Chapter 18

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The next thing on the agenda was convincing him into coming with us to the HQ and looking at how cooperative he has been so far it would surely not be an easy task. And there was also some business I had left with him.

“I can’t really say we had a nice meeting but seeing that we can now talk without trying to murder each other, we can finally discuss the reason we are her in the first place. My boss sent me.  He said I should give you this.”

 I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket and handed it to him.

He threw me a suspicious look before unfolding the paper.

 He lifted an eyebrow and put the paper in his pocket before rummaging in one of his cupboards.

 I was dying to know what written on the paper, but I was in no place to ask for this information, besides I doubt that he would tell me.

 He turned back around again and handed me a bag full of yellowish powder.

“You are lucky that I have something of this in stock. It’s not something my customers normally ask for.”

I looked closely at the bag in my hand. It was nothing that I have seen before.

I was no expert in drugs and that stuff but I had to learn a bit about poison in my time as a trainee and I can’t say that I have ever seen this in any of the books.

Why would the Elder want this?

 Kai seemed to ask himself the same question and voiced it out loud.

“What is this stuff?”

 Chanyeol crooked an eyebrow at Kai. “If your boss hasn’t told you anything I guess he had his reasons so I won’t tell you anything either. And now I would appreciate it if you would go. I have a lot of cleaning to do thanks to your little guard dog here.”

He pointed at Kai and I could see how he was ready to pounce at Chanyeol again.

And to be honest I would let him that guy really was an .

 “He is not my guard dog and it is our pleasure to leave. I hope we never meet again. Have a nice day.”

 He smirked at that, I really have never seen someone as obnoxious as him.

I see myself as someone why has a lot of patience but this guy really tested my nerves.

“Oh that is quite unfortunate missy. I think we could have a lot of fun together. I bet you go wild once the doors close and I am always open for a woman with dominance.”

“That’s it I will kill you!”

 Kai snapped and gave Chanyeol a good taste of his right fist.

 Chanyeols had flew to the side but he didn’t need long till he recovered and lifted Kai up and kicked him in the stomach so that he flew across the room.

 Okay that’s enough I won’t tolerate him any longer.

 I went up to him, grabbed his collar and pulled him down so he could meet me at eyelevel.

His eyes were fuming and I could tell that he was not far from kicking me across the room like he did with Kai but I would not get intimidated by him.

People like him needed someone who stood up to them and showed them there place.

“Go on and try to even touch me. I have received five years of intense training and killed more people than you can imagine. I took on people you only see in your worst nightmare and in the end they cowered in front of me begging me to spare their life. I have power that is greater than you can imagine so if you hurt one of my friends a second time I will make sure you see me go wild and that surely will not end in some kind of play unless you get by a knife on your throat and a gun on your temple.”

 I let go of him and he looked shocked almost panicked. Did I have such a great effect on him?

 Of course I meant to be scary that was the whole point but I didn’t expect him to react in such a way.

“Why don’t you show me how scary you are by saving our asses?”

 What the was he talking about?

 Only then I realized that his eyes weren’t pointed at me but something by the door.

Then I heard it.

There were heavy steps in the stair case and they became louder by the second.

  I forgot about the GP’s outside and the missing windows in this dammed house.

 I must have raised my voice during my outburst.

“Damn it! What do we do now?”

 “Well you were the one who just talked about killing a dozen people and being all badass and . So I suggest you deal with it.”

 I listened to the noise, there were definitely more than five people coming up the stairs.

There was no way I could take on all of them without getting hurt and still be able to escape with an injured Kai and an ignorant without getting caught by the dozen GP’s on the street.

“No they can’t see my face! I won’t be able to take on all of them. Not with my limited arsenal of weapons and so many GP’s waiting downstairs. We must find another way out.”

 He looked at me with crossed arms.

 “So you are all talks. I knew it. Five years intense training my . You probably only learned how to be a y little girl.”

 I scoffed I really had no time for this.

“Well besides teaching me how to be a y little girl as you phrased it I was also taught to think before acting. It would only get us killed if we take on all of them alone. So if you want to live a bit longer you should get us out of here. Quick!”

 He seemed to weigh his options but thankfully he decided to go with my plan.

 “There is a door behind the fridge that a lead to another room and from there leads a little stair down to the street. I have this to ensure I don’t get killed if the GP decides to visit me or customers get a little unfriendly and decide to pull out some kind of deadly weapon. Wow if I think of it, both things actually happened today. I must have been a real in my previous life.”

“You still are and now stop ranting and get us to this damn door!”

The noise got louder and I could tell that they were almost in front of the door.

 I helped Kai standing up as he had a problem walking straight after being kicked in the stomach with full force.

 I would get him to Lay as soon as we arrived in the HQ.

 As I reached the kitchen Chanyeol had already pushed the fridge aside and opened the door behind it.

 “Hurry up or they will see us.”

 “I would be faster if you hadn’t kicked me in the stomach dickhead!”

 Kai hissed between clenched teeth.

“You punched me first so don’t be a sissy.”

 “You little..”

 “Stop both of you! We need to get out of here first and then you can around as much as you want but for now shut up!”

Chanyeol pulled the fridge back and closed the door.

The footsteps were now really loud and I could make out voices.

They must be in the room. We made it just in time.

“I don’t see them. They must hide somewhere. There is no way that the escaped without us noticing them. Search this whole place!”

 I heard the sound of glass breaking and tables being thrown over.

 “They are destroying my ing laboratory!”

 I could feel the temperature rising beside me and as I looked at Chanyeol the air around him started to billow.

“I will kill them! I worked my whole life for this!”

 He was seconds from exploding and probably burning this whole place down.

 Damn it why just why can’t there be one day where I don’t risk my life?

 I could feel the sheer heat as I stepped closer to Chanyeol and it started to hurt like but I had to push through if I didn’t want to end as some crisp corpse.

 As I reached out to touch his shoulder I almost jerked back my hand the heat was just too much.

 I ignored my natural instincts that told me to get the hell away from this guy and put my hands on his shoulders,

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Chapter 19: 5 down 7 to go....
Hope she will find the rest of the boys soon. Also the Elder Lee intention is bad i see....

Hope you can update soon ^^
Alosya #2
Chapter 19: Update please your fanfic is one of my favourite fanfic
JeongYunSo #3
Chapter 19: This is a really good story! :3 Pleease stay healthy!
Reachelicious00 #4
Chapter 18: Chanyeol showed up! Wohoo
Em1412 #5
Chapter 17: Baekhyun you sly dog :3
Chapter 17: You made my day author nim
Chapter 16: our puppy is here! baekkieeee~ AND OMG HE STOLE HER FIRST KISS well if the other boys know he would be dead, good luck baek i hope you survive. FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!
Chapter 16: omg! baek's int he house and he stole her first kiss (within the boys) hehehehe XD thanks for the update authornim!
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 16: HE KISSED HER OMG I WONDER HOW THE OTHER BOYS WILL REACT*smirking emoji* thanks foe the update~