Out of Time

Jaeling Café

So many words, so little time.



The warehouse is hot and humid. There is a smell of gasoline and sulfur in the air, mixing like a cocktail. Two figures stand near a crane facing each other.


“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t blow up this goddamn warehouse.”


“There’s a way to save you.”


“I don’t care about that anymore. Why didn’t you tell me about my sister? You and everyone else I thought I knew kept telling me she was the enemy.”


“Can’t you see? She is wrecking havoc everywhere she goes? She is the enemy.”


“She’s just suffering like me... except she has no one to turn to.”


“Don’t make yourself vulnerable. You can’t trust her.”


“And I can trust you?" Should she laugh? "Look at your guilty face. What else have you been hiding for me? What else have all of you been hiding?”


JJ is stuck in a nasty dilemma. It is obvious she is angry. There is no telling what sporadic things she will do. If she knew... if she knew all the things he had been holding back... the last chance to rescue her will disappear into the flames. What will he do then?


“Talk or I pull the goddamn trigger.”


"Cyn, I swear, I did everything I could to keep you safe.”


“You keep talking about my safety. I want the ing truth!”


“Fine, fine. Slide the gun all the way over there and I’ll tell you.”


“Don’t push your luck.”


“Well... it was worth a try.”


Is he still joking at a time like this?


“I knew them, okay? I knew all of them. You and your sister. I was in on it when they made you.” JJ takes a deep breath and continues. “Your sister went out of control, okay? Once I found out she was after them to find me, I had to kill them all before she got to them first.”


What? So he is out to save his own skin? The betrayal. Cyndi redirects her gun at the crane and pulls the trigger. The crates come crashing down.


“What the are you—“ JJ shouts.


The second shot downs JJ. She had aimed for his heart, but misses in her fit of rage.


She will no longer take anymore of his . She had trusted him this whole time. Why the hell did she not see it sooner?


Cyndi walks out through the burning flames, leaving JJ behind. Does she care if he is dead or alive? It does not matter. It would all be over soon anyway.



Postscript: I was planning on a Cyndi death... but, he can go first.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool