
Being Yours
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Students were busy talking amongst themselves. Today was the start of the first exam, which was the literature exam. Daehyun trudged along the corridor, feeling fatigued. He was undeniably exhausted both mentally and physically from all that studying.

He spotted you outside the classroom. "How's your studying? He asked casually.

Taken aback, he realised the girl he talked to was someone else.

It was his classmate, but he couldn't remember her name. "Oh, Daehyun!" She appeared to be excited. "Were you talking to me?"

*Her hairstyle looks exactly like Heeyoung's.* Daehyun was staring at her hair. That classmate of his started to narrate about how she spent 8 hours yesterday cramming literature information into her brain. 

"Good for you." Daehyun absentmindedly replied before entering his classroom.

Your seat was empty. He assumed that you were on your way to school.

There was 10 minutes left before the start of the paper, but you were still not here. As the students began to get ready, Daehyun swiftly send you a quick text.

"Hurry, you slowpoke. You're gonna be late."


Myungsoo's exam schedule was different from yours, as he was currently studying in another high school. In fact, his exams were already over. Today was the start of his three day camp in his school. 

"Heeyoung, are you sure you don't need me to look after you?"

Unfortunately, you came down with fever on your first day of exams. You were too weak to get up, your head was aching and your body was sore. There was no other choice for you but to get a non-graded pass for your literature paper.

He took the thermometer out from your mouth. "42 degrees..."

"Don't you have to go for your camp?" You croaked. 

He looked at you worriedly. "I can take care of myself." You assured, but actually you felt like dying. You never felt this ill and sickly before. 

"I trust you, okay? You'll have to call me every two hours to notify me about your fever."

"But oppa, you'll be at camp..."

"Just call me." He glanced at his watch, "Dammit, I have to go soon!"

You watched as he ran towards his room to prepare his camp items. Your phone vibrated at this moment and you reached for it slowly, trying not to move too much. It was a message from Daehyun. You typed a quick reply back.

"Sorry, I'm having fever so I'm staying at home. Do well and good luck for your paper." - Heeyoung

Myungsoo appeared from his room, dressed in school attire and carrying his camp bag in the other hand. He placed a water bottle at your bedside table. "Drink up and rest well, okay? See you in three day's time." 

You nodded and waved to him. "I'll miss you."

He pulled a distraught expression, "Don't say things like that! Now I'm reluctant to leave you!"

You smiled to him as he glanced at you one last time before leaving. The door closed and the house was now engulfed in silence. You appreciated the quietness and turned to your side so that you could take a quick nap. 

Half an hour passed. By now your eyelids were heavy, and you could feel yourself almost on the brink of falling asleep.

Unconsciously, you released the grip on your phone. When your phone received the next message, you were already asleep.

The exam ended. It was managable. I'm going over to pay you a visit now. - Daehyun


Your doorbell rang.

You jolted awake. You then slowly sat up straight and rubbed your weary ey

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Chapter 19: Really cute story !
Chapter 7: Gosh that response was so funny ! 😄😄😄
Chapter 19: I love this story! Thank you authornim ~ xD
MaknaePikachu #4
Chapter 19: Great story authornim~! *claps* I really LOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEE ur story~! I hope u'll continue writing many story(s) :D Love ya authornim <3
Chapter 19: I love the ending hehehehe. Goodjob
Chapter 19: wowww this is so niceee i love it! the plot and the ending matched well, thanks authornim for the beautiful story:)
gemmymars #7
Chapter 19: Kyaa~ the ending was the cutest thing ever^^
Great job authornim, I loved reading your story~^^
myungyeolfab #8
Chapter 19: Aw its so cute! I really loved it
Chapter 19: Really nice ending.