My Chéri and I

Jaeling Café

We are made a pair.



Sitting by the window with hands folded in her lap
Motionless except for the occasionally faint exhale
Blank eyes looking out at nothing in particular
Like a broken doll waiting to be thrown away.

The broken doll, my chéri, was not always so
Though she could not hear nor speak
She walked into life and made it her own
With her passion and camera, she stole parts of the world.

Until the day she could no longer observe through the lens
How unfair it was that fate saw fit to take that away
She blamed no one, shed not a tear
Perhaps it would have been better if she did.

Every time I held her close to me
She felt warm and soft
But to what she felt inside
I had not one clue.

Whether unconditional love or self gratification,
I gave it my all to care, to comfort, to lessen her suffering
Unknowingly allowing her to sooth my own
We are made a pair, my chéri and I.

me: all i remember lol
okay so there was this cafe that Jaejoong always goes to every morning
he has the balcony seat overlooking the avenue shaded by thick trees
maybe white oak... not sure.
the cobbstones are wash clean every morning.
tiara: *that's a nice place i can imagine...
me: the avenue is quiet in the early morning.
cafe owners are bringing out the chairs and tables
folded umbrellas for the afternoon sun when it comes
employees whispering to each other as they sweep the front door of their bakery cafe bookstore
all the little shops lining both sides of the avenue
the avenue has a few benches and lamp post for the night life of the street
but they're all turned off because it's morning.
at the end of the avenue there is an old fountain that looks like a giant mossy rock
it's said that if you are able to drink from it, your pregnancy will run smooth
so Jaejoong wakes up every morning to the smell of roasted coffee and new baguettes coming out of the oven
he always sits at the same corner on the balcony
it is a place where he can see the whole avenue but the whole avenue can't see him.
He like's being in the shadows, his fair skin says it all
Jaejoong is a handsome fellow of course. Well built, works out when he's not observing people from his corner at the cafe or doing his "job" as he calls it.
tiara: =p~
me: He's asian so he kinda sticks out... or supposed to stick out but he doesn't.
the place just accepts him because there are a lot of exchange students
the avenue is not far from a prestige university
prestige maybe because it's been around long and a few dead artist attended.
perhaps Van Gogh...
tiara: dead artists xD
me: ahh yes... Van Gogh liked this cafe Jaejoong also likes.
it was his hang out and now it's Jaejoong's
Speaking of exchange students... here comes one right now down the avenue so early in the morning.
only a few people are here so she really stands out.
her hair is neatly tied, her clothes are neatly pressed
nothing messy about her.
she seems like a no fun girl.
holding her camera taking pictures at the fountain
There's a rich lady walking her dog, but Jaejoong pays no attention to that.
He has seen the rich lady and her dog every morning.
Now this girl... she's doing odd things.
She's standing on one of the lamp post cement block
and seems to be trying to aim her camera somewhere up at the sky.
Wait, could she even see the sky through the thick leaves of the white oak trees lining the avenue?
because you see... these trees make a nice shady arch over the avenue all the way down.
She leans back a little maybe trying to catch the light that's seeping through the cracks in the leaves
Maybe she is leaning back... like falling, slipping backwards
Jaejoong's heart skips a beat
but the girl lands on her feet so he's able to breathe again.
Was she a cat in her past life?
tiara: lol
a caaat~ <3
me: Though, his brain tells him that his eyes shouldn't be following her for too long.
that he should be looking at the whole scene
observe from a 3rd person point of view and learn
but seriously, there is something wrong about this girl
what it is he can't quite grasp. How she got his attention he doesn't know.
she continues down the avenue
An old man sitting on a bench reading the newspaper
as she walks by, he says bonjour to her
she stops and smiles, but says nothing.
Couldn't she at least say bonjour back? even if she doesn't know French?
She nods her head about something
Jaejoong watched as she stepped back from the old man and raises her camera up
Jaejoong can see his reflection in the camera
tiara: :o
me: It looked like she's looking straight at him.
was she?
tiara: :O was she?
me: a few seconds later she drops her hands to her side .
nods to the old man again and smiles before leaving him to his three days old newspaper
Cyndi continued down the avenue and out of sight.
What an interesting morning for Jaejoong.
Probably the most interesting thing that ever happened to his mornings.
tiara: x)
me: Usually the interesting things happened on the job but not when he is detaching himself from the world
watching the people walk by.
the city go by.
the world turn.
The next morning same routine as always... his safe niche where he can see the whole avenue.
He doesn't expect it.
it should have been a once in a lifetime thing, that scene he saw the morning before.
But again, he find her wandering the avenue with her camera.
He is interested in seeing these photos she's diligently snapping
what do they look like?
but of course, it isn't enough for him to leave his seat outside the world in front of him.
So... this girl, this exchange student, becomes part of his mornings.
in a way... like the rich lady and her dog who always walks by at the same time.
and the old man with his three days old newspaper
and the young couple who's always shared a cup of coffee at the cafe directly across from where he sits.
but he notices her every morning with a different perspective.
she isn't quite the same every morning like the others.
Her actions, unpredictable at times.
One time, it looks like she's aiming her camera directly at him.
but her eyes are not focused on him.
They're cloudier... not as sharp as before, perhaps.
