Chapter 20


A/N: Finally I decided to update, sorry for the long wait, it's just that this is the last chapter, and I didn't have the courage to write it so soon. Bwaaaa, my story is ending :(. Anyway, thank you to all who took the time to read my story, it is my first one, and I'm not a perfect author, but thank you for being patient and tolerant with me. You're the best people I have ever meet (even if we don't know each other personally), thank you for there with me. Kansamida :D!!!!! (A/N: Oh, and I hope you liked the action scene on the last chapter, it was the best I could do, action is so hard to write :P)



Author's POV.  


A couple of days passed until the doctors let Taemin and Camille get out of the hospital. The older member of SHINee stayed in NY the whole time, since they where still on a "rest", nothing stopped them.  Their manager arrived too, and just like with the other, he was received with a powerful bear hug from Taemin.

They stayed in " The Rose Hotel", since they decide to stay for a week to know the city, with Camille as their personal guide. But just like any other vacation, the end arrives when you least expect it. Taemin found out when he returned to the hotel after  walking home Camille. He heard his hyungs talking in the nice living room of their hotel room, but they didn't heard him entering.

" So when do we tell Taemin?" Jonghyun asked.

" I don't know, he looks so happy here." Key said. 

" I don't thinks he wants to leave." Added Minho.

" We have to let him know and see what he thinks."  Onew said.

" Let me know what?" Taemin asked, as he came out from his hiding place behind a wall.

No one answered him, they got surprised by how he suddenly appear and they just couldn't form words.

" Tell me what?" Taemin asked again, more confused this time.

After another short, and uncomfortable silence, Onew cleared his throat and finally spoke:

" Taemin, we have to talk, about our trip back home."

" Back home?" Taemin asked confused.

" Yes, back to Korea... we have to go back." Onew explained.

Somehow, those words didn't seem to enter Taemin's brain, or more likely he wasn't allowing them. Honestly, he had feared this moment since his hyungs arrived at the hospital. They where together now, SHINee was completed again, so that meant return to Korea, and back to work. Back to his idol life, the life that didn't have the wonderful and cute friend he had found in America.

" We have... to go back, now?"  He asked, refusing to accept it.

" Taemin, you're back with us, you're safe now, we can go back." Key said.

" SHINee needs to return." Jonghyun added.

" But, now... so soon?" Taemin asked again.

He obviously didn't want to go back, he didn't want to leave Camille, but he also didn't want to leave his hyungs, he could never leave SHINee. In the middle of taking an enormous decision, one that could change his life forever, he didn't knew what to choose. It was so confusing and frustrating.

" Can't we stay another week?" Taemin asked, hoping to have more time to pass with Camille, and think about all these. But suddenly, their manager entered the scene, he had clearly hear all the discussion.

" No we can't, the company knows you're here, and safe, they want us to be back there on Monday." He said.

" Monday?!" Taemin repeated surprised.

" You're safe now, SHINee has to do a comeback and clear all the misunderstandings that were created when all of this started. I'm sorry Taemin, but we have to go back." Manager said.

" But Monday, is in three days." Minho said.

" I only have three days?!" Taemin asked.

" Actually two, we have to leave at noon on Sunday, the company already brought and send us the plane tickets, and I bring your passport with me, so we can travel now." Manager said.

After hearing that, Taemin felt a weird pressure on his chest, it hurt, and it was annoying; his vision got blurry, but he didn't notice he was crying.

" Taemin." Key said worried.

" It's unfair." Was all Taemin said, before running to a room and lock himself inside.

His hyungs tried to get him out, or pass him food since he didn't come out for dinner, but it was all in vain. He was confused and hurt, angry, sad, all at the same time. He needed time to think, so the rest of SHINee went to sleep.

The next day, Key went to give him breakfast, but he got surprised when he found the door open and Taemin was nowhere to be found. Key quickly called the rest of SHINee. 

" Where is he, what if something bad happens to him again?" Key asked worried to death.

" Don't worry so much, he'll be fine." Jonghyun said, trying to calm the worried " umma".

" Yes, he's probably with Camille." Minho said, being positive.

" He is fine, and he will surely make the right decision." Onew added.

Meanwhile with Taemin. He had woken up very early, and he went directly to Camille, and without giving her time to think he took her out. They where walking on Central Park (A/N: I couldn't leave this story without writing about Central Park ;D) Taemin had already told Camille the bad news. And even if she didn't show it, deep inside, it hurt her.

" So, you're leaving tomorrow." She said.

" Yes, the company want us there soon, so we can clear everything and make a comeback." Taemin answered without emotion.

" Well, it's great, you can go back home now, and back to your awesome job." Camille said. Actually she didn't want him to leave, but she couldn't do anything about it.

" But without my awesome friend." He whispered, but Camille did heard him.

She blushed a little, but then she smiled and cling to his arm.  Taemin felt so happy with that. She was so cute and pretty, seeing her smile was making him forget about his problems, being close to her was something amazing, it filled him with a happy feeling. A happy feeling that he would no longer feel, if he went back to Korea. Suddenly he stopped walking.

" I don't want to go back." He said with a serious tone.

Camille looked confused at him, she didn't get it clearly.

" I don't want to return to Korea."  He repeated.

" But Taemin, you have to." Camille said.

" But I don't wanna leave here, I... don't wanna leave you. I like you Camille, I want to be with you... I don't wanna go back." Taemin confessed while looking at the ground since an obvious blush was covering his face.

Camille understood everything this time. She felt so happy of hearing him saying those words, but she knew better. She knew that if Taemin stayed there with her, that if he leave SHINee, he would regret it the rest of his life. And she wasn't going to be the cause of his unhappiness. She got near him and embraced him sweetly. Then she said:

" Taemin, I like you too, and to be honest, I'm so happy that you feel the same way."

" I'm more." Taemin said happily, as he hugged her closer.

She let out a cute giggle, but she ended the hug. Taemin looked confused, waiting for her to say something.

" I like you too, but you need to go back." Camille said.

" But I thought... you said..." Taemin said more confused, until she explained:

" Taemin, when you told me how you got into SHINee, I said that you have worked so hard, and that's true, you worked so hard to reach your dream, and you did it, you are one of the few people in the world that actually did it, and now your living it, and it can't end here."

Taemin looked like he wanted to say something, but Camille spoke first:

" Minnie, singing is your life, and I know you, and for that I know that you're not gonna give up your life, nor for me or for anything; and even if you where willing to I would never let you. You're never going to be happy if you give up something as important as SHINee. I want you to be happy, so you have to go back to Korea, and have a great comeback, one that your fans would never forget."

" But..."  Taemin started, until she interrupted him.

" No buts, this is what you also want, and is the right thing to do."

Taemin stayed silent for a while, thinking. And after repeating everything she said on his head, he accepted that she was right, SHINee was the most important thing in his life, and he could never give it up.

" Why are you always right?" He asked, sadly.

" I like being a conscience sometimes." She said.

" I'm gonna miss you Camille."

" I'll miss you too Taemin." 

Without another word said, they hugged each other for a long while. It was sad, it hurt them, but it was the right decision, and they have accepted it.

"Impress me with a great comeback." Camille said, when the ended the hug.

" Oh of course I will, you're gonna wish you can understand Korean."

They just laugh and smile at the silly joke, and started walking again, enjoying their last day together.

When Taemin returned to the hotel he told his hyungs about his decision. They got happy to hear it, but they also gave him some words of encouragement, so that he won't feel so bad about leaving Camille. The next day at noon, SHINee, their manager, Camille and his family where at the airport, to say their final goodbyes.

" Camille, we can't thank you enough for taking care of our little maknae all this time, you really help us a lot." Onew said.

"Oh, it was nothing." Camille answered shyly after so many compliments.

" Are you sure you don't want something as a thank you present?" Key asked.

" Oh no, you already sing my pillow and almost all of my notebooks, and you also sang for me, that's enough." She answered cutely.

" Well, if you ever need anything, just call us." Jonghyun said.

"And you can come and visit us anytime you want to." Minho added.

" Thanks guys." Camille said smiling.

" Taemin, I just want to say that, even if you lied to us about your identity, and your current situation... I want to thank you for taking care of Camille, when those problems happened, if it wasn't for you, maybe the worst could have happened; thank you for not leaving her." Camille's mom said, while crying a little and hugging Taemin.

" It's ok Ms. Parker, I would have never leave her." He said. (A/N: I just notice that I never give Camille a last name, so this is her last name, Camille Parker so classic :D)

Just then, the flight to Korea was announce: "Now boarding"

" Well guys, it's time to go." SHINee's manager said.

" Have a safe trip." Camille's dad said.  

" Farewell." Sam said.

"Thank you for everything, lets go." Onew said.

But before going with them Taemin took Camille's hand and turned away from the rest, to have a little privacy. Without second though he hugged her.

" I'm really gonna miss you." He said.

" I'll miss you too Taemin, thank you for everything."

" I should be the one saying that, thank you Camille, you're a great friend, the best I have ever had."  

Camille could only smile, she knew that if she stopped she was going to cry, and she didn't wanted to do it in front of Taemin.  

" Well, have a safe trip back home, and don't get in trouble anymore." Camille said.

"The same to you... oh, and I have to do something before going back." Taemin said.

" What?" She asked confused.

But before she could ask something else, Taemin shut her with his lips. It was a sweet, and quick kiss, but it meat the world for both of them.

" See you Camille." He said smiling like a fool.

" Bye Taemin." She answered blushing tomato red, but smiling sweetly.

After that he finally went to his hyungs, ignoring the deadly glares that Camille's dad and brother where giving him. SHINee and their manager board the plane, and after a few minutes the where flying  back to Korea, at the same time that Camille went back to her normal life.



Taemin was in his room, on SHINee's dorm. Finally enjoying a free day after so many work. He was falling asleep on his bed, when suddenly his cell phone ringed. He got up and spleeply answer it:

" Annyeonghyaseyo?" (A/N: Is that right??? If not please forgive me :P)

" Hello, don't talk to me in another language." Was the answer.

" Camille, how have you been?" Taemin asked happily.

" Fine, since 2 days ago when you asked me the same." Camille said.

Even if he couldn't see her, Taemin knew she was smiling, probably as much as him.

" So, I just saw your new pictures, looking hot there Sherlock." She said mockingly.

" Wow, it's the fist time that you call me HOT." He said.

"Don't get to excited, the rest of SHINee looked good also, say hi to them for me please." She said.

" Sure thing, so, what's the reason for this unexpected call?" Taemin asked sarcastically.

" Oh, right, I just wanna tell you, than I'm getting vacations, and I'm going to visit you, if it's ok with you of course." Camille said.

As soon as she stopped talking, Taemin stopped breathing. He was so happy and excited about seeing her again, he startde jumping up and down on his bed, but without letting a sound out.  

" Are you there Taemin?" Camille asked confuse at how he didn't answer.

" Yes I'm here, and yes, it's ok, you can come!!" He said completely excited.

" You where jumping up and down on your bed, right?" She asked.

" No... yes."  He got caught.

" Ok then, I have to go now, I'll see you in a couple of days. Bye."  


They hung up the phone, Taemin started jumping again, but screaming this time, and Camille had to do it on a pillow, to muffle her joy, and don't be so loud.



                                                                                                       THE END.




So this is it, finally my story is completed. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad. Well thank you to everyone that actually read this story, thank you for dealing with me and my delayed updates, thank you for staying with me. :D See you next time :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and just so you know, I'm happy cause, my birthday was this pass Wednesday, I'm 18 and legal now wooooo!!!!, and the day after my birthday, my cousin's baby was born, waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Diana came to us, a little earlier that what we expected but she's a cute and healthy baby girl, she's so cuteeeee, waaaaaaaa!!!! Well enough of my craziness, Good Bye :D! 






















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sofie93 #1
Chapter 20: really nice story!
WAAAAAH its over :( o well it was an awesome story! :D
Nooooo why do things have to end? I love this story too much! please write another like it! thank you for being a brilliant writer!:3
really good job :) cant wait to read the next update!
Nookie it can't be over soon! I'll cry! TT.TT
Waaaaaaa!!! 2 more chapters? That's not even close enough. :(
Well it's your choice anyways.
Update soon! <33333333333
no it can't be over in two chapters! that's not enough! i love this story too much! :'( and
There's the romance I had been waiting for. ^^