Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story


Wanting Junsu dead


"Okay... who the is trying to kill me?"

Junsu, what the hell are you going on about?

So... you know about the poison, sweetie? How did you find out? Did I accidentally say the milk was poisoned?

"It's not you, is it, Xinling? The person who's trying to get me killed? Because if it is, I'm disappointed in you. Making it so obvious. No care in preparation at all." He slides the container across the counter top and it lands neatly inside the disposal bin.

I bet all my trophy jars that Lingling did not do it.

Awwww... my dearest little hubby is on my side at last! My knight. My personal defender. So cute!

You are getting overly excited for nothing... I am just stating the obvious. You still need Junsu to expand your 'humble' collection. It is plain to see... but, it is still strange. You sound like you know about the poison.

Actually, the twins told me about it.

Twins? Which ones? You need to be more specific. There is roughly five or six pairs of twins in here.

Sunmi and Sunah... after their ghastly performance earlier this morning.

So... did Sunmi and Sunah try to 'dispatch' him? That is just not right. They are lovely girls. Lovely. "It can't be them."

Did I say it was? They were the ones who informed me about the poison. When I asked how they knew, they told me they heard it from Bomi, who heard it from, Boys Republic's manager, who heard it from Beyonce's second child, who heard it from Jiyong...

Jiyong? The certifiable lunatic?

Yes! That boy. The main reason why I did not tell Junsu about the poison straight off. You know how untrustworthy that boy can be. Whatever facts pass through his greasy hands become instantly invalid. And, I could not risk being wrong. You know how I despise being wrong.

One of your very few faults, to be sure...

Junsu dumps the rest of the poisonous content down the drain and flings the empty glass over his shoulder. It dissipates in thin air like magic. But, no. It is not magic. There definitely exists a scientific explanation... for everything.

"What a low this morning... I feel like killing something."

Good idea. I support one hundred percent.

Says the cold blooded killer.

But, are you not even a little curious? About who is trying to kill you? You should definitely investigate it. Oh, that is... after I get my hands on that multi-language chip, of course.

Says the obsessive compulsive collector.



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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.