As mornings go by... her tied up hair becomes a little bit messier
a strain of hair out of place
or a bump of hair on her head.
or some tangles in her ponytail
her clothes no longer look as neat as they were the first day he saw her.
at the end of 3 weeks, it is crumply
did he see a stain on her cardigan?
her hands are not as confident as before.
her steps are no longer that of a model
tiara: :( what happened?
me: it is as if something terrible had happened to her.
Was she sick?
was she sleepless?
but he cannot tell
Jaejoong, who prides himself in reading people cannot tell
she is... a book without words?
he is unable to conceive a story for her.
and that bothers him greatly.
usually he doesn't bother with these things.
the next morning, she is there again
on the white oak shaded avenue
this time, instead of taking pictures of the lamp post
or standing on the lamp post
or swinging on the lamp post
or leaning on the lamp post
she walks right into the lamp post
tiara: o.o
me: seems like she is really out of it
maybe stress, lack of sleep
tiara: i so want Jaejoong to run up to her like nooooww...
me: lol
tiara: *pull off Jaejoong's shirt
ruuun boy ruun!!!
me: no one seems to care that a girl is lying there in the avenue.
tiara: gah
me: the old man continues reading his old newspaper
the rich lady with her dog walking on the other side of the avenue doesn't even give it a look
tiara: o.o
me: the young couple giggles over the cup of coffee
what kind of world is this? Jaejoong thinks.
Why isn't anyone helping her up?... it's be... a full minute
and still... she is on the ground while everyone else is minding their own business
loose leaves fall and a few gets on her... like she has become part of the cobstone walkway
and then he thinks.
are all these people like him? maybe wondering the same thing he is?
He breaks out of his routine
walks out into the avenue.
tiara: ah! at last! tearstears
me: scoops the poor girl up in his arms.
duh gusti... she is as light as a feather.
tiara: lol xD
me: there is now a bruise on her forehead where she walked into the lamp post
tiara: okay, duh gusti part cracked me up xD
me: so he carries her all the way to the hospital
he isn't thinking much
his mind has gone completely blank blank
his feet are just moving on their own
he can't feel his arms, the arms holding her... as if they're turning invisible on contact...
just like how she is invisible to those people who she smiles and nods to every morning.
he walks in to the hospital/clinic, the receptionist knows his face and allows him in
the nurses in the hallways pushing around patients seem to know who he is, too
they point out the direction he should take.
tiara: o.o
me: He finally gets there to the room.
A man in a white coat
tiara: what is his job actually? why does everbody knows him?? o.o curious curious
me: the man looks up from his work and motions Jaejoong to the bed.
He places her on it.
Her hands are stark white as if all the blood has been drained out of them.
like the hands of the dead he sees so often.
The man in the white coat tells him that he can stay if he wants to.
while he examines her.
Jaejoong looks from the doctor to the girl then realizes something.
tiara: i disconnected >.<
me: hugs
tiara: copyyyy... me want the storyy.. >.<
where was i..
umm.. a man in white suit
me: =/ i don't know where that is.
tiara: err..
me: when you disconnected i lost it
tiara: the nurse told him where to go..
and he entered a room..
me: oh okay...
the man looks up from his work and motions Jaejoong to the bed.
He places her on it.
Her hands are stark white as if all the blood has been drained out of them.
like the hands of the dead he sees so often.The man in the white coat tells him that he can stay if he wants to.
while he examines her.
Jaejoong looks from the doctor to the girl then realizes something.
where is her camera?
tiara: :O
me: the one he always sees her with.
tiara: where? where??
me: she is never without it... never.
then he thinks... it must be back in the avenue.
so he tells the doctor he will return later.
seems like the doctor knows Jaejoong well. The doctor gives Jaejoong a knowning nod and returns his attention to the girl on the bed.
Jaejoong goes back to the avenue.
sure enough, there it is... the old looking analog camera
though old, it is sturdy and did not break
he picks it up... no one seems to care.
when he gets back to the hospital, she is gone.
tiara: o.o
me: the doctor looks a little confused when Jaejoong comes in.
Jaejoong asks him what happened.
He says the girl has nearly lost her eyesight completely
she says she doesn't want any help
tiara: >.<
me: she says she can take care of everything and leaves
Jaejoong asks the doctor why he let her go like that.
Doctor tells him he doesn't know why, either... he just let her go after looking at her.
Jaejoong gazes down at the camera.
A part of her is still here.
That thing she is never seen without is with him now.
He takes it back to his place.
after some thought before his "job"
he decides to go visit the university.
to borrow their dark room in the photography building.
tiara: :3
me: what is it that she was taking pictures of
he is curious.
I'm curious.
you're curious.
and I will end it there.
:D muahahahahah
i'll bother you with the rest another time :)
today was enough hahahah
hugs thanks twinnie
tiara: whaatt???
me: :D how is it?
darkly mysterious enough?
me want moreee..
me: are you sure you can handle it?
tiara: me wanna know what pictures she took!!
me: yes yes another time another time :) time to sleep for me ^^
love you twinnieeee
tiara: ahhh..
make sure that next time is ASAP!
Postscript: Yeah... I tell stories even while chatting... lmao. Ugh, I have this horrible feeling that I will not be telling part two... anyway, Jaejoong's a hitman and Cyndi is actually a pregnant triple agent doing her best to get in even closer on the big boss through Jaejoong. She's so sly. ho ho ho and no, she is not pregnant with his child. It's some other past lover. Boop.




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool