
Being Yours
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Your eyes shot open immediately.

Feeling parched, you touched your dry lips before proceeding to touch the bandage which was wrapped around your head. You briefly looked out of the window, it was now morning. The memories of last night was still blurry to you.


"It's just an abrasion."

"I'm sorry."

"Rest well."


You sat up rubbed your weary eyes before glancing at your surroundings. You were in Daehyun's two room flat. 

*Daehyun's... house...* You grew alarmed. *Did he do anything to me?!* You checked your body. You were still wearing your uniform, with the dried blood stain still there. You turned to the person who dressed your wound.

He was in the corner of the room between the cabinet and the wall, his head slumped against the wall uncomfortably. With his folded arms and light breathing, you could tell that he was asleep.

You took the blanket and went over to him, making sure that it covered his body.

He stirred and sleepily looked up at you.

"Hi, good morning." You awkwardly laughed. He gazed at you with a tired expression. "Thank you for helping me dress my wound." You told him.

"Mm hmm."

"Thanks for letting me sleep on your bed as well. I'm sorry you had to sleep in this... corner."

He initially smiled, but it turned into a smirk. "For you? As if, I'm just a person who does things for my own sake. I slept here because I liked it."

Just when you thought he was a nice guy, he decided to say that. You frowned, knowing that he was still the proud, annoying brat he was. "Yeah, whatever." You rolled your eyes and got up, looking for your bag.

He took something out from his hoodie pocket. "Here," He said, handing it over to you.

It was your phone.

You were surprised that it could still function. As the screen lit up, you realised there were 39 missed calls, and all of them was from your brother. "Your phone kept vibrating last night, it kept me awake." He complained, and you spotted his obvious dark eye circle.

"Sorry," You sheepishly smiled. You took out a book from your bag.

You showed it to him and he took it, randomly flipping the pages. His eyed widened at the amount of formulas, notes and information he was seeing. "I did this for you. Hopefully it will aid you for the exams."

"Wow..." He was in awe. He then looked up at you and grinned. "Thanks, I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Are you feeling better now?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know.. breaking up... with your girlfriend." You trailed, wondering if he was still in the midst of getting over her. He rolled his eyes haughtily and snorted. "I'm feeling very good. Good bye and good riddance to her." He snapped.

He was back to his old self again. You managed a small smile before getting up.

"I'm going off." You notified, picking up your bag.

He eyed you as you left for the door. "Do you know how to get home?" He asked, standing up and removing the blankets from him. "I don't know, I think so." You replied as you put on your shoes.

"Do you need me to send you home?"

Before you could reply, rushed footsteps outside the door caught your attention. You could hear the voices of different guys. You noticed the door slightly moving, indicating that someone was leaning against it.

There wasn't enough time for you to react.

The door burst open, and a guy fell onto you.


"She's already hurt, do you want her to suffer another wound?" Daehyun growled.

"I already said I'm sorry." Zelo wailed as he faced you. "I'm so sorry!"

Zelo had already apologised umpteen times, but Daehyun kept harping on it. "I'm okay Daehyun, so shut it." You told him, slightly annoyed. Daehyun narrowed his eyes at you, "So much for being concerned."

"It wasn't my fault." Zelo tried to explain. "I was leaning against the door to take my shoes off, but Himchan had to open the door at that time..."

"I want

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Chapter 19: Really cute story !
Chapter 7: Gosh that response was so funny ! 😄😄😄
Chapter 19: I love this story! Thank you authornim ~ xD
MaknaePikachu #4
Chapter 19: Great story authornim~! *claps* I really LOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEE ur story~! I hope u'll continue writing many story(s) :D Love ya authornim <3
Chapter 19: I love the ending hehehehe. Goodjob
Chapter 19: wowww this is so niceee i love it! the plot and the ending matched well, thanks authornim for the beautiful story:)
gemmymars #7
Chapter 19: Kyaa~ the ending was the cutest thing ever^^
Great job authornim, I loved reading your story~^^
myungyeolfab #8
Chapter 19: Aw its so cute! I really loved it
Chapter 19: Really nice ending.