You Jacked My Car.

Jaeling Café

It was a nice car...



Time was everything.


She had to warn them. It wasn't hard... if she was willing to look them in the face, but she couldn’t. She had to warn them without showing herself.


As she rushed pass the dumpster, a head popped out from beneath the rotten garbage. She quickly slammed the lid shut, forcing the head down.




“What are you doing in there?”


“I’m a bum. What do you think I’m doing?”


“Oh… sorry.”


Was she getting too paranoid? Cyndi reopened the lid and threw him some money for a decent meal. She started to walk away, but something stopped her from taking another step. The bum man looked too familiar. She couldn’t pin point when or where she saw his face, but…


She turned around just in time to see his head popping out from the large, green dumpster, “Have we met somewhere?” She asked.


“Yeah…” The bum replied. “That reminds me… are you done borrowing my car?”


“Excuse me? What did you just say?” Cyndi recalled the night before... when she “borrowed” a car from a complete stranger. This couldn’t be the same person… could it? Why was this man in the dumpster? Was he following her and if so, was he working for the enemy?


“Well… do you remember last night? You took my baby for a drive without even asking me first.” He leaped out from the pile of garbage and landed gracefully onto the cracked asphalt.


This man... this man was no bum.


She didn’t reply and so he continued on. “You know what? It’s not safe talking out here in the open… plus, I’m starving. Let’s find a place to eat and chat…” He walked towards her and was about to place his filthy hand on her shoulder when her own hand shot out at him. Cyndi grabbed his arm and turned her wrist sharply, forcing his hand back. Unfortunately for her, he was totally prepared. The man whirled her around and within seconds, she was locked in his tight embrace. Cyndi tried to break away from his vice-like grip. She failed.


“Why are you so hostile?” He held her head down with his own. Cyndi didn’t bother answering. He should know why. She was being violated. Making another attempt to free herself, she stomped the heel of her black leather boots down where his foot should have been. He was one step ahead of her and the heel shattered as it came into contact with the ground. It was only then did she realize what she was up against. It finally clicked. The car and the man were the same. They both had secrets. They were both equally dangerous. Cyndi knew she couldn’t win, but she wasn’t a quitter.


“Let go of me now!” She growled at him and to her surprise, he released her. Breathing hard, she stumbled out of his grip.


“Now that I’ve released you, will you come with me?” She looked at him with piercing eyes. He was way too casual.


“I don’t even know who you are.”


“You can call me JJ... for now.”


Even with all the dirt on his face and his ty rags, she could tell he was strong and nimble. If she looked close enough, she could make out a pair of handsome eyes.


“Well?” He waited for her answer.


Cyndi changed the subject, “Why didn’t you just press the button when you had the chance?”


JJ looked confused, “What button?”


“Don’t act like you don’t know… your whole car is a hotwire explosive.”


“Oh… that.” He grinned with delight like a schoolboy. “I don’t see why I should kill you along with all the innocent civilians on the road. And… really, there's no button to press. The device is triggered only when the—”


Cyndi promptly interrupted him. She didn't require detail, but... “Why are you telling me this?”


“Eh. I thought you might want to know how—”


She interrupted him again. “Just take back the car…” Cyndi took out the keys and threw it to him. He jumped up and caught it.


Before turning to leave, she gave him a little something, something. “Oh... I managed to extracted all the intel you keep in the car.” She wanted to rattle him up a bit. Worked like a charm.


JJ's turn to freak out. She must know everything then… All the data in his car... about her and …


Cyndi watched as his facial expression changed.


“Don’t worry, though. I haven’t had the time to crack it yet. Good luck finding your car.” With that said, she walked off into the dark night and disappeared around the corner.



Postscript: Really... he did have a nice car. I can confirm. XD




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool