man left... Rose is still slouching over that keyboard... doing what that hospital receptionists do (while ignoring potential patients).


Junsu comes over to tell a joke.


Rose doesn't get it.


Doctor Park Yoochun is being childish and refusing to wash his hands before operation. Nurse Cyndi must use her ultimate technique. Candy bribes.


There we go.


So... where's the place Salesman/Pharmacist Junsu runs? His business is in a suitcase... He also occasionally sets up shop Trench Coat Style.

Postscript: Sims Freeplay. Don't even ask...


RELATED: Kim Babies, a simtown story


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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool