Memory Lane

Jaeling Café

Were they really holding that staff?


After mentions of photo editing and going through old stuff, I became curious... How many Jaeling posters have I tried to manipulate? Plenty. Now... I have had my fair share of cutting and pasting... long before this current, unhealthy obsession. Like... back when I cut and paste myself with hubby (before we officially got together), but shhh. So... I'm going to go over my favorite manips and go over some main fixes. Let's start with my number one favorite (of all freakin' time). METAL HEART! I love it so much.




It's like I didn't even do anything to their pictures... which is the whole point. But, I did. ahahah Okay. First, I had to change the colors so they would... kinda match. Need to make it look like it came from the same photo shoot. The easiest way is to make it black and white... but sometimes, if you're lucky, the pictures already look similar. A Jaeling-a-like! All you need to do is tweak the saturation and contrast a bit. Now... see how Jaejoong and Xinling are on simliar metal tables? You really think she was on the same table as him? LMAO, in my creepy/y dreams. She's really lying on a shiny floor. I was lucky enough to have found simliar body position for both fine, milky specimens (and a shiny floor reflecting her body, haha). Yeah... so I can just cut out Jaejoong's metal table and put it right under her. Since in Jaejoong's picture, he has those scribbles on the back wall. I went to his other WWW album pictures and cut out other scribbles and pasted it into the background for Xinling. But, really. The best start is finding suitable pictures. You know, when I saw their pictures, I just went... oh god... I can soooo work with this. So easy. Yeah.





This one is my second jaeling manipulation... after AFTER DARK. Just look at her hand. That is not a human hand ahahha. That is a doll's hand. Iple House doll, to be exact. They are both dolls. I just cut and pasted their faces on... and part of Xinling's hair because the doll doesn't have bangs. I need bangs to fit the story. Oh, also photoshopped that fan she's holding because, yeah. The storyline requires a black fan... lol. The hardest part is probably to erase all the background and make the two dolls look like they're standing next to each other. Trust me, I tried my best. With their faces too... lol... lots of playing around with colors/saturation/contrast/lighting. Now, stare at her eyes for a while... and watch her blink like a doll... lmao. I remember scaring a reader late at night with this... lmao. OMFG, did the poster just blink? Yes... yes, it did. So funny.






I was going for the photo shoot look for the "After Dark" collection. The main points here are: clothes, hair, color, shadow, accessories. Definitely accessories for the second one. They all have gold filigree stuff... like a masquerade ball.





Oh god. I love this story so much. You don't even know... I wish I could write all my stories like this because it's LMAO. I don't even know... Jaejoong and Xinling are obviously not holding those staves... actually... they're not holding anything. Isn't it crazy how their hands look like they should be holding something? I was like... they should be holding something. I made this black and white... I think because I found Jaejoong's picture in black and white so... had to make Xinling's black and white, too. Stuck a flower in her hair for the lols. You will not be able to find those staves on the net... I had to piece each of those sticks together like a puzzle... maybe you'll be able to find the staff without the bow. And the scythe blade without the rest of the stick. lmaoooo





This is thanks to Jaeling-a-like pictures. Just look at their eyes... But, anyway. Changed the color for Xinling's pictures so it'll have that sharp look that Jaejoong's picture has. Gave her background the same scribbles like Jaejoong's background. Her picture already had the "LOVE?" on it... and then I thought... It would look like a magazine spread if I put "OR NOT?" on his picture. Add some shading in the middle so it'll look like a crease... add some crumpling texture at the corner of both images and... done. ahahaha 





These three posters are way better replacements. It has a subtle sci-fi feel that was missing in the old one. More Jaeling-a-like photos. It makes it look like they belong in the same photo shoot.





One word: shooooessssss.






Gave Xinling a crown and a notebook to hold... so she can match with Jaejoong. LOL. She was holding nothing. I love it when it looks like they're holding something but they're not. You can add all kinds of things. It's lovely.






Sometimes it's just easier to make it painting/cartoonish... like how I did it to Heartbreaker Inc. :) I thought of making this into a real book cover... but the resolution is horrible. It will look extremely pixelated. So sad.




Postscript: And those are just my favorites ones... I just found these while exploring... for the laughs.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool