Chapter 15

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Unknown PoV

I climbed up the stairs leading to the stage and sat on my stool like every day and like everyday everything around me was black nothing but darkness.

 I took a deep breath and started playing my song.

I let my eyes wander around the room.

 There were not a lot of people in here today, not that I cared.

To me it doesn’t matter how many people are listening to me because they will never be able to see me be it my appearance or myself. 

I saw a weak light on the right side of the room.

 It was flickering occasionally like it was restless wanting to get away from this place this world.

 I always wondered where these lights want to go they seem so impatient like they are looking forward to something great or maybe just something better than this.

Sometimes I envy these lights they have something to look forward to.

Unlike me who lives in complete darkness.

The most lights in here were dull and fogged I am not able to see them clearly but the more I try to focus on them the more they go away and I want to follow them, those were ghost lights they belong to people who spent their lives deceiving and taking advantage of people who are weaker, less powerful than them.

 I met too much of these people in my life.

  I was about to start a new song as I heard the door open and the shuffling of feet and then I saw it.

There was a bright light but without being blinding it radiated a warm light like it wanted to comfort everything around it, but despite it calmness it was at the same time full of joy and it was strong like a warrior. I never saw such a clear light there were no signs of dullness.

 I saw the light moving towards me, moving towards the darkness I build around me.

 I was struck unable to move. It came closer and started to light up the darkness it erased every part that it touched.

 No I don’t want that!

 I don’t want to be seen.

 Panic started to build up around me and in my panic I used all my power to take all light away.

Finally everything was dark again, lonely like I knew like, I was used to.

I felt save again.

But to my horror I saw that I also erased the beautiful light.

It was gone, just gone.

 I heard loud voices, yelling a name. “Minhi!”

Again and again this name, asking if she was ok, telling her to wake up. 

But soon I couldn’t hear their voices anymore the only thing that repeated in my head over and over again was her name: Minhi.

The name that belonged to the light that only tried to give me something of its warmth but I erased it. I killed it. Devastation and deep grief washed over me.

I felt tears running over my face. I felt the darkness getting heavier. It no longer felt like my save haven but started to suffocate me and inflict deep pane into me.

 I tried to get away from it but it surrounded me like thick wall that I was unable to get away from.


I build my own prison and threw away my only chance to get out of it.


 I don’t deserve any better.


Minhi PoV

We entered the bar, it was just like I imagined it to be full of men who just came from their jobs drinking a beer or having a pretty woman beside them.

I bet half of them are GP’S and something like this calls themselves protectors of the people and law.

 My gaze wandered to the end of the bar and my eyes widened. There really was nothing but darkness.

 Wait there was something.

 It was like only a shimmer but definitely there.

I walked toward it, I felt like I needed to step into the darkness.

 Like something was calling for help.

 “Hey Minhi where are you going?”

I ignored Lay and freed my hand out of his grip.

The darkness radiated so much sadness.

I know it sound ridiculous but I felt the need to brighten up the glimpse of light I saw. 

I moved closer and as I touched the darkness in front of me it was like it vanished under my fingers.

 A smile spread on my face and I stepped further into it closer to the light I saw. 

Suddenly I felt the darkness fighting back and the light getting further away from me.

 I pushed against it but it started to hurt.

It hurt so much and then it was inside of me eating me up leaving nothing behind.

Suddenly I was alone, I felt deep loneliness like everyone left me.

 It was not the first time I felt like this.

 This darkness around me was familiar I remember living in it way too long.

 And then everything came back every moment of this dreaded time.

 All the sorrow and pain came back all the days I spent crying were there again.

 All the times I smiled while I felt like crying, all the times I said I was okay but felt like dying.

The time I lost all hope and just wanted to give up.

I saw him lying in front of me so weak and then taking his last breath.

The day I sent him away, the day my life ended.

But then I remembered the last word he said to me.

 “No matter what happens remember that I am there. I will always be there in your heart and as long as you have hope I will be by your side. And remember to never give up when your head is low lift it up and look at the beauty in front of you instead of the pain below you. You gave so much happiness to me and the ones around you never forget that there are people loving you.  Never lose that smile of yours, I love it so much.”

He died with a smile on his face, the smile he never failed to keep even in the face of death.

 I remembered all the happy moments and laughter we shared.

 The times we just sat in my room and he told bad jokes that weren’t funny at all but always made me laugh.

 The darkness around me started to get lighter and a small smile formed on my lips.

 Finally the darkness was gone and the first thing I saw were three faces filled with worry.

 I felt arms wrap ar

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Chapter 19: 5 down 7 to go....
Hope she will find the rest of the boys soon. Also the Elder Lee intention is bad i see....

Hope you can update soon ^^
Alosya #2
Chapter 19: Update please your fanfic is one of my favourite fanfic
JeongYunSo #3
Chapter 19: This is a really good story! :3 Pleease stay healthy!
Reachelicious00 #4
Chapter 18: Chanyeol showed up! Wohoo
Em1412 #5
Chapter 17: Baekhyun you sly dog :3
Chapter 17: You made my day author nim
Chapter 16: our puppy is here! baekkieeee~ AND OMG HE STOLE HER FIRST KISS well if the other boys know he would be dead, good luck baek i hope you survive. FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!
Chapter 16: omg! baek's int he house and he stole her first kiss (within the boys) hehehehe XD thanks for the update authornim!
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 16: HE KISSED HER OMG I WONDER HOW THE OTHER BOYS WILL REACT*smirking emoji* thanks foe the update~