Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story
Interstellar Vault
Interstellar Vault


Saw Cat


While Junsu is busy sawing up the dead woman in the tub, the married couple, Jaejoong and Xinling are having a minor disagreement on what they should do for the taxidermied cat, Jiji. But, seriously... they are both way ahead of themselves. The cat is still warm... with all its organs intact. 

We will give taxidermied Jiji a beautiful wig. A long, blue wig will suit him well. He always wanted to be a female rock star.

What? Jaejae! A wig?! What in the world are you thinking?

I am thinking of Jiji's interest, of course.

But... but... but putting him in a wig? I will not have it!

Oh? Than what did you have in mind, Lingling?

We will have Mika draw Jiji in a suit. Then, we can pick out the best suit for him. He will appreciate being dressed up in a suit. Maybe a detective trench coat or—

No! No suits! Jiji is my cat. Mine! He will not be wearing some clown suit. He will be wearing what he wants to wear... a blue wig!

It is only you who wants him in a blue wig, Jaejae, you! Besides, my dog, Pluto, is inside of Jiji... so I have a say in this, too. I do!

Fine... we'll have Junsu decide. Fair enough?

Junsu sighs... it is always up to him to decide these stupid things... why? Why?!


(click an option to continue)


 A long blue wig >> 


 A detective trench coat >> 


 < Start Over 




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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.