A Change

Being Yours
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"We'll be changing our seats today."

Everyone looked up, startled. *Why now, all of a sudden?* You frowned worriedly.

"After the release of the term tests results, I have decided to pair students up together. The pair will consists of a weak student and a good student. Of course, the good students are supposed to assist the weak students in their studies.

"I have no objections with the pair sitting anywhere in the class, just as long as they sit together. I'll now announce the pairings."

"Daehyun and Heeyoung."

Out of the pairings, the teachers had to announce yours first. The girls glanced enviously at you while you hit your forehead against the table. *Interacting with him once a week was enough, but interacting everyday from now on? No way...*

Even before the teacher finished calling out the pairs, Daehyun had already made his way towards you.

"Oi, where are we sitting?"

"I like this spot, so I'm not moving."

He grunted and proceeded to sit beside you, moving the table so that it was in line with the one in front and brushing the eraser dusts away. "Are you okay with that?" You asked, surprised that he did not make a fuss about it.

"Anywhere is good. Just as long as I have enough space to sleep."

The other students had begun to shift their places. The teacher got ready to start his lesson.

Soon enough, after Daehyun tidied his items, he proceeded to lay his head on the table. *He's always sleeping in class, I wonder why?* You turned to him, and he was already dozing off, his eyes half-lidded.


You turned towards the voice. The teacher looked disapprovingly at you.

"Being his partner, you have to make sure he listens in class well. Make sure he does not continue his bad habit of sleeping in class." The teacher reprimanded. You nodded fervently, embarrassed. "Yes Mr Lee!"

You started to pat his head. His eyes immediately shot open, glaring at you.

Shocked, you retrieved your hand back as he sat up straight, stretching himself slowly. You saw Mr Lee sighing before continuing the lesson. Concerned, you told Daehyun, "Please listen in class, okay?"

"Try me." He said, as if challenging you.

Annoyed, you watched as he attempted to sleep again. This time, you pushed his arm off the table and he jerked as he was violently awaken. "Stop it!" He

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Chapter 19: Really cute story !
Chapter 7: Gosh that response was so funny ! 😄😄😄
Chapter 19: I love this story! Thank you authornim ~ xD
MaknaePikachu #4
Chapter 19: Great story authornim~! *claps* I really LOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEE ur story~! I hope u'll continue writing many story(s) :D Love ya authornim <3
Chapter 19: I love the ending hehehehe. Goodjob
Chapter 19: wowww this is so niceee i love it! the plot and the ending matched well, thanks authornim for the beautiful story:)
gemmymars #7
Chapter 19: Kyaa~ the ending was the cutest thing ever^^
Great job authornim, I loved reading your story~^^
myungyeolfab #8
Chapter 19: Aw its so cute! I really loved it
Chapter 19: Really nice ending.