Chapter 2

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The smell of gun powder and various herbs reached Minhi’s nose as she stepped out of the train and entered the place where the most wanted criminals and dealers gathered.

 One may think that this place is too dangerous for a young girl like her.

She could be the victim of rapists or robbers but everyone knew that you shouldn’t lay a finger on her if you want to keep your life.

 One could be fooled by her innocent and girlish outer appearance but she was one of the most respected and feared people of the underground.

Not because she is one of the rebels but because she earned her respect.

Other than finding out about her brand new targets she had to do some “shopping”.

 Her destination was a small stand with fragile looking knives and daggers.

They were one of her favorite weapons no one would know how deadly they really were until one of them pierced right through their heart.

 A young woman appeared behind the stand and gave Minhi a warm smile.

“Minhi! I haven’t seen you in like forever! Where have you been? Don’t tell me you went on one of these dangerous missions again!”

Minhi could only laugh at the many questions her best friend bombarded her with.

 “I’ve been busy and yes it was one of these dangerous missions how you call it, but Hana that’s my job.”  

Hana rolled her eyes at her and let out an annoyed sigh.

“Yeah I know. If you wouldn’t go on these missions other incompetent newbies would have to do them and that would be the end of us all. I know, I know.”

 Minhi chuckled. “I never said that, but that is basically my point. “

To avoid further discussions about her job she quickly changed the topic.

“So do you have any new interesting items for me?”

If there was one thing Kim Hana couldn’t say no to it was business.

 “Of course, but don’t think I don’t know that you cowardly changed the topic!”

 She walked to the back and came back with a set of different knives and daggers. All of them were beautiful and there was no doubt that they could kill with on well-placed stab.

“I saved them for you so you better buy them or I’m going to strangle you!”

 Minhi was already too engrossed with the weapons to hear the threat of her best friend.

“I take them all!”

 A satisfied smile formed on Han

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Chapter 19: 5 down 7 to go....
Hope she will find the rest of the boys soon. Also the Elder Lee intention is bad i see....

Hope you can update soon ^^
Alosya #2
Chapter 19: Update please your fanfic is one of my favourite fanfic
JeongYunSo #3
Chapter 19: This is a really good story! :3 Pleease stay healthy!
Reachelicious00 #4
Chapter 18: Chanyeol showed up! Wohoo
Em1412 #5
Chapter 17: Baekhyun you sly dog :3
Chapter 17: You made my day author nim
Chapter 16: our puppy is here! baekkieeee~ AND OMG HE STOLE HER FIRST KISS well if the other boys know he would be dead, good luck baek i hope you survive. FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!
Chapter 16: omg! baek's int he house and he stole her first kiss (within the boys) hehehehe XD thanks for the update authornim!
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 16: HE KISSED HER OMG I WONDER HOW THE OTHER BOYS WILL REACT*smirking emoji* thanks foe the update~