Chapter 10


Hyun’s POV

            Have you ever felt the urge to kick somebody in the balls and just ran away and hide under a stone? Well that is exactly how I’m feeling right now.

Stares were pointed towards me; some with confusion others with betrayal. However, out of all the stares, 3 stares bothered me the most. One full of pride and victory while the other two full of hurt and pain. The two people that were closet to me were now looking at me like I’m a betrayer.

Am I a betrayer?

Didn’t I do the right thing?

Is it wrong to bring justice to those who deserve it?


            An awkward silence consumed the four people in the studio.

“Umm,” Junsu said, “Are you close with them?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “They were the first friends I made in SM.” A silence was soon followed but it wasn’t as awkward as before.

“Are they,” Jaejoong cleared his throat, “Are they doing well?” I looked towards him and noticed that he was looking at the ground instead of looking at me. The short time that I had been with these 3 men, I noticed little things about them.

Like how Junsu laughs with his heart, and he also has to check his phone constantly. Or like Yoochun plays with one of his ears when he is nervously talking. For Jaejoong, when he talks he tends to look into the other person’s eyes; giving them full attention, and right now with him not looking at me, I knew that he was unsure whether to ask the question or not.

“They’re fine.” I replied with a small smile as three men looked at me, “Changmin is still an evil man that likes to bully people, and loves food over anything else. While Yunho is competitive like before, and can’t seem stop practicing.”

They all nodded their heads, realizing that their former members’ personality did not change.

I look at the time, and decided it was time to go. I got up and put my phone back into my purse.

“I’m going to go now.” I said while stepping back a little to go to the door.

“Do you need a ride?” Yoochun got up from the sofa, and checking his pockets to make sure he has his keys.

“No it’s okay.” I smiled at him, “I’m going to take the bus.”

“Are you sure? I can drop you off.” Yoochun insisted.

“No it’s really okay.” I smiled wider at him, “But thank you for asking.”

“Okay, but make sure to text me once you get home.” Yoochun said while waving his phone.

“You know she can text anyone of us?” Junsu said with a raised eyebrow in a mocking manner. Yoochun just ignored him.

I laughed at them, but promised them that I’ll text them once I reached home.

“Hold on, wait Hyun.” Jaejoong stopped me while standing up, “What about SM?” I stared at him in confusion for a minute before realizing the question.

“Oh that’s right.” I totally forgot about them, “I’ll just quit and try to find another job.” I shrugged my shoulder like it was the easiest thing to do. Who was I kidding? Finding a job in Korea is hard. Not to mention, leaving behind the people I care for. I bit my lips as I started to wonder about their reaction.

“No need. You’re already working for us.” Yoochun said while crossing his arms around his chest.

“That right!” Junsu also got up, “You’re already our lawyer; you don’t need another job.”

 “But I’m not your lawyer until I actually file a case against SM; I still have to look for more evidence.” I argued, “Plus don’t you guys have to talk to your CEO before you decide who’s going to be your new lawyer?”

The three just laughed like I made a joke or something.

“You really don’t know anything about us, do you?” Jaejoong said while chuckling.

“C-Jes was build especially for us.” Yoochun explained, “The CEO is our best friend, and we are our own boss.”

My eyes got wide while I looked at them with surprise, “So pretty much you guys can do whatever you want without any consultant.” They all nodded their heads.

“Don’t look for another job. We will start paying you from the moment you quit SM and join us.” Jaejoong said. I bit my lips, thinking over the situation. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder grabbing my attention.

I looked up towards those familiar dark brown eyes; cute yet masculine.

“Just say yes, Hyun.” He said with his deep voice; like he was trying to hypnotize me. His stare was strong making me hard to look away. It felt like we were the only two in the room until it was ruined by the two in the back chuckling.

I blinked looking away with a blush on my cheek, “Okay.” I sighed in defeat. Junsu and Jaejoong yelled and high five each other in the background.

Yoochun smiled with his famous bright smile. His lips formed the perfect curve around his teeth while his dimples showed themselves to me. His eyes formed a half moon, and had a spark in them capturing my attention again. I inwardly shook my head, looking away again.

“I’m going to go now.” I said while backing away. The two men in the back waved at me while Yoochun just waved his phone signaling me to not to forget to text him. I chuckled and waved back at them as I walked out the door.


            I knocked on the door to my going-to-be-old boss. After hearing his approval to come in, I took a deep breath walked inside.

Mr. Kim looked up from his paper work and looked at me with a smirk. I squinted my eyes in suspicion; he knows something.

“Well good morning Miss. Park. How is your cold?”  Mr. Kim continued to smirk as he leaned back on his chair.

“You see sir-” I was interrupted by him opening his drawer.

“Oh before you talk, I want to show you something.” Mr. Kim took out photos and gently threw them on his desk where they landed just in front of me. I looked down on the photo and saw pictures of me yesterday.

My eyes got big in shock. I picked them up and looked through them. There was one of me talking on the phone on the bench. One of me in the taxi going to Mr. Lim’s office. Another of me with Mr. Lim going to C-Jes building. The last one was me leaving the building with a smile.

“You must be shock; a lot of questions must be going through your mind, right Miss. Park?” Mr. Kim folded his hands on the table. I try to remember back to think of anyone suspicious following me, and then I suddenly remembered the guy with the black hat and camera.

“Well with the information I have gathered, you’re working for C-Jes now.” Mr. Kim continued. I looked down on the photos before sitting, not so gently, on the chair.

“Oh thank goodness. You made my job so much easier.” I smirked at him while crossing my legs and leaning back, “I was going to quit today anyway, but seriously Mr. Kim don’t you think it’s a little creepy stalking me?” I threw the pictures back on his desk.

The surprise was shown on Mr.Kim’s face. Did he really expect me to beg him or feel sorry? Heck no! I’m not one of his slave workers who follow all of his orders.

“Well I’m going to clean up my desk and leave.” I said while getting up, “It was nice working for you. No actually it wasn’t.” I smirked as I closed the door before he could answer back.

            I went straight to my office and took a plastic portable box I used to keep files in from under desk. I started to put folders, office utensils, and photo frames I kept into it. Thank God, I didn’t have too many personal items because everything fit perfectly into the box.

I stepped back while holding the box and looked at the desk that I’ve worked on for 8 months. The same desk that I had lunch with friends; the same desk that Heechul used to put his feet on while bothering me; the same desk that Yunho, Changmin, and I use to drink coffee on; the same desk that many SM idols used come to use to bring back normalcy in their life by just talking to me about random stuff. This desk held so many memories, but it was time to leave it.

I took a deep breath and turned around and walked to the elevator. I push the ground button and hoped that I could leave without any problem. I wanted to say bye to the idols, my friends, but that would be a little too much for me. I know, I’m a coward for not saying a last goodbye, but it was necessary or I wouldn’t be able to have the strength to leave.

The doors opened and I walked towards the lobby, but suddenly stopped. There in the lobby stood all the idols of SM looking at me with emotional eyes.

Tao was looking at me with watery eyes, and I could tell he was trying hard to hold back from hugging me.

DO, with his big eyes, was looking at my box, confirming if I was truly leaving.

Luhan looked at me with his doe eyes that held a little acceptance of my action.

I looked at Super Junior who already had some members holding back tears. Eunhyuk biting his lips while Ryeowook already had one tear escape his eyes. Only Heechul had his arm crossed and had an annoyance look on his face. I could tell that he was not happy.

Majority of SNSD members were crying with some of f(x) members. I looked toward SHINee, and immediately regretted it as Key and Taemin were forming fist to hold back their tears.

Finally, I moved my eyes toward my left where TVXQ stood. Changmin and Yunho were looking right at me. Their eyes weren’t watery; however, they were glossy. Tears formed in my eyes while I looked at the first friends I made in SM. I looked back at the big group in the lobby before looking at the ground. I didn’t want them to see my watery eyes.

“So you’re really leaving?” Yunho asked breaking the silence. I just nodded because I know I wouldn’t be able to talk without my voice breaking.

“Why?” Kyuhyun asked. I couldn’t answer; I didn’t want to lie to them, but if I told them the truth what would happen?

Would they understand?

Would they be mad?

Would they feel betrayed?

I had no idea so I didn’t speak. However, after few seconds, I just decided to tell them the truth, but I was interrupted.

“She’s leaving because she got a job as in C-Jes.” A voice said from behind me. I turned around to saw Mr. Kim walking out of the elevator with his hands behind his back. Everyone was staring at him, surprised at his sudden appearance.

“She’s JYJ’s new lawyer.” Mr. Kim continued as he looked straight at me.

End of Flashback

            The person I want to kick in the balls is Mr. Kim who has a smirk plastered on his face. Oh how I would love to get rid of that.

I looked toward Changmin and Yunho and saw the shock and hurt in their eyes. My eyes got watery as I took a step towards them. However, Yunho stepped back, still\ looking into my eyes with hurt emotions. I stopped immediately, hurt that Yunho stepped away from me. My chest felt tight and a lump formed in my throat.

“Why?” Changmin asked. I just looked at him, not answering. What am I suppose say?

“How long have you been looking into being their lawyer?” Yunho asked while looking at the ground.

Again, I couldn’t answer.

Nobody in the lobby said anything. They were all quiet letting the three people talk as they listen.

“She became their lawyer yesterday, but she’s been looking into it for about a week.” Mr. Kim spoke again. His lips twitch a little on the corner as he tried hard not to smirk.

“A week!” Yunho yelled causing me to take a step back with fear. I’ve never heard Yunho yelled before in anger. Yunho saw my small movement and the fear on my face making him regret it. He ran his hand over his hair in frustration.

“Yunho control yourself.” Heechul finally spoke, “Let her do whatever she wants, she’s a grown up.” Heechul still had his arm crossed over his chest as he took a step towards me. I looked back at him in surprise that he actually stood up for me. But from the look in his eyes, that he was trying so hard to hide, I could tell he also felt betrayed.

“I’m not mad that she’s their lawyer, I’m mad because she had this whole thing planned for a week but didn’t tell us. She was going to leave without saying a word. We would have never known she left if it wasn’t for Taemin who saw her packing.” Yunho said with his hands in his hair.

Changmin just stood there facing the ground. “I feel betrayed.” Changmin whispered, but everyone heard him. My chest felt tighter as the lump in my throat got bigger. I looked down towards the box that I was still holding.

The box contain many useless things, but the photo on top made me realize why I’m doing all of this. The photo consisted of me with my casual clothes on and a big smile; right beside me was my dad. He was in his suit and had one arm around my shoulder while the other held my present for my birthday; my mug that had ‘daddy’s girl’ written on it.

One tear escaped my eye, and fell right on top of dad’s photo. That’s right; I’m doing it for him. I’m his pride. I will make him proud and not let his work go down the dump.

I closed my eyes and imagined my dad right behind me. Just like he stated in the diary: I’ll always have your back. Even though you won’t see me, I’ll be right behind you. I show him put his hand on my shoulder and squeezing it like it would give me strength.

I opened my eyes and quickly wiped them with my hands. I bowed to Changmin and Yunho, “I’m sorry.”

I walked toward the door and turned back to the big group.

“I had an amazing time working here for 8 months. I made great friends and created wonderful memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I truly hope that your careers will blossom into new heights. Thank you for accepting me, helping me, and befriending me.” I deeply bowed to them.

I looked at each one of them, but stared at Changmin and Yunho longer. I bowed one more time before walking away with a straight back. I didn’t look back once. 


Did you guys liked the way I did Hyun's POV?

I personally think it's better than a third person POV because I feel 

like you can connect with the character more. 

Also did Yunho and Changmin seem out of character?

This was 6 pages guys o_0 but I had a fun time 

writing this chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter!

Let me know if you find any mistakes. 

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Present time:

Featuring DBSK

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AmyDick #1
Chapter 33: Sudden appearance of heechul which give a little light on hyun's and jyj but the way tovictory is still long ahead to get. Gotta wait for hyun action after receiving the document.
AmyDick #2
Chapter 32: I think you need to go to the original plot line after all the yoohyun's love line. Time to be serious.
Thanks for updating anyway.
youngmin22 #3
Chapter 31: It's okay, i'm happy that you update. I love this story
Fighting authornim....
mettugiworld #4
Chapter 31: Thank you. I always be no 1 fan of this fanfic. Haha
Giannarodz23 #5
Chapter 30: Amazing update soon
AmyDick #6
Chapter 31: I was shocked at first. Is it real? Was the words i said when i read my friend's post on facebook but then it hasn't prove yet and we still didn't know the truth.
For me if really yoochun did it i don't know if i'll still have respect him but i hope he is innocent. For real he has been built his clear image for years but this news is a shock that i don't know which one is true since everything is blur. I also didn't follow news that much but i feel a bit relax after cjes gave statement.
mettugiworld #7
Chapter 31: I know what you feel authornim. My heart really hurt. I'm angry with media posting something that not related to YC. I'm also confused with so many statemen from pollice and his agency. The pollice investigation also so slow to uncover this case. And YC side doesnt hav chance to speak up to pollice. His agency still wait for official summon from pollice. And medias were far away and too much. They attack YC like he's already a criminal. In fact he didnt investigate yet by pollice. And the news always about girl side.

This scandal really make me headache and hurt. I've been sick since last night. I also cant cry although I want. But, my heart still shake and hurt. I wanna cry or put my anger on something or someone but I cant.

I really hate JTBC and Channel A who report him in media like they're dumb and not clarify first on YC side or pollice. This is too much. They must deserve worst than this
sn123456 #8
Chapter 31: I just hope I haven't been in love with the wrong guy for many years. I wish he will be found innocent. My Chun isn't such a man.
mettugiworld #9
Chapter 30: Honestly I dislike Sulli. But yeah its okay its yur story. Heheh

I hope more triangle love story between Yoochun-Hyun-Yunho. Haha
MystMayden41 #10
Chapter 30: Gosh Heechul, you just realised your CEO isn't all SM idol believes he is lol.

Awesome come back from Sulli to Changmin author-nim when they we're talking in the restaurant. If only that happened for real when JYJ we're made to look like the bad guys and still are looked upon as the bad guys.

When Yunho finds out the friend Hyun's staying with, he's going to be one greeneyed monster :p:D