Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story
Interstellar Vault
Interstellar Vault


Junki Pilot


Junsu relents. "Junki. My spaceship better not have a have single scratch. Your reputation as the best pilot in the galaxy is at stake here."

Hum? What reputation? Instead of maneuvering the debris field as he proudly suggested before (on his experienced pilot honor), Junki steers the spaceship and chooses to take the scenic path around.

"What the are you doing? You said our best option was to fly through... not around... what... what are you doing?!"

Oh, god... it is happening. It is totally happening again. Are they going to experience another brush with death? Has he not had enough of those already?

Before Junsu can smack Junki out of the way and take back full control, he finds himself face to face with...

Ha-ha! So we meet again, giant, white, space lard! Prepare to duuuuuuuel!

"No, Junki... no!" It is happening. It is totally happening again. History is repeating itself, but this time... this time's outcome might not be the same.

Lingling, I think this might be the end.

Well... at least we got to 'woohoo' one last time?

At the very least.

I'll miss my babies (stolen treasures).

So will I, Lingling... so will I (trophy remains).

"No... it can't end like this! Stop talking nonsense, you two. It can't!" Junsu is unwilling to go down without a fight. With a dexterous hand, he flips open the emergency box. Within the emergency box are two shiny, new emergency buttons labeled "A" and "B," respectively.

His hand hovers over the two buttons.


Still hovering.

"What the ?!" Junsu conveniently forgets which button does what. "Damn you, Ailee! Damn you and your goldfish memory span! Why does your lame-ness have to kick in now?! WHY?!" Ailee's special goldfish memory skill can be useful under special circumstances... especially in interrogation rooms. But, right now? Haha. Nope.


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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.