Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story
Interstellar Vault
Interstellar Vault


Catch the falling jar


Despite being sleepy and tired, Junsu catches the falling jar with relative ease. He is very fast with his hands. To pick a lock. To slit a throat. In a matter of seconds.

Clearly having swift, dexterious hands is extremely useful for any top tier criminal of the universe. Clearly. As he possesses such hands, it is of no surprise that he has become one of the very best.

Junsu places the jar back on its perch with extra care and breathes. Did Xinling intentionally do that? Swing his arm about? One thing is certain, though. He will not be having a good sleep tonight.

No, sir. Out of the three hundred and six personas taking shelter in his head, these two are, by far, the loudest. He has been successful in keeping the rest in check... but these two? No... not quite. If there exist a trick to shut them both up, he has yet to find it. How utterly unfortunate... for him.

Lingling... you did that on purpose... If it was not for Junsu's passable competence, my trophy lip from sixty-six could have been completely destroyed. Completely!

Oh, please. How special could it be if you cannot even muster the decency to remember correctly? That is not a man's bottom lip from sixty-six.

Of course, it is. How can I not remember my own—

"It is not a lip." Junsu peers into the murky container and observes the pickled remains bobbing up and down most happily. "That is definitely a finger. I remember switching it now. Yes... yes, I do remember it."

Junsu... what do you mean by switching...

"Your wife swapped it out for an eight year old's finger."

You should really reorganize your trophies, love. It is really... really a mess.

Why? Why would you even touch them?

Payback for messing with my precious treasures. Besides... it makes much more sense to have the eight year old's finger in the 8th jar.

You knew?

I know everything.

You can't know EVERYTHING. That is not humanly possible!

"Hyung... just give it a break. She is way too overpowered for either one of us." Then why did he dare ignore her request earlier? Uh... because he is just too damn tired. That is why.

I will not admit defeat. There must be something... something or another that—

No one is telling you to admit anything, Jaejae.

One day, I will have my victory moment.

It is not today, is it?

Junsu drags himself to bed... with the voices still yapping away. He is not going to get a wink of sleep in. Not tonight.


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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.