Chapter 4


Camille's POV.



Normally I don't talk to strangers on the streets, but normally I don't find a lost Korean singer on the streets. It was really weird, but I like weird things, I'm a weird person after all, at least that's what my friends always say.

I still didn't completely believe Taemin about his story, but the way his eyes beg me to when he told me everything make me wanna help him just a little. So after taking care of his scratch on his leg, I took him to eat at a fast food restaurant, I would have like him to eat something better, but that was all I could afford to pay. As we were walking Taemin was limping a little, I guess the scratch did hurt as it seem to.

"So, Taemin, you don't remember anything of how you get here?" I asked him.

" No, the last I know is Minho hyung beating me on a hockey table game, and then I woke up on  a bench."

Heung?, that was strange word, I wonder what it mean but I let that for later.

"Maybe, it is just a joke? from one of your band mates."

"No, they wouldn't do this, he didn't have schedule a trip to America... we are in America, right?" He asked, confusion all over his face.

"Yes, we are on America, you've heard of New York City?" 

"I'm in NY?, how did someone manage to bring me here in one night?"

"Do you remember the date before you woke up on the bench?" I asked him, thinking maybe this could be of help.

" Yes, October 2."

"What, October 2, are you sure?!" I asked shocked, but I betted he was going to be more shocked when he learned the current date.

" Yes, I remember Key hyung's birthday was just some days before." He said. I didn't wanted to scare him, but I decided to be honest.

" A, Taemin, today's date is October 7, October 2 was 5 days ago."

" What?!" He asked while looking at me with eyes full of surprise and confusion.

"How did I sleep for almost a week, on a bench?!" He said, he obviously couldn't believe it.

" I don't think you were on the bench for that long."

" Maybe, I don't know, I'm so confuse right now." He said looking confused, and a little sad too, somehow that make me want to help him more.

Shortly after that, we arrived at the restaurant.

"Ok, you stay here, I'll go inside and buy you something to eat." I said as I started for the door, but Taemin stopped me.

"Wait, why do I have to wait here?"

"They won't let you go in looking like that."

He looked at his clothes and nodded with a disappointed pout on his mouth. I didn't understand why, but  I thought he looked cute doing that.

"Just wait here, I won't take to long."

After that I went inside to buy the food. When I came out Taemin run to me, he snatch the paper bag from my hands and started to see what was inside of it. He looked like a little kid opening a present, and again I thought it was cute, he really acted like a little boy.  We walked to a park that was across the street and sit on the grass so Taemin could feed his hungry stomach.

" Taemin, it is not normal to suddenly appear on another country, there must be a reason."

"I know, but, I don't know that reason." He said, just as he started with the hamburger. 

I have been thinking about it make up many theories of how he appeared here, but none of them make sense, so I went for the obvious.

" Have you think of the possibility that maybe you were kidnapped?"

" Kidnapped, why would someone kidnapped me for?" He asked. He was more innocent of what I thought.

"Taemin, bad people do it  just to get money, and you are a singer, you are more valuable."

"Maybe, but if I was kidnapped I won't be here right now."

He was right on that one, he would be tied up on some abandoned house or something like that, so I move on from the 'kidnapped theory', and was about to go to the 'aliens theory' when I notice that he was almost done with the food; the hamburger, the two fries packs and the soda were gone, he was now starting with the little apple pie that served as dessert; we were only there for 5 minutes, and he was already done. I had to admit it was amazing.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

"Thank you for the food." He said smiling at me. I just started at him in amazement.

"You're welcome, I hope you like it."

"It wasn't, now what?" He asked, smiling while waiting for my response. Actually I had planned to go after I buy him food, but I felt some guilt of just thinking about it.

"So, I have to go now."

"Go, were?"

" Well, I have homework to do, and then I need to go to my job."

"So, you're just gonna leave me by myself?" He asked. I could see he was sad at this, and maybe a little scared.

" I, I wish I could help you more, but this is all I can do, I'm sorry."

"But, what am I going to do alone?"

All of a sudden he stared at me with sad puppy eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, he looked so helpless and cute at the same time, how could I resist to that. Even so, I couldn't do much so I said:

" Hmmm, maybe I could take you to the police station, I'm sure they will help you."

"Ok, I guess that's the right thing to do." He said with a smile. This was starting to get to weird, how could this guy be so cute? I have never seen a guy acting like this, but Taemin did it like it was something natural, I guess guys are different on Korea.

" Alright, follow me." I said. I guide him to my house, it was actually an apartment. When we arrived at the building he asked:

"What are we doing here, I thought we were going to the police station?"

"We are, but you need to get clean first, no one will listen to  you looking like that."


We went up to the seventh floor, and to the apartment #304. I took out my keys and removed the lock, but before opening the door I turn to him and said:

" I'm gonna let you in, but if you steal something I'll make sure you never will return to Korea, not alive."

"I'm not gonna steal anything, I'm not a thieve." He said a little annoyed.

"I just wanted to be sure."

I opened the door and let him in, but I hurriedly guide him to the bathroom.

"Stay here." I said, actually it sounded more like a command, I guess I still didn't trust him enough. I run into my brother's room an took some clothes out from his closet, then I return to the bathroom.

"Take a bath, and put this on, there are towels on the closet and the hot water's broken so bear with it." 

"Ok." He said with a confused tone on his voice.

After a few minutes I could hear the water running, so I relax a little and let myself fall on the couch, I was lucky both of my parents worked till late at night and my brother was out of town on a school trip, otherwise they wouldn't have let me help Taemin. I still didn't understand it, but every time I saw him I just wanted to help him more, maybe because he was really lost, or maybe cause I'm a good girl, I don't know, all I was sure of was that I was going to help him no matter what.







There it is. CHAPTER 4. I'm so proud of myself right now. 

This chapter was more to introduce Camille. [A/N: Camille here is a fictitious character, any resemblance with anyone dead or alive is pure coincidence.]

I know I took some time to upload this, but my computer doesn't help me with it. Sorry.

Hope you like it and feel free to comment :) 










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sofie93 #1
Chapter 20: really nice story!
WAAAAAH its over :( o well it was an awesome story! :D
Nooooo why do things have to end? I love this story too much! please write another like it! thank you for being a brilliant writer!:3
really good job :) cant wait to read the next update!
Nookie it can't be over soon! I'll cry! TT.TT
Waaaaaaa!!! 2 more chapters? That's not even close enough. :(
Well it's your choice anyways.
Update soon! <33333333333
no it can't be over in two chapters! that's not enough! i love this story too much! :'( and
There's the romance I had been waiting for. ^^