
Being Yours
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You finally had the time to meet up with your friend, Hyerin.

"Aish, how lucky! You're actually tutoring Daehyun?" She squealed.

You rested your elbow on the table and propped your head against your palm. She started to fangirl about how awesome he was. "I really want to talk to him personally!" She blinked at you with puppy-like eyes.

"He's not as good as you think he is."

Her face fell, "What do you mean?"

You sighed, "Sure, he's good-looking and all... but he's actually very rude to seniors. And a childish brat as well."

"But he's so cute..." She pouted.

"Cute?" You pondered about it. "I guess... he actually likes sweets and gummies."

"So adorable! I really want to meet him!"

While she was busy babbling away, you were still worrying about his studies. How will you exactly help him? Undeniably, he was a stubborn person but you could tell that he was willing to improve his grades. 

Hyerin trailed off after noticing your expression. You were thinking hard about something.

"What's the matter?"

You were glad she asked, "You see. I'm now his tutor but I don't exactly know how to help him. How does he study? How often does he study? Does he attempt the workbook questions?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" She smiled, "You should do something for him from your heart."


"Do something for him whole-heartedly. Then, he will be motivated to work hard due to your support. Remember, it's the thought that counts!"

The bell rang at this moment, students scrambled off to their classes. "Our conversation was too short..." She stuck her bottom lip out. "Anyway, I'll meet you soon! See you!" She waved before skipping off to her class.


It was now break.

You bought two sandwiches from the cafeteria and proceeded on your journey to find Daehyun. The classroom block was usually empty at this timing, since most of the students will be at the cafeteria. 

Daehyun would disappear during break, and this time it was no different.

As usual, he wasn't in class. Strolling around randomly, you eventually spotted him drinking water from a water cooler. You stood at a distance from him when you realised there were two other girls near him.

"Daehyun!" They beamed widely, standing close to him.

He stared

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Chapter 19: Really cute story !
Chapter 7: Gosh that response was so funny ! 😄😄😄
Chapter 19: I love this story! Thank you authornim ~ xD
MaknaePikachu #4
Chapter 19: Great story authornim~! *claps* I really LOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEE ur story~! I hope u'll continue writing many story(s) :D Love ya authornim <3
Chapter 19: I love the ending hehehehe. Goodjob
Chapter 19: wowww this is so niceee i love it! the plot and the ending matched well, thanks authornim for the beautiful story:)
gemmymars #7
Chapter 19: Kyaa~ the ending was the cutest thing ever^^
Great job authornim, I loved reading your story~^^
myungyeolfab #8
Chapter 19: Aw its so cute! I really loved it
Chapter 19: Really nice ending.