Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story


In the kitchen


After a little clean up, Junsu heads out from the lavatory, leaving the dead body to chill by itself. He strolls pass the hallway, through the living room, and enters the kitchen area where a Russian Blue cat is waiting patiently for his arrival.

The cat barks a greeting from where it is sitting... on the countertop.

"Are you playing Pluto, this morning, Jiji? But... how'd you manage to climb up here with Pluto's mindset?" He stretches out his hand to scratch the cat under his little chin... because Pluto, the French bulldog, likes being scratched under the chin.

Like his owner, Jiji has multiple characters living in his head. Though, not nearly as many. His brain is not complex enough to store three hundred and six voices. A mere thirty-six is quite enough.

"Want to come back down to Earth?" He asks the dark gray cat.

Jiji wiggles his noses and rolls over to play dead.

"I'll take that as a yes." Junsu picks up the cat and carries him over to the empty cat dish. At the sight of the empty dish, Junsu starts to wonder. Will Jiji turn into one of his cat sisters, Nini and Meow Meow, if milk is given to him? "Would you still want your milk as Pluto?" He drops the cat and crosses the kitchen area to stand facing a wall of morgue looking refrigerators. With a touch of a button, one of the compartments releases a hiss before ejecting to reveal a tray of beverages ranging from pigeon's blood to cow's milk.

Junsu grabs a container with disproportionate dimensions and presses the button again to close the beverage compartment. The morgue-like walls hum a little morbid tune before the tray slides back in and locks.



(click an option to continue)



 Pour some for Jiji >> 


 Drink it directly >> 


 Pour it out into a glass >> 


< Start Over 



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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.