Interstellar Vault - Interactive Story


The cat... is dead


"Okay... which one of you is trying to kill me?"

My Jiji's dead. What if someone was aiming to kill my cat and not you? Have you ever thought of that one, Junsu? Not everything has to be about you.

"Of course, I've thought about it, hyung. But, after a series of cross checking and double cross checking the facts... I have come up with very few motives for wanting the cat dead."

My baby Pluto... he's gone... forever...

Xinling is actually sniffling.

I want justice! I want JUSTICE!

Do you know how bizarre that sounds coming from you? Justice?

It is not at all odd, love. I want to see justice served. My kind of justice.

Right, right... your kind. Forgive me for having allowed your kind of justice to slip my mind.

Junsu's thoughts shift from wanting to find the cat killer to wondering what to do with the cat's lifeless body. "We should get Jiji taxidermied."

Of course! That is a given!

Junsu channels through the three hundred and six different personas in his head. Surprisingly, he finds not a single taxidermy pro. Sure, a few have experimented with preservatives and mummification back in the olden days... but no pro taxidermist.

"We'll need to find a professional. Which galaxy has the best?"

You will have to look that up, Junsu. We're not catalog books.

Yes, sweetie. A thorough look up. They must be the best. Jiji, Pluto, Nini, Meow Meow, and the rest of them deserve the very best treatment.

"So... should I focus on this, then? You don't mind the dead body in the lavatory, princess? What about your multi-language chip?"

Junsu, you idiot. Do you really have to remind her? You just made more unnecessary work for the rest of us.

"Sorry, hyung. Should I hypnotize her to forget?"

HA-HA. Good one.

If only Junsu could. For reals. He would soooo abuse it. Definitely.


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Chapter 17: This story is so confusing and I have a great time doing this adventure.