Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story


Last night, in the vault


Upon entering the lavatory, a dead body, chilling out in the bathtub, greets him. An extremely battered looking woman. Her semi-wet hair is in a tangle on top of her head. Her arms and legs are in no better a condition, twisted at seemingly impossible angles. Poor thing. It must have been a pain being alive.



You did it again! Dragging home a bloody dead body while it is still in one whole piece... And you dumped it in our shared lavatory. This is sacred holy grounds... SACRED HOLY GROUNDS!

Hear me out. I had planned to chop it up in well measured portions early yesterday evening, but you distracted me... with all your lengthy talks of new security breaching techniques and the likes.

So unsanitary... so unsanitary! The odor. The bacteria. They will definitely cling on to my lovely art collection outside. Get rid of it... GET RID OF IT!

"It's too early for me to be sawing up bodies... give me a break. I think I have a kink in my neck from sleeping in the vault."

I agree with Junsu. We'll take care of it later... it's not going anywhere. For now, Junsu  can come up with a temporary fix... right?

With three hundred and six voices in his head... right. Junsu walks over to the bathtub, reaches a hand out, and yanks the shower curtains cleanly across the rod. "There. You can't see it anymore."

You two.... are you kidding me?! The bloody body is still on the other side of the curtain! This is not a temporary solution... this is not a solution at all!

Junsu... you should get your to the kitchen quick... and pour a full glass of milk. She needs her milk in the morning. It will help with the... you know...

"After I relieve myself... I've been holding it in this entire time..."

Of course, of course. Pull out the hose and water the lawn.


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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.