Bleed All of Me

Jaeling Café

Climb back out from the pits of insanity.




Dampened air in the abandoned sewers magnifies the disgusting odor of death. The sound of irregular water leaks and scattering rats are no match for the woman’s animalistic screams. It is the sound of a trapped beast. She is blindfolded. Her wrists duct-taped to her ankles. Limbs so tightly bound, she can feel the blood racing through her narrowing veins. She can feel the pressure drop as the velocity of her blood flow increases. Shaking her head violently as if possessed, her disheveled hair strikes wildly against the sides her face. The uncontrollable jerking motions shoot sickness into their hearts. The two guards stand, witnessing in discomfort.


“Chun, why don’t we just knock her out?” It is nerve-racking.


“No, we’re not supposed to touch her. She’s dangerous.” The other man replies.


“I wonder… how dangerous can this petite woman be? Just look at her, just... she can’t even take being blindfolded.”


Her hair is free now from the pins keeping it in place. Her jerks are violent, causing the beautiful silver hair clip to slide all the way down to tip of her tangled hair.


It is enough.


Quickly, the two guards find their way out of the underground sewer. The hatch shut behind them. Everything returns to normal... with the leaking and the scattering... except for the tiny plopping sound of a fallen object. It echoes, some of the waves are absorbed, some bounces off the walls. It is enough for her. She stops, motionless like the dead. The only sign of life is her slow, controlled breaths. She listens to the ripples, locating the fallen hair clip by estimating the resonating sounds. The vibrations are almost impossible to detect... even for her. It is only an estimate, but there is no more time to waste.


She is driven... driven by the intense desire for blood. Those miserable s who killed her Jaejoong. They will have to die. All of them.


She takes a deep breath and leans forward, falling face first into the dirty water. Rolling counter clockwise for three and a half revelations, she stopped on her back. Even with both hands bound to her ankles, she is able to reach and touch the submerged floor.


It is there.


Her hand feels the familiar cold pattern of the stainless steel hair clip Jaejoong gave her on their second date. She her nail against the largest rhinestone and a small, sharp blade exposes. She pulls the stone inward towards the palm of her hand and the blade fans out like a blooming flower.


Idiots. They should have stripped her bare when they had the chance.


With precision, she nicks the duct tape from behind, exactly three-quarters of the width.


Movements from above forces her back and she returns to her initial position. She is drenched from head to toe. She will only have one chance. Only one. There is no room for screw ups. Closing her eyes, she listens. They are coming... coming down the steps. Five to be exact. By their footsteps and heartbeats, she can tell he is the second man to step down into the water.


“Our little princess finally decides to join us for dinner. We will have dead rats. How does that sound?” He is laughing at her. She can tell by his tone. Seeing her in such a state must amuse him greatly. But, she remains calm. This is not the time or place to flaunt her hot temper.


“I am grateful that you have come to me. It saves me the effort of coming to you. How have you been, Xinling?” He continues.


She does not respond. She is, again, motionless... except for her hands and feet. They will be quite useless to her numb.


“Not in the mood to talk? Hmm... will it help...” His voice warps. "Will it help if I sounded more like him?" With a sweep of his hands, his dark hair turns blonde. And his face... his face. "Will it help if I wore his face?" The man chuckles... the same way her Jaejoong likes to chuckle sometimes when he loses a fight. "Oh, forgive me. I had completely forgotten about your blindfold. Shall I take it off? So you can fully appreciate the efforts I am making to console you, to give you a sweet illusion of home?"


The man takes a step forward... and then another. To be closer to her.


A very unwise move.


"You should've killed me when you had the chance."


"Please, understand. I do not wish to kill you, Xinling. But, that child you are carrying. It will have to go. You know the rules. We cannot allow half-breeds to roam freely. Especially ones with demonic blood."


A child? Her child?


"I want you to live, Xinling. But, you will have to take this pill. Like I said, we must all play by the rules."


"What if I refuse?"


"Then... we will, with regretful hearts, send you off to your Jaejoong."


Is that so? Not if she sends them first. A split-second. He is at her mercy. She has her hair clip against his throat. With brute force, she presses the cold steel against his skin. Her blade glistens red. Deep red as his blood makes contact with the air.


Not if she sends them first.



Postscript: Jaejoong is dead. Buried. Xinling's still alive... but not for long. It's a cruel, cruel world. At least she gets some of their blood on her hands first... at least.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool