Chapter 5

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Minhi Pov

I had already expected to see some sort of scene but what was before my eyes shocked me.

A girl sat half on a shabby bed and tried to cover herself with the bit of clothing she had but that was not what shocked me.

Junghoo pointed a gun against the head of the boy that I saw dancing before. Luckily I hadn’t been noticed yet and I took the opportunity to analyze the situation.

 It looked like the boy had tried to stop Junghoo from the girl but he was beat quite heavily while Junghoo had almost no bruises.

Junghoo looked outraged and he would shoot the boy right through the head if I wouldn’t do something. Before I could do something though I had to secure a few evidences after that was done I tried to get the attention of the girl on the bed.

As her gaze met mine her eyes widened and opened but I quickly told her with gestures to be quiet. I cupped my hands around my mouth.

She understood my massage and let out an ear piercing scream.

 Junghoo’s head whipped around. I took his lack of attention to my advantage.

 I swatted his gun away and knocked him out with one swift move.

The boy and girl looked at me with utter confusion. I was about to explain the situation to them when loud banging against the door interrupted me.

 “Oh they must have heard the scream!”

 Despite the obvious problem neither the girl nor the boy made any attempt to move nonetheless run.

 “A very bad time to play statue!”

There was still no reaction. Holy mother of god!

“Hey!” I snapped my fingers in front of the girl’s face who stood closest to me.

Her head snapped up and she looked at me with traumatized eyes.

 I wanted to comfort her and take away some of the fear she must be feeling but if we didn’t move in the next minute we’ll have way bigger problem than that.

“Is there any exit other than the door?”

She just looked at me and began to shiver. Great now she got a panic attack!

 “There is a small hatch under the carpet it leads to the stage. I can be locked from the inside that will stop them for a while.”

First I didn’t know where the voice came from but there were no other people than me the girl and the boy in the room so it was obviously the guy who spoke.

I noticed that it was actually the first time he spoke. I flipped an edge of the dusty carpet over and was greeted with a small hatch like the boy had said.

I opened the hatch and ushered the both to quickly climb down.

Before I could also climb down the door burst and about ten bulgy men stormed in the room they immediately began to fire as soon as they saw me.

I managed to avoid most of the bullets but one grazed my left cheek and would have hit my eye if the boy hadn’t yanked me down just in time.

I quickly shut the hatch and pulled the lock in front. I turned to the boy and gave him a bright thankful smile.

“Thank you for saving my eyesight!”

He was stunned. I guess he didn’t expect me to be a person that could smile or say thank you. I wasn’t angry that was how most people viewed me after they saw me fight.

 But his gaze changed quickly to a concerned one as his eyes met the wound on my cheek.

“You are hurt!” He made an attempt to examine it closer but I stepped back.

 “There is no time for that. I will get treatment for it later but know we have to run. The lock won’t stop them for long.”

With that said I pushed them both forward and urged them to run.

Luckily they didn’t protest and after less than two minutes of running we reached the stage and climbed out of

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Chapter 19: 5 down 7 to go....
Hope she will find the rest of the boys soon. Also the Elder Lee intention is bad i see....

Hope you can update soon ^^
Alosya #2
Chapter 19: Update please your fanfic is one of my favourite fanfic
JeongYunSo #3
Chapter 19: This is a really good story! :3 Pleease stay healthy!
Reachelicious00 #4
Chapter 18: Chanyeol showed up! Wohoo
Em1412 #5
Chapter 17: Baekhyun you sly dog :3
Chapter 17: You made my day author nim
Chapter 16: our puppy is here! baekkieeee~ AND OMG HE STOLE HER FIRST KISS well if the other boys know he would be dead, good luck baek i hope you survive. FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!
Chapter 16: omg! baek's int he house and he stole her first kiss (within the boys) hehehehe XD thanks for the update authornim!
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 16: HE KISSED HER OMG I WONDER HOW THE OTHER BOYS WILL REACT*smirking emoji* thanks foe the update~