Break the Castle

Jaeling Café

Let it refresh you.





The world once embraced both light and dark equally with wisdom and understanding... until man decides to break the balance, creating artificial light. Are we so fond of breaking the balance of work and rest... or are we afraid of the dark? What is it that we fear in the night? Perhaps it is the closet monster, the boogieman, or the fearful unknown of our ignorant imagination. 


Their descent into darkness is a mission to rediscover the innate. To returning the land to what it once was, untainted by innovation and phoniness. Shattering their castles to build a ruined city. Tearing down walls to build a broken bridge.


 Their kingdom. Stripped. A resting post for the weary souls and tired hearts.





Postscript: The wind is vicious today. I am afraid to walk out and be blown away.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool