Hallucinations in a Cold, Dark Room

Torments In Powder Pink



“You're the one,

to help me get to sleep.”



The snow was coming down heavy, painting the walls a brilliant white in the early morning glow. The night had been a cold one, causing fully grown men to cuddle up to pillows and neighbouring teddy bears for the little warmth they could supply. Even then, in the darkness of the night, were the walls white. It gave the effect of headlights being shone on a wall. Sungmin found this comforting as he never was too fond of the dark. Even if he did have his oversized teddy at hand. Kyuhyun didn't mind the dark, he finds that he is scarier than anything that could be lurking in those conditions.


The new day was the thirty-first of December. New Years Eve.





The thirty-first of December. The dawn of a new year. Two thousand and nine. [For the majority of the world at least....] As was common every year, the winding down of Christmas depressed everyone. You can't wait for it to come, and when it does, the time is spent dreading it ending. In this dorm, the one who dreaded it the most was Sungmin. Christmas was definitely his favourite time of year. He didn't even think about his birthday being on the first of January. In fact he hated it. He would protest at how his birthday lands on the day that Christmas ends, insisting on keeping up the decorations just a bit longer. This year was no different.


Sungmin was first to wake that morning. His usual routine consisted of getting up, looking at the Christmas tree for a bit, having breakfast then getting ready for his day. On hearing his alarm, he stretched out into starfish like pose on his bed, ending with a loud prolonged 'ahhhhhhhh'. This would be followed by getting out of bed straight away. Kyuhyun was a different story.... Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, Sungmin snuggled his feet into his fluffy cloud shaped slippers as proceeded to stand up. When fully upright, he stretched once more, this time extending into a capital y shape (Y); letting out another 'ahhhhhh': if your gonna do it, do it right, a stretch couldn't possibly be fully enjoyed without that noise. After the routine was done, he made his way to the living area to admire the tree; he really wanted to get as much out of it as possible before it had to go down. Fore ten full minutes he stared straight into the tangled mess of artificial tree, light and baubles. After this he made his an Kyuhyun's breakfast: a big bowl of shreddies each. After waiting five minutes before pouring the milk (no one likes soggy cereal) he decided to go knock on Kyuhyuns door as he was showing no signs of life. His alarm was usually set for the same time as his so, after his protesting about getting up, Kyuhyun was usually out of bed about ten minutes after Sungmin. Today was clearly an exception. 'Probably up on Starcraft all night' thought Sungmin.


Knock, Knock.


“Kyuhyun ah.”


No answer.


“Kyuhyun ah.... Are you a awake?”


Still no answer.


After repeating knocking then calling several times Sungmin, starting to worry, tried the door handle. It was locked. More frantic now Sungmin pounded on the door.


“Kyuhyun ah, this isn't funny. Answer me.”


“Hyung....”, was the muffled reply from the other side of the door which made Sungmin gasp.


“What do you think you're doing? Why didn't you answer me?”


“I'm sorry, I'm coming now”, followed by a loud clonk on the floor, seemingly Kyuhyuns heavy feet hitting the ground. Sungmin remained at his post outside Kyuhyun's door. He felt like he was waiting for ages before he heard the metallic clunk of the lock, follower by the turning of the nob then the opening of the door. What this reviled was Kyuhyun, looking slightly worse for the wear, styled with bed hair and drool trails far surpassing any previous ones.


“You looks awful. Are you okay?” Sungmin asked, concern evident in his voice.


Cough. Cough. Short and simple reply.


Sungmin quickly grabbed Kyuhyuns are and lead him into the living space where he ordered: “sit” when next to their sofa. Flustered, he rushed to the kitchen section of the room (the kitchen and living room are open plan) and put water in the kettle to boil. Next he prepared a two cups and into each he placed: one spoon of coffee and two sugars. Although flustered, he managed to keep his calm in these sorts of situations. His natural mummy quality popping up to say 'hello', I'm sure. When the kettle clicked off, he added the boiling water to the cups, then stirred to finish the drink. Taking it over to Kyuhyun, who sat as stiff as a board, eyes closed, he placed it down on the coffee table in front and said: “drink this, it'll warm you though. Should make you feel better.”


“Thank you, hyung” was the simple reply. Kyuhyun must be ill because he only uses this polite honorific when he was. Sungmin noticed this, making his perplexion sky-rocket.


After drinking the coffee, Kyuhyun did feel a little better. Well, enough at least to drop the rare honorific (lord knows he wouldn't have to feel too much better to do this; in fact using that should have made him feel even worse....). The whole time he was drinking, Sungmin sat opposite him, staring directly at him, watching for signs of sickness.


“You should maybe go take a shower, and get dressed. It'll probably make you feel even better still to be up and moving around. Can't sit and stew all day.” Sungmin suggested.


Kyuhyun knew that in this situation, Sungmin new best, so he didn't question. “Yes, Sir” was his simple reply. He promptly stood and made his way to the bathroom. What he heard next made him stop in his tracks.


“.... if you need a hand, just shout me....”


Standing rooted to the spot for a couple of seconds, Kyuhyun was stunned. Was he just joking? No, he can't of been. He wouldn't joke at a time like this. 'Maybe I should say I need help, just to see what he does.... No.' Deciding against this, he continued on his way to the bathroom.


After saying that, Sungmin too was shocked. What had come over him? Its definitely unreasonable to go help him when in the shower.... But if he needed help, I'd need to, I've put the offer out there now.' Finding his own foolishness funny, Sungmin smiled to himself.....Its a good job Kyuhyun didn't turn around before going into the bathroom; one massive creeper face had glued itself onto Sungmin's face.






Forty minutes later, and in that time, no requests for help made, Kyuhyun exited the bathroom and shuffled into his bedroom,emerging ten minutes later dressed with his towel draped over his head. He moved over to the sofa and sat down opposite Sungmin, who seemingly found his hands very interesting.




Sungmin stood up and made his way to the door only to be hurried along by: “Hyung! Hyung! Its me! Let me in.”. Quickly he opened the door.


“What is it? Whats wrong?” enquired Sungmin.


Stood there, once again in a full pose was Choi Siwon. When the door was fully open, he pose king lifted his head from looking down at the floor, in one slow motion, to look at Sungmin straight in the face; a half smile already prepared. “Nothing. I just couldn't wait any longer to see you on this glorious eve of your birthday.”. A wink followed. Siwon continued his silky tones with “I hope this beautiful day finds you well”, then glided through the door. Turning his head towards Kyuhyun he winked. Standing both feet together and waving his arms around in a large sweeping gesture, he extended a present towards Sungmin. “For you. I has picked this out especially for you. The colour will suit your hair and skin tone perfectly.”


“Thank you” replied Sungmin, bowing his head.


“Oh! Do not mention it! You are well deserving!” - his hands flailing in a wild circular motion - “Now gentlemen, allow me the use of your fine shower, as I am in need of cleansing and mine seems to have stopped producing hot water.... This way? Many times thank you.”. With this he joined both hands together and bowed his head slightly in his signature motion, then proceeded to glide into the bathroom. Kyuhyun and Sungmin exchanged looks of shared confusion.


Kyuhyun sat with his towel still draped over his head, which Sungmin noticed and promptly decided to take it upon himself to remedy. “Well your not going to get better if you sit there with wet hair” he protested, taking a place behind the sofa and removing the towel from his head. “You could have at least towel dried it a bit.” he said, then started to rub the towel over his head in gentle movements. He really was like a mummy. Kyuhyun could feel heat settling in his cheeks and a tickle rising up in his throat.


“Its fine. You don't have to.” he managed.


“Oh be quiet, you know I don't mind.... Just wait a minute”. Sungmin proceeded to his bedroom and emerged seconds later clutching his hot pink hair-dryer and matching comb. “Here we go, this'll speed things up.” Hand on head, he started to gently brush Kyuhyuns hair (which was about seven centimetres long all over); starting at the bottom and working his way up to ensure he didn't hurt him while getting out the knots (which weren't in short supply). When half way through brushing, Sungmin and Kyuhyun were startled by a noise coming from the direction of the bathroom:


“SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!”, followed by a loud bang as if someone was trying to flail in a small place....


“He never fails to amaze me”, spouted Kyuhyun after he had gotten over the initial shock of the occurrence, enough to realize what it was. Sungmin just smiled. Back to brushing.


When fully brushed, Sungmin started to dry the mop before him. He started by gently running his fingers, close to the scalp, through Kyuhyuns hair, bringing it up and giving it a hot blast with the hair-dryer. This was a very repeated motion. A repeated motion that was unknowingly causing havoc. Every time Sungmin slid his gentle hands into his hair, Kyuhyun's chest tightened. He felt almost like he was having a mini heart attack. How much more could he take? Not much was his guess. Sungmin was blissfully unaware; he just liked looking after people.




The door of the bathroom swung open suddenly; putting a block on the peaceful atmosphere. Stood where the door once was was Siwon in, yet again another pose. There he stood, clad only in his towel from the shower precariously wrapped around his waist. Not just any towel though, Sungmin's strawberry covered one. The towel wasn't even a bath towel, it was a hand one; the two ends clinging to each other by just a little over lap, moving apart at the thigh. Side thigh. Siwon laced his fingers into his dripping hair and pushed it back from his forehead, causing droplets of water to trickle down his already wet face. It was evident that he hadn't even attempted to dry himself.


“Done boys”, he announced with a sly one-side smile. Leaving footprint shaped water marks on the floor, he sauntered over towards where Sungmin and Kyuhyun were, Sungmin's hand still wrapped in Kyuhyun's hair.


With the smile wider now, he said “having a bit of quality time I observe. Nice. Men showing love for one another is wonderful.”. With this he started to projected his arm forward, dripping water with every extension. Kyuhyun saw this and started to duck away a bit as he realised he was Siwon's hands destination. With a quick of Kyuhyun's face, then of Sungmin's in one quick movement, he grabbed for the hairdryer.


“No! Wet hands! Dangerous!”, Sungmin yelled, slapping at Siwon's hand. Leaving not a moment to spare, he dried his hands on his insecure towel.


“All dry now. Let me have a turn at drying Kyuhyun's flowing hair. I am good at this sort of thing.”


Reluctantly Sungmin handed it over. “Please be gentle, he's not very well”.


To which Siwon replyed: “Do not fear, I am nothing if not gentle”.


He took his place behind Kyuhyun and resumed the drying of his hair. Sungmin sat down on the opposite sofa feeling, in all honesty, a bit disappointed. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, felt relieved.


When Kyuhyuns hair was sufficiently dried, Siwon sat down next to him with the hair-dryer hovering over his head (held by his hand of course), announcing to Sungmin - in a child like way - that it was his turn for a drying. When Sungmin showed a little reluctance, he enticed him with: “this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to touch Choi Siwon's hair. I would not pass that up if I was you....”. Sungmin would have dried it anyway.




About four hours had passed and the sky had started to fade into a water colour mixture of blues, purples and pinks. The snow had stopped but had left a blanket of white in its wake. It was five when Leeteuk and Kangin knocked. First came the gentle knock of Teukie, only to be faded out by the booming bang created by Kangin. Sungmin promptly opened the door, knowing exactly who it was as that was a reoccurring event.


“Hi”, Sungmin greeted.


“Sungmin ah.” was Teukie's greeting, completed with a constricting hug that was thrown at him so forcefully that he was pushed back a bit. He was always this way with his 'children'. Kangin on the other hand greeted him with a hard pat on the back and a quick smile.


“Where's Kyuhyun? Its almost time” enquired Leeteuk.


“He's taking a nap. He's not feeling too well today and I thought that would be best for him.”


Leeteuk gasped and grabbed for Kangin's hand; his other hand pressed to his mouth


It could be told from the way that Kangin squeezed onto Teukie's hand that he was concerned but, to stop his manly image from cracking, he just said: “men don't need naps to get better. Naps are for girls. Just give him some meat: beef or steak. He'll be right in no time.”


“Oh don't be silly. Of course he needs sleep. I knew you would take care of our little maknae, that's why I put him with you. You're like a surrogate umma. Of course you'll never be as good an umma as me. That just goes without saying”, announced Leeteuk triggering Kangin to put his arm around him and smile in response.


“Do you think he'll be okay for tonight?” enquired Teukie.


Sungmin was confused: “.... tonight? What about tonight?”


To which Kangin quickly answered: “your party, stupid” then dealt him a swift smack up the side of his head. “How could you forget? We've been planning it for weeks.”. Teukie looked shocked again.


“Oh yeah. It completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry”, Sungmin tried to explain. “I've had a lot on my mind, especially today with Kyuhyun; I've done nothing but worry.”


This caused Leeteuk to spring yet another surprise hug on him, shouting “Oh Minnie! Your so special!”. This time Kangin had to forcefully remove him from Sungmin before he smothered him to death. He then hugged him himself. But only a quick one, like a father hugging a son. Kangin was too butch for hugs. Hugs are for girls.


After only staying a little bit, they left, but not before Teukie made Sungmin promise to ring him if Kyuhyun got worse between then and the party at eight.





By the time seven came, black had bled all across the sky signalling that night had come. This was the time that Sungmin crept into Kyuhyuns room to wake him. He had been in many times previously to check on him, but this time something felt different. Kyuhyun's breathing was short and accelerated and when Sungmin put his hand onto his forehead to feel his temperature, he found that Kyuhyun was burning up. Gently, he started to wake him by putting his hand on his shoulder and saying his name: “Kyuhyun ah. Time to wake up..... Kyuhyun ah”.


Slowly he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, not even noticing that Sungmin was there. Now in a softer tone, Sungmin repeated his name. Kyuhyun blinked slowly then brought his eyes over to where Sungmin was sat at the side of the bed.


“Time to wake up. I've made you some chicken soup..... How are you feeling?”


Kyuhyun continued to blink slow, but when he tried to reply, his words were choked and all he could manage was a dry cough. Sungmin went directly to the kitchen and brought him some water. Sitting on the edge of the bed again, and gently slipping his arm under Kyuhyuns neck, Sungmin lifted him forward slightly to have a drink.


“Here you go. This'll help” were his offered words of comfort. “Be back in a minute, stay there”.


Sungmin rang Leeteuk to inform him of the situation.


“Kyuhyun is worse. I don't think either of us will be able to make it tonight. Sorry”


“noooooo. I'm coming over. I need to look after him. You go to the party” Leeteuk protested.


But Sungmin just insisted: “I think its best if I stay here. I want to look after him. Besides, I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself if Kyuhyun wasn't there.”


First there was a silence, followed by “okay Sungmin. I understand.”


[one understanding was made]


Sungmin promptly returned to Kyuhyun, who was trying to to sit up in bed, using his shaky arms to lift himself.


“Don't do that!” Shouted Sungmin in a panic. “If you want to sit up I'll help you.”. He put his arm under Kyuhyun and round his back, gripping onto his side, lifting him into a sitting position. Kyuhyun didn't even jump at the close contact.


“Thank you”, he tried to say.


“Don't speak. Just relax”, Sungmin really was good at this. “Want me to go get the soup?” Kyuhyun shook his head. “Okay then. Maybe later.”




The time was now ten and, once again, the snow was sifting down from the leaded clouds above. Everywhere seemed to glow. The snow coated Seoul, putting it into a temporary Narnia like state. It was bone-achingly cold now that the sun had gone. Sungmin was still next to Kyuhyun who kept drifting in and out of sleep. By the time the clock ticked onto half past, Sungmin was very hungry. He could hear and feel his stomach gurgling and rumbling. He hadn't eaten all day with worry. After leaving it another ten minutes, he decided that he couldn't wait any longer. He would just make a quick sandwich and be back straight away. Quietly, so as not to wake Kyuhyun (who appeared to be asleep), he lifted himself gently from the floor and stretched. He made his sandwich and was back quickly just like he'd promised himself.


The time ticked on further to eleven thirty. Sungmin's eyes were getting heavier and his body stiffer. He really wanted to sleep but he knew he'd feel guilty if he went. His body made the decision for him when he paper-necked, then woke from the movement of his head falling forward. 'I'm only in the opposite room. I'll keep my door open so I can hear him. I'll be no help to him if I don't sleep' he thought. After standing up, he set off to his room.


“ahhhhhh uhhhhh. Help! Someone, please!” came the panicked voice of Kyuhyun. He was trying to shout, but the words were stifled, like he was shouting through a pillow. Sungmin was instantly by his side.


“What is it? Kyuhyun? What's wrong?” asked Sungmin, worried.


“Who's that?”


“Its me, Sungmin.” He told him, frightened that he didn't know who he was. The fever might be making him confused.


Kyuhyuns voice calmed, but still sounded panicked: “Sungmin ah...... help me”.


“What is it? What do you need me to help you with?”


“I'm scared. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm gonna fall. I'm falling. Help me.” Kyuhyun had now pushed himself up in bed and was shaking all over. His eyes were wide with fear.


Sungmin remembered Kyuhyuns fear of heights and figured he must be hallucinating because of the fever. He knew what he needed to do. Quickly he ran around the bed and jumped up onto it, sat next to Kyuhyun and pulled him to his chest into a tight cuddle. “I'm here. I'm here. You're not going to fall. I'll protect you.” Kyuhyun clung to him tightly, with his knees drawn up and teeth chattering violently. He felt so cold.


“Please don't let me go. I need you here” he said, burrowing his head deep into Sungmin's chest and squeezing him so tightly what his nails were digging into his back. Sungmin didn't seem to notice this, he just pