Chapter 11

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The sickening smell of cheap alcohol and cigarette smoke hit my nose as soon as I walked into the brothel.

 I never planned to ever step a food inside of this building.

I don’t despise the people who work here I despise the people who visit such a place.

 I am not a prude or something. I just think that it isn’t right to have with someone and to not think about the others feelings.

 Because the people who go here don’t give a how the woman and men they have with feel.

It’s not like they do it voluntary. They are born into this caste and there is no way out.

 Another reason why I hate this stupid system.

 I cannot do anything about my members going here as long as they are there for training and missions and they are careful that no one will recognize them as rebels.

 But now that they dragged Jungkook into this I am not going to let it slide.

The interior of the brothel was manly decorated with dark colors, deep red and warm brown shades.

Sure it were suggestive colors but it wasn’t cheap it looked kind of classy.

 If I didn’t knew what happened inside here I would actually like it.

Whoever runs this place had a great taste with interior design.

 Now back to the reason why I’m here.

 I looked around to find someone who could help me or even better these idiots.

 To my luck a lady, who looked like she was in her forties but was still stunning, noticed my searching gaze and walked to me.

 “Hello there young lady, what are you searching for? A little fun maybe?”

Her voice was velvety and I was sure she lulled a lot of men in with this voice.

Her question caused my cheeks to become beet read.

 “No need to be shy. We have a lot of hot guys that absolutely know what they are doing.  If you want a suggestion I would take either Luhan or Kai both have their qualities and are around your age. So what do you say!”

 My face became even redder if that was even possible.

 I mean I am a soldier and I was surrounded by guys every day and everything but that didn’t mean I liked to talk about this!

 I raised my hands in a defensive manner. “N-no I-I’m searching for someone w-who came a-as a costumer.”

 Oh great now I stuttered.

 I am so going to kill these two idiots!

 The lady in front of me chuckled. “Oh, I knew that my dear but you are so fun to tease but there is seriously nothing wrong with talking about it’s a natural thing and noting to be ashamed of.”

  “B-but i-it’s a very private thing s-so.”

Argh! This stupid mouth of mine! Why do I have to stutter?!

 The lady chuckled again even though for me there was nothing funny to laugh about.

“Ah so you are still untouched. That’s rare these days. Now, I teased you enough my dear. Who are you searching for?”

This woman surely has a strange sense of humor.

Setting my embarrassment over the previous topic aside I cleared my throat to avoid more stuttering.

“I am searching for three men one of them is very young, they are most likely together and wear black clothing. Have you seen such people?”

 The woman tipped with her index finger on her chin and a mischievous grin spread on her lips.

“I think I saw men who fit your description.”

“And where are they?”

I asked in a sharp voice clearly annoyed. Under other circumstances I would have been a lot more patient but I was tired and stressed from the action filled day that lay behind me.

 Gladly she didn’t seem to be offended by my unfriendly tone.

 “They are in the saloon by the bar. I will show you the way.”

 The woman seemed to de really friendly but I politely declined.

“I don’t think that this is necessary I already was too much of a burden for you.”

 She raised her eyebrows.  “I don’t think you want to be harassed by drunken old men who can’t difference between you and the girls who work here.”

 I sighed she was right. Theoretically I was able to break every man’s hand who dared to touch me in an inappropriate way but I didn’t want to draw any attention to me in case there were some people of the government here or some who had connections to them.

 Although the surely deserved a broken hand.

“Alright, but only if it is not too much of a burden.” 

She shook her head. “No my dear I have nothing better to do anyways.”

 She turned around and led the way to the saloon.

I followed her and thought about how friendly the woman was and that she was way too nice to wor

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Chapter 19: 5 down 7 to go....
Hope she will find the rest of the boys soon. Also the Elder Lee intention is bad i see....

Hope you can update soon ^^
Alosya #2
Chapter 19: Update please your fanfic is one of my favourite fanfic
JeongYunSo #3
Chapter 19: This is a really good story! :3 Pleease stay healthy!
Reachelicious00 #4
Chapter 18: Chanyeol showed up! Wohoo
Em1412 #5
Chapter 17: Baekhyun you sly dog :3
Chapter 17: You made my day author nim
Chapter 16: our puppy is here! baekkieeee~ AND OMG HE STOLE HER FIRST KISS well if the other boys know he would be dead, good luck baek i hope you survive. FIGHTING AUTHORNIM!
Chapter 16: omg! baek's int he house and he stole her first kiss (within the boys) hehehehe XD thanks for the update authornim!
LIUtheSONE #10
Chapter 16: HE KISSED HER OMG I WONDER HOW THE OTHER BOYS WILL REACT*smirking emoji* thanks foe the update~