Chapter 11


Hey it's me!! I just wanted to explain something: It's been already ten chapters that basically covered two days in the story, I know that a lot of things happened in a such a short time, but as I said in the foreword " Taemin's life change in a  moment..." that's the reason why. Probably no one was questioning about this, but I felt that I have to explain it, :D.



Author's POV.


Finally after all the problems, Taemin got some peace. He now had a place to stay, and a very good friend that was always helping him. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty that Camille had to do so much for him, but she always said that she was glad to help. Like the day after he got " his own apartment ", Camille arrived with many groceries just for Taemin, he was more than happy to see all that food waiting for him on the cabinets.

On the first two weeks in N.Y. they didn't saw the bad guys at all, it really took some weight out of their shoulders but somehow they still feel a little uneasy, they couldn't take their guards down. The bad guys were so persistent the first days, obviously they haven't give up just like that. And just as they were alert at any sing of danger, they keep on trying to find a way to get Taemin back to Korea.

They made up a lot of plans, but either they were to difficult for just the two of them, or way to expensive to cover them. Camille said that Taemin could call someone, the problem was that Taemin didn't remembered a single number, he never really paid attention to cell phones. They tried by email, but Taemin's email had been canceled and when he tried to make a new one it always marked an error; the same happened to Camille when she tried to write one. It was like if someone didn't want them to contact Korea or SHINee, or anyone.

They didn't give up and every day they tried again. Even while doing these, they continued with their lives, or at least Camille, Taemin was getting used to his new routine. Every morning he would wake up, eat break fast, and loose time till 2:30 pm, then he would go to pick up Camille from school. They would sometimes eat on the mall, or sometimes Camille will cook for them both. After having a full tummy, it was homework time,Taemin always ended up helping Camille on math. Then they will play all the afternoon, or watch movies, or listen to SHINee's songs, Camille was really starting to like kpop. When the clock marked 8:00 pm, Camille had to go to her work. She worked on a coffee shop not far away from " Taemin;s apartment " He always waited for her while eating a banana muffin and reading some magazine. He felt that it was the least he could do after all the help he receive in exchange, and he always insisted that it was dangerous to leave her alone at such a late hour. 

Even while apparently enjoying his time in N.Y. Taemin knew he has not at home. He missed his hyungs very much, he missed his work, even when Camille asked him to sing a song, it was not the same feeling. He always wondered what were his hyungs doing at the time, were they missing him? would they be looking for him? He was still scared that maybe he wasn't the only one lost, but every time he was starting to feel depress or sad Camille was always there, making him see the good side of things, making him smile. 

He still didn't know how did he ended on the other side of the world, but having a friend with him was much better than being alone.


In Korea...

Minho's POV.


It's been almost three weeks since we lost Taemin. We had no idea where could he be, we couldn't contact him, no one had seen him, he didn't told anyone if he was going somewhere. I was so desperate to found him, I wanted to know he was fine, I tried to imagine it, but it always ended in pain. I was so scared for him I couldn't even sleep, not without dreaming that he was being tortured or something worse. And I wasn't the only one:

Key hyung was still being all worried, panicking every now and then. I could heard him in the night, speaking to himself trying to calm his nerves, trying to convince himself that Taemin was alright, that this was just a dream.

Jonghyun hyung started to be more cold, he didn't speak to anyone, he always looked mad, and if you tried to comfort him or just say "hi" he yelled that he didn't wanted to be bothered or just to leave him alone.

Onew hyung became more silent that Jonghyun hyung, he rarely came out of his room, he always have that thinking face on, he stopped being funny and clumsy, he even stopped eating chicken, or food.

This was getting out of control, my hyungs were all going crazy without Taemin. I knew they feel guilty for not being able to stop this from happening, I was too, but this was being to much to handle. And the fact that the company was doing nothing to find him was making everything worse. They said they were having money problems, but I knew it wasn't just that, money problems wouldn't be a problem for something like this. There was something else behind all this, but I didn't know what it was, and if I asked about it, no one will responde.

I was getting very stressed with all this, my hair was falling out, if these keep going I was soon going to be Choi - Bald - Minho. I let out a big sight and sat on the couch. I the TV and as soon as it started I saw that commercial. Since we were lacking a main dancer, the company had told us that we were going to take a break until things gotten better. They put commercial that said: " SHINee's taking a break preparing a great comeback" or something like that. Just as the commercial ended Key hyung entered the living room.

" Great comeback, how could we have a great comeback if they're doing nothing to find Taemin?!" He said. I could clearly see that he have been crying, his eyes were red and swollen, and tears were still visible. I wanted to tell him everything was going to be fine, but I wasn't sure of that neither.

" We have to go look for him." He said. 

" But hyung..." He didn't let me finish.

" Minho, think about it, you were the last one who saw him. When he got out of the recording room, did he say something, anything?"

" No, he just said he needed fresh air, and then he went to the balcony, that's where we found his cell phone." I said as I remembered every single detail.

" Fresh air? ... what if he went to the mountains!" Key hyung suddenly said.

" You're kidding, right?" 

I knew he was desperate, but that was senseless, why would Taemin go the mountains?! I guess he saw the look of disbelieve on my face when he suddenly slapped me in my arm.

" We have to check every possibility!!"

" Hyung, what if we just check possible possibilities?"

" Stop joking!! Now, go put on something that doesn't call the attention." He said while pointing to mine's and Taemin's room.

" What for?"

" We're going out, to look for him, I don't care if SME fired me, I want to find him." He said and then went to get change.

I have never seen Key hyung so decided on something, he was even risking his job, and that was enough for me to get convinced on the same thing. If the company wasn't going to look for Taemin, we will, and we were going to bring him back for sure.




Well, here it is!!! I hope everyone likes it. It really give me a hard time, but finally I updated, so sorry I was busy studding for some tests.

Good and happy comments are welcome :)




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sofie93 #1
Chapter 20: really nice story!
WAAAAAH its over :( o well it was an awesome story! :D
Nooooo why do things have to end? I love this story too much! please write another like it! thank you for being a brilliant writer!:3
really good job :) cant wait to read the next update!
Nookie it can't be over soon! I'll cry! TT.TT
Waaaaaaa!!! 2 more chapters? That's not even close enough. :(
Well it's your choice anyways.
Update soon! <33333333333
no it can't be over in two chapters! that's not enough! i love this story too much! :'( and
There's the romance I had been waiting for. ^^