Only Two Years

Jaeling Café

I've already let you go.



The two shuffle forward with the rest of Empire's citizens. The last batch of fallen. Down the narrowing hallway towards the final check point, they shuffle with feet heavy and hearts heavy. What lies just beyond? The departure gates. Where will they go from there? Some place far away and distant. For the next two years, in that place, they will remain... to pass their days in servitude. With one hand on their blank cards and the other clasped in between, they move forward. One foot in front of the other. Heel to toe. Heel to toe. 


Holding on tight. To comfort. To reassure. Holding on tight. To drown out the voices in their heads. The voices telling them to break away and run.


Holding on so tightly. Their wedding bands cut into skin and flesh... threatening to saw through bones beneath cages of steel.


He does not dare turn his head. He can only steal secret glances at her. She is calm, his wife.


Calm enough to give rise to fear. The night before, she had stirred up quite a storm in their bedroom. Hot tears scarring his arms. Piercing screams deafening his ears. She is calm now. Perhaps she has wept her last... wailed her last.


He swallows, but the lump in his throat is stubborn... refusing to dissolve... resolving to stay... to keep him from uttering useless words. But, he must. He must break the insufferable silence. "Xinling... can you hear me?" He whispers. The closing walls seem to absorb his voice. "Xinling... I'm sure we will be chosen to serve the World Guardian's inner city together. Have I ever been wrong? I have always been right in my guesses." He swallows again. "I hear... I hear the work is light in the city. It will be like a vacation. You always wanted to take a trip to a foreign planet."


"What if we are separated? You know it's possible. You know it, Jaejoong... or you wouldn't be holding onto my hand like this."


He looks down at their hands. Only now does he realize... he is the only one holding on. Has she been prepared to let go? To let go of his hand? Does she know what he knows? Does she?


During the Rise, he had been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the list. She was to be sent to the outskirts and he, to the inner city. The blank cards they are holding now... he had switched it while she slept from pure exhaustion. 


Though, they must separate, he will take comfort in the fact that she will not suffer from physical labor.


"It will only be for two years. If we're to be separated, we will be together again after two years. After that... we will have immunity. We won't have to worry anymore."


She cannot return his words of comfort. She cannot lace his ears with sweet, poison. Because... she is angry with herself... angry... to have second thoughts. Surely... surely, he will be angry with her, but it will pass... like all things... it will pass.


--the red light turns green, and they are motioned to approach the final check point.


"XL0905, step up to the weights and slide in your blank card here."


She moves away. With hands, no longer touching. With hands, no longer matching. "I'm sorry, Jaejoong."


What... what is she sorry for? The fear suffocates him. He cannot breathe. His vision doubles as he watches her through a thick film of tears. What is she sorry for?


"XL0905, you are bound for the outskirts. You will not need any of your belongings. Step to your left and discard all your personal belongings into the provided bins before proceeding to the last gate."


His brows furrow. His hands shake. She had switched back the cards. Why...



Postscript: Xinling saw him switching their blank cards. It's pretty obvious why Jaejoong would do something like that. She doesn't think it's fair to him that he must make a sacrifice. It has already been randomly decided. It's just her luck that she's been sent out for manual labor. The GIF is from her "Accompany Me to the End" MV... the title is so contradicting... lmao This was written while drinking coffee at a local Starbucks. It reminds me of Gisaeng Warrior and the Demons at Play series. I couldn't write anything for those stories unless I was physically inside a coffee shop and sniffing up that aroma like a dying addict.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool