Heart 1

YEWOOK Collections
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Ryeowook touched his chest and pushed it a bit harder cause it was stinging like hell inside the class. the Biology major was still happening and he didn’t want to make a mess. He tried to breathe normally but it was hard for him to do it. He looked at his watch and it would still around 10 minutes before the second break time. he kept holding on to the pains that attacked him too strong this time and wished it would be over soon.

Ryeowook was about to pass out when he heard the bell rang loudly and he saw his friends cheered it up. He looked over the room, the very first line that close to the door. He found someone he longed to talk with but he wasn’t sure that guy would remember him. Ryeowook broke his eyes on the subject he craved the most when he heard his phone rang in his bag, begged to be picked up.

He saw the name on the screen and he wiped it to the right. He answered the call.


“have you take the medicine?”

“I did.. this morning.. it’s hurting so much just now..”

“does the pain still hurt you so much when you see him?”

“no… I can endure as I see him..”

“stupid… he won’t notice you, Ryeowook..”

“it’s okay… he never notice me once since junior high school.. why he would do it now?”

“you’re just hurting yourself…”

“I’m already in pain since I was a kid.. it’s nothing new…”

“just call me if you need anything… and the pain killer is with me..”

“okay… thanks for that. I’ll call if I need something.”

Ryeowook stared the screen and when someone on the other class called Cho Kyuhyun ended the call, he put the phone back to his bag. He straightly looked over the class when some students came and talked to his childhood friend right away. He overheard it.

“yaa… Jongwoon! what are you doing here? let’s go outside.”

“I haven’t finished my math… just go by yourself, would you?”

“if I’m the one who likes Nicky… I won’t need your help to get close to her.. but it’s you the one who likes her, don’t you?”

Yesung stopped writing, looked up and smiled to his buddy, Eunhyuk before his eyes fell to the only student who still stayed in the class on the 4th line.

it’s him again… why do I feel like I’ve known him long ago…

“yaaa! I’m talking to you! why you didn’t answer?”

“just please go… I can talk to her when I want it.. thanks by the way..”


When he saw Eunhyuk left the class, he saw at the man who was known as the silence genius that used to call Kim Ryeowook. he was not happy when the big brown eyes didn’t look at him back like the way they used to over 6 months in their 2nd year of high school.

♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥

“why are you here? where do you live?”

“I came to see you play… I love your tree house.. it’s beautiful.. [smiled] I live there… across this street.. number eight.”

“aaah… so we’re neighbor then.. yeah… dad made it for me way before he becomes too busy… [smiled and lifted his hand] I’m Ryeowook. what’s your name?”

shook Ryeowook’s hand as a welcome sign, he replied, “Jongwoon… nice to meet you, Ryeowook…”

“nice name… let’s play with me.. I don’t have a friend here…”

“your house is too big and you live alone? [Ryeowook nodded] that’s bad.. why don’t you ask your friends to come over?”

“I don’t have friends… home schooling.. so my friends are my teachers, gardeners, cooks and those who help me prepare everything.. oh… and a dog… his name is Sam.”

“so… is it okay for you if I come to see you like this?”

“of course! I’m happy for it.. finally I have a friend.. you are my first friend.. and for that, you are special.. come on. let’s play!”


A slight memory visited his brain when he saw mathematics’ teacher entered the room after 10 minutes the bell rang. Ryeowook took out his books and listened to what his teacher said even none of those words he could catch. His chest was screaming in pains again and it was already the third times today. He didn’t want to tell his mother cause his mother would forbid him to go to general school and would love to cage him inside his house like what he had on elementary school.

Ryeowook remembered how much Kyuhyun helped him to find his first friend, Jongwoon, after he disappeared in two years of their friendship. Ryeowook was in hospital that day and he never allowed anyone to tell the world that he had a weak heart. He didn’t know that Jongwoon came to his house and said he had to leave to Chung-Nam cause his dad became a manager there. When Kyuhyun told him that, Ryeowook cried cause he didn’t know where Chung-Nam was and he missed a chance to say goodbye to his very first friend.

When Ryeowook turned to age 14, Kyuhyun, his cousin who loved to play outside, came to his house and told him that he saw Jongwoon on Dangwoon Junior High School. He was happy but his mother forbid him to go outside cause he got another attack 2 weeks after his birthday. Kyuhyun said that he tried to talk to Jongwoon but he said he didn’t know about Ryeowook and it tore Ryeowook apart. He never thought that Jongwoon would forget him easily cause he meant so much for Ryeowook.

“you all have to finish page sixty three and your homework should be on my desk Friday… [the bell rang] now you all can go home.. take care, everyone… good afternoon.”

Ryeowook surprised when his teacher walked out of his class cause it was already 3 PM and he wondered why time fly too fast. As he glanced across the room, he found out Jongwoon laughed happily and said goodbye to his friends who sat next to him before he ran out of the room.

I am here all along… but you never try to talk to me… am I really forgotten, Jongwoon? – he asked, blinked cause he didn’t want notice that he cried inside.

♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥ Y E W O O K ♥

It was sport class on Friday morning and Ryeowook just sat around the yard, watching his friends ran around for 3 times. His parents already told the principal about Ryeowook’s condition and he was allowed not to follow any physic activities on sport class if he felt he wasn’t strong enough. Because he felt something wrong with his heart in two days, he decided not to follow the class 100%.

He kept staring at Jongwoon, who ran along with his classmate, and Ryeowook was so happy inside. His heart was beating fast till he felt he could explode in any minute from happiness. He always loved when he saw Jongwoon laughed or did a little smile for some funny things. He felt he found a treasure when he witnessed that in their friendship that only went for 2 years. He knew that Jongwoon left something inside his heart and he realized it was a feeling when he noticed he missed his first friend’s appearance.

I am in love… I’m in love with my friend… but he won’t like me since he has someone he likes… he won’t see me..

The sport’s teacher told to the II-E class that today’s lesson was basketball and Ryeowook saw the boys were doing hi-five to others. Basketball was a bit popular in his class cause some of the school team members came from Ryeowook’s class. he wondered why Jongwoon didn’t join the team cause he knew his old friend loved that game so much. When the teacher split them into teams, he went closer and grabbed Ryeowook softly.

“hey… are you okay with this basketball game?”

“I think so, sir… if I feel a bit weak.. I won’t play again… but I’d like to try…”

“okay… tell me if you feel something wrong..”

“I will, sir.”

Ryeowook was on Park Yoochun’s team and unfortunately, the teacher told Yoochun to pick another team to be his opponent. Yoochun grinned when he picked Jongwoon’s team cause they knew each other so well. When the team gathered, Yoochun told Ryeowook to guard the back side and shouldn’t leave the right side empty cause it was Jongwoon’s favorite. Ryeowook nodded, sighed inside cause it was the time that he waited in 5 years. He would be noticed today, that was he promised to himself.

Jongwoon played a little too well for Ryeowook who never did sport in his 17 years old boring life. He ran here and there to avoid Ryeowook when he tried his best to block Jongwoon from scoring some points. Ryeowook was too happy until he didn’t realize that he was too tired to continue as blissfulness filled him. he kept blocking Jongwoon, didn’t want his chance t

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1638 streak #1
Chapter 20: Another twin AU and these time with a happy ending, yey ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I love this twin plots and wished there would be more of this. I think this gives room to play around with Yeye's different characters. Thanks for writing and sharing another one.

At first I thought Yesung will hate Wookie so much and will try to sabotage their relationship. And force Wookie to break up with his twin. It's nice that the tiny man could open his eyes and show him how beautiful the world could be, when you're truly in love.

I was thinking about an bittersweet end, like in the previous story. That Yesung might would disappear for his twins and Wookie's sake. It must be so painful to think that the person you're in love with didn't really sees you. The moments he secretly cries at night where really touching and so sad. At first I thought he deserved it, for being such a jerk to Wookie in the beginning. But when I understand he really loves Wookie, I was afraid for the moment Wookie might had to choose between them.

It also shows a strong bond between the twins. That each on of them is ready to share or give up everything for their twins sake. Others might would have start fighting or hate each other. But their brotherly love goes deep as well, and this was so nice to read.

Thank you so much for this sweet story with an hapoy ending. I really love to read this twin thing and wished there would be more like this. You created really amazing works. A pity you dissappeared from here. But I appreciate each story you were keeping here ❤️❤️❤️
1638 streak #2
Chapter 19: OMG this was such a heartbreaking story T^T I have no clue for whom I should feel more sorry for. Yeye? Jongwoon or even Ryeowook? It's such a tragic love triangle. It's sad that Yesung didn't gave Wookie a try after he told him that it's him he felt in love with. But I can understand the bitterness you have to feel, for always standing in someone's shadow. So it's understandable at the other hand, that Yeye had a hard time to believe in his luck at the end of his life.

That he had to go in such a tragic way is really painful. But I'm happy he could go with a clearer mind and in peace in thoughts of his twin. And that he was a happy ghost at the end, that Wookie and his brother found their ways to each other. Like a guardian angel watching over them from above. I hope that they can meet in heaven and be in happy peace as a trio.

I really loved the idea of Yesung and Jongwoon being twins. It's such a powerful dynamic and I believe they could have a very strong bond with each other. Besides this bittersweet ending, I loved the drama in that story and the story in general.

Thank you for writing, sharing and keeping another wonderful Yewook work. I really would love to hear from you one day. But for the moment I blessed with the pieces you left for us ❤️❤️
W_pamls #3
Chapter 26: hai Nicky, I'm very thankful that you made a lot of amazing story especially for yewook. also sorry I just make this one comment when actually I read all your story from 'dream' till 'mute'

really, I adore you!
I wish I'm already a yewook shipper back than, and found you so I can talk properly to you, cause I want have a friend, which one I can share my yewook heart.

I enter yewook world when many old yewook shipper already off and deactive. feel like.. I left behind.. and full of regret. #I'm sorry for babbling.

last. I wish, I really wish.. you comeback. I know it's too much but, yeah.. at least I say it ... even you, maybe you, never gonna read this. thankyou :)
1638 streak #4
Chapter 18: This three shot was such a sweet thing. Very soft and fluffy. Wookie was such a cute baby and Yeye a cool, possessive but very caring lover. I liked their chemistry in here. Very gentle and tender.

I expected Ryeowook to end as a mess without Yesung. But that it's the other way around really took me by surprise. A nice surprise, because it made Yeye's character a bit softer, I think. And I like it that Wookie also wanted to take care of his boyfriend as well and not only be the reserving end of everything. Really nice to read.

I like all your sweet Yewook works here. And even you aren't active here anymore and I just found your stories after then, I'm starting to miss you. I'm really grateful that you keeped your works here so I have the chance to read them (I hope for a while more). Thank you for writing and sharing this sweet story. I will come here for the next one soon ❤️❤️
1638 streak #5
Chapter 15: Sorry to say this, but damn, Wookie's dad is really a jerk and badass in here. How he could do this to this fluffy couple? This was so unfair. It seems that Wookie was really happy for the first time in his life and he destroyed this for the sake of money. It's like he hadn't really known his son. I'm sorry for his passing, but it was for the best, what could have happened to the couple. I don't believe that he would have ever accepted Yeye at Wookie's side. And he had his ways to separate them for a lifetime. An unfair treatment for the two. Both had suffering so much.

I'm happy you gave us such a beautiful ending for this story. How they trust and complete each other was so wonderful to ready. And even Wookie don't give a for money, it's nice that he could help to improve Yeye's life, after years of living just for the smallest things.

Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful love story. It's one of my favorites in this collection ❤️❤️
1638 streak #6
Chapter 13: OMG this wS really a sad and emotional story. At first I also thought Yeye was just a ert jerk, but then he becomes such a softhearted darling. And Wookie was so blinded by the toxic people around there, damn. I never thought that I could hate Minnie in a story, but in here he was a real . It would have been interesting to know what happened with the teacher then. He was the real ert jerk, in my eyes. Thank God, Yeye could protect Wookie as good as it was possible from that damn teacher. I was shocked reading what he caused for Kyu. I'm sure Yeye can't forgive himself for that, but imagine this might could have happened to his Wookie, I'm sure it wasn't a joke, when he said he would kill him then.

Oh and I'm so happy that they found each other years after that hurtful scenarios, then T^T At first I was afraid that Yeye wouldn't give Wookie a second chance, because he really hurt him damn much and I could have understand when he said 'No!' to him at the end. But to read how Wookie broke down then was also very sad to read, I wanted to hug them both then T^T But Yeye was such a sweetheart at the end. So broken in his first interview but the proudest man in the second one. That's why I would have liked to know what happened to the teacher. I can imagine him opening the newspapers one day and choke on his morning coffee reading the great news about Yewook. Haha, at least he would have deserved this.

Thank you so much for writing and sharing this beautiful part of Yewook's collection. And thank you for giving them their happy end they deserve so much ❤️
1638 streak #7
Chapter 10: So this time you gave us a little psycho Yeye. But a sweet and lovely psycho I have to say. Nagh, why he had to kidnap Wookie in the first place. He better had shown up with a flower bouquet and chocolates >_< If he had asked Wookie that way, I'm sure the little boy would have followed him to the end of the world T^T

He's so lucky Wookie has such a big heart, especially for him. Wookie must have been a little crazy, too. More or less accept everything and fall in love with his kidnapper. They're a crazy but cute and fluffy couple. Yeye regrets that he acted the wrong way at first, but I'm sure he will make up for this for the rest of their lifetime.

Thank you for sharing this part of your Yewook collection. It was a very emotional read, especially when Yeye decided to let Wookie free. I had teary eyes during the car ride back to Wookie's home. Until your next ❤️
1638 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh I love this bittersweet one shot so much. What I liked the most is that it was Yeye who starts with having a crush on Wookie and not the other way around. But he suffered so much, it really hurts while reading.

Maybe Wookie needed the years of distance to Yeye to recognize his feelings fully, so the change in his behavior isn't a wonder. I'm so glad that Yeye didn't moved on, even he planned it for one day. But destiny didn't want it, so it let him meet again. And I'm glad that he didn't turn into a ice old and accept Wookie happily and that they are happy now.

Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful chapter. It was so nice to read ❤️
1638 streak #9
Chapter 7: Oh Yeye was such a jerk in the first part of the story. Wookie is just too pure and an angel that he is fine to deal with his badass attitude. But I'm happy with the soft and fluffy ending. Just one question is unsolved. Why Yeye can't remember his past? As a ten years old he was old enough to keep childhood memories. So this is the only question left after reading this sad but also sweet Yewook story. Thank you for sharing this with us.
1638 streak #10
Chapter 5: This story was a cute and fluffy high school AU. With the right dose of little drama and Yeye wasn't too much of a jerk. I love to read about Yewook in high school ^^ Hope the rich kids will become a bit more mature with times and don't play around with cars like they are just big toys. But it's nice they accept Wookie on Yeye's side and don't dropped their respect for Yeye because he didn't played the game to the fullest end. Maybe they are just bored with all their money. But it's sad, when you think about Wookie's life condition before. Hope they learned and you didn't showed them as bad guys, so I think they did.

Thank you for sharing this sweet little story in this collection ❤️❤️