Chapter 10

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Minhi PoV

We took the train to the black market.

 Now that I found the first one I had to search for the next one.

 Don’t get me wrong. I was really surprised as he told me his real name but it wasn’t that shocking because I already had an idea of who he was after I found out that he had healing abilities.

I was glad that the Zhang Yixing from the profile turned out to be the boy I brought to the rebels.

Not only that it saved me my life but also because I could imagine us to be really good friends.

 It’s been a long time since I had  someone to call a really good friend.

I hoped the next boys are as friendly as Yixing.

The train stopped and we got off of the train.

His eyes almost fell out of its sockets as he saw the black market.

 “What is this?”

 You giggled he was just too cute sometimes. “This is the black market. It can be a bit intimidating at first but you will get used to it after a while. Just don’t speak to people before I tell you that they are save.”

 His eyes got bigger, if that was even possible. “Are the people here dangerous?”

 I shrugged. “A few maybe but I will warn you beforehand. The most people though are really nice once you get to talk to them. They are just trying to make a living and they have pretty useful stuff. Nothing like what you would find up there.” I pointed at the sealing.

 He nodded slowly. I think he needs time to process all of this. So I just stood there until he got himself back together.

 “So what are we here for? I hope it’s nothing of this creepy stuff over there.”

 He pointed to a stand where odd looking clumps were laying that moved occasionally.

 I just laughed. “No we don’t need that but it is really good if you want to prank somebody it smells like crap and it takes a whole lot of time to get the smell out of the room. We are here for information.”

 He raised his eyebrows. “They sell that too?”

 I nodded.  “They do. It might be the most expensive commodity there is.”

 “And where do we get it? Is it like a paper you get? Do you say: I would like to have this or that information. Do you get it right away? What if you need information and they don’t have it?” 

Oh my! He had so many questions, is it really that special to buy information?

“I will just show you but I warn you beforehand the salesman is extremely annoying and if he asks you a question don’t answer him and if you do demand information in exchange. But it would be better to not answer him he is a sly guy.” 

Lay nodded obediently like a little child.

This made me think about Jihyun. Is she save?

 I hope nothing happened to them. You can never be sure with these damn guards they arrest people just because they crossed their way on the wrong day.

 She would look for Jihyun first thing after she got information and hopefully found another one of the boys.

 After a good five minute walk we reached the small booth Key called his “Chamber of secrets”.

 I cringed every time he said that, it was just too over the top.

 As we stepped in we were greeted with an odd dressed Key like always.

I was already used to his choice of clothing and to my surprise Lay seemed not surprised as well.

 Oh well he used to work in a circus he must’ve seen a lot of strange clothing.

Key looked up from his documents that were sprawled all over the desk in front of him, as he noticed our presence. He had this sly grin on his face as he greeted me.

“Sweetheart there you are again. Need my help? Or do you just want to visit me. You know I wouldn’t mind. And who do we have here?”

 He mustered Lay from head to toe.

“Your Boyfriend?” He chuckled. “Oh, I forgot you don’t have one. I wonder what the reason is. You’re such a pretty girl, I bet there are lot of boys who would like to be your boyfriend. Does the

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Chapter 19: 5 down 7 to go....
Hope she will find the rest of the boys soon. Also the Elder Lee intention is bad i see....

Hope you can update soon ^^
Alosya #2
Chapter 19: Update please your fanfic is one of my favourite fanfic
JeongYunSo #3
Chapter 19: This is a really good story! :3 Pleease stay healthy!
Reachelicious00 #4
Chapter 18: Chanyeol showed up! Wohoo
Em1412 #5
Chapter 17: Baekhyun you sly dog :3
Chapter 17: You made my day author nim
Chapter 16: our puppy is here! baekkieeee~ AND OMG HE STOLE HER FIRST KISS well if the other boys know he would be dead, good luck baek i hope you survive. FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!
Chapter 16: omg! baek's int he house and he stole her first kiss (within the boys) hehehehe XD thanks for the update authornim!
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 16: HE KISSED HER OMG I WONDER HOW THE OTHER BOYS WILL REACT*smirking emoji* thanks foe the update~