
Being Yours
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A week passed by, and the dreaded day finally came. 

"Today's tuesday." You reminded yourself, glancing at Daehyun. *Does he remember that we have tutoring session today?*

Daehyun had finished packing his bag, but his Math book still remained on his desk. *He remembers.* You heaved a sigh of relief. He made his way towards you with his book and pens, sitting on the seat next to you.

"I have to leave early later." Daehyun said.

"Let's start immediately then. You can start off by telling me which chapters you're weak in." You encouraged. Daehyun flipped the book until he reached the page where there was a list of topics. He briefly scanned through the content. 

"I don't know all of these chapters very well."

"All?!" You gasped, flipping through your own book. There were 15 chapters in total, and Daehyun was not confident in any of them. you unconsciously began to rub your temple. *He doesn't know any of the chapters well... what was he doing all this time?"

*Relax...* You reminded yourself. *It's your duty to teach him, isn't it?*

"Okay, we can start from the first chapter." You flipped to the first chapter and told him to do the questions.

He read the question over and over. After what seemed like 10 minutes, Daehyun finally looked up and scratched his head. "I'm not sure how to do this."

*That's such an easy question!* You screamed in frustration in your mind. You grabbed a pencil nearby and wrote a formula down on his textbook, then turning it around to show him. "What's that?" He muttered.

"How can you not know this! This is the basic formula for trigonometry!"

Daehyun's face fell. "Well I'm sorry for being stupid, smarty pants!"


There was a prolonged period of silence after that. You felt bad for your words, but your pride prevented you from apologising. "Do the next questions." You told him softly. He furrowed his eyebrows, as if wanting to argue back, but he evetually sighed and did as you told.

While referring to the formula you wrote, he managed to get the next seven questions correct. You smiled proudly as you marked his work. "Good effort. Now you can move onto the harder questions."

You placed a sweet on his book before returning it to him. Daehyun was surprised when he saw it.

"You think I'm a kid?" He remarked.

You glared at him, "Forget it." You tried to take the sweet back, but he was faster than you. He swiftly grabbed it and popped it into his mouth. You watched as his face lit up while chewing on it, "This is my favourite gummy sweet."

"Really? It's my favourite, too..." You eyed the pac

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Chapter 19: Really cute story !
Chapter 7: Gosh that response was so funny ! 😄😄😄
Chapter 19: I love this story! Thank you authornim ~ xD
MaknaePikachu #4
Chapter 19: Great story authornim~! *claps* I really LOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEE ur story~! I hope u'll continue writing many story(s) :D Love ya authornim <3
Chapter 19: I love the ending hehehehe. Goodjob
Chapter 19: wowww this is so niceee i love it! the plot and the ending matched well, thanks authornim for the beautiful story:)
gemmymars #7
Chapter 19: Kyaa~ the ending was the cutest thing ever^^
Great job authornim, I loved reading your story~^^
myungyeolfab #8
Chapter 19: Aw its so cute! I really loved it
Chapter 19: Really nice ending.