Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story
Interstellar Vault
Interstellar Vault


In the lavatory


No gasp. No scream. The wounds inflicted by Junsu's hands bleed out instantly. What is left is one very, very dead . There is no doubt in Junsu's mind. The woman deserves it... for wrapping her dirty fingers around his neck.

You should refrain from dragging them back home in one piece... I mean it. This mess would not have happened otherwise.

How am I to know the would still be alive and kicking? She was quite dead yesterday. Quite dead!

Before or after you dragged her on to sacred holy grounds? SACRED HOLY GROUNDS, Jaejae! Our shared lavatory!

Junsu wipes his hands on the towel and proceeds in emptying his heavy bladder... with the married couple still yelling at one another. Their love is extra strong today... extra strong.



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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.