Ball of Flames

Jaeling Café

Ashes to ashes.







Postscript: Ball of Flames... get it? Get it?!?! Like.. like... a ball of fire... and also like... a masquerade ball? *dies* Ahahaha To me, they look like two little fire fiends. Jaejoong seems like he has a piece of ember or molten lava or something in his eye. Maybe it's a tear. He's crying tears of molten lava... that's gonna leave some deep grooves on his cheeks. What the hell? Now that I look at Cyndi's picture. She's also got that little piece in her eyes, too... just not as big as Jaejoong's lmaooo They're both a little teary... Jaejoong's the the more sensitive one in this. Go ahead and cry, baby. Cry about your missing bodies (probably a nice pile of ashes right now).




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Skittle #1
This was really good!
bringdae2life #2
wowwww so cool