Kimbum... Kimbum the Jerk

Everything Lost

Park Prov.

 We held hands until we got to Kimbum's car. I dropped his hands hard, "I'm, only doing this for Jung, so don't think you got my heart, you have me physically but not emotionally or mentally you sick bastard."

"Hahaha, as long as I have you everything will be fine."

"Stupid ." I mummbled.

"Whatever but remember if I can't have you no one can."

"You just want power, son of a ."

"Exactly, so do as I say or you'll be sorry."

 Urgh, the nerves of him. He had to ruin EVERYTHING of mines, I wish I never came in contact with him, like would have been better.

Jung Prov.

 I can't believe park would leave me for the jerk, yesterday she seem like she still wanted to be with me, something is wrong. I stood facing the direction she left, watching her getting into Kimbum's car. After a while it starting rain and then poruing, everyone was scattering to find a roof under their heads, soon I was left alone in the open with the necklace.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled.

 Evn though yelling didn't release the pain off. I kneel down and starting crying, WHY? WHY? Me. Then I picked up the necklace, raising my arm up, I was going to throw it into the streets but didn't have the heart to do so.

Park Prov.

 After Kimbum drop me off at my house I hailed a taxi to go back to the Melon Concert Theater. I wanted to see id Jung was still there and sure enough in the distance he was kneeled down about to throw the necklace. Tears started pouring down my eyes I really wanted to run to him and hug him but I couldn't I don't want to him to get hurt because of me. He was getting up to leave but he fell back down. "Uh." I gasped. Running to him I saw that he fainted, he's been in the rain to long.

 I carried him into the taxi, more like dragging and I took him to his older brother's house if i took him to his house there will be no one to take care of him, afterall he lived alone.


"Yes?" Jung older brother rubbed his eyes as if he was asleep earlier.

"Your brother fainted in the rain."

"Jung!? Park why didn't you take him home?"

"I'll tell you later, right now he's soaked, most likely to get sick."

"Ok, come on in." He lead me to the guess's room.

 After he took care of Jung he took me to the living room near the warm, heated fireplace.

"So why didn't you take him home and what was he doing in the rain, unless he's depress."

"I..." I told him everything, "Please don't tell Jung anything and that I took him here," I begged.

"I won't, but Jung won't be happy when he finds out."

"I know, thank you though."

"You're very welcome."     "Wait, do you want to change your clothes?" Jung's brother, wife asked.

"No thank you, good-bye."

"BYE." Shouted a little boy about 8 years old, maybe Jung nephew.

 Back home I took a warm bath, remembering all our happy moments it made me cry harder and harder. All because of Kimbum, urgh I hate him.

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lovedrama #1
HAHAHAHHA! @Chooky, thanks so much! @Deborah hope you like it :3
Omo can't wait to read THE fic... Shame on me... Already read Chappie 12 and 13 while I still has to start reading chappie 1... ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
*Sob Sob cries because of a happy ending*
lovedrama #4
You're welcome :)
Aaaaaaah. What a nice fic. Thanks for sharing.
lovedrama #6
Oh he is a here, but I still like him (: Updating now. <br />
ggrrr!!!! i hate kim bum... he's such a jerk!!! love to kick his till it's black and blue... hahaha... please update soon, i'm on tenterhooks =)
I hope someone will box the evil Kim Bum, he deserved it, he's so mean and evil here. Looking so forward to another updates. Thanks lovedrama. ^_^
lovedrama #9
Chapter 19 one? Ahaha (:
Woah...Omniscient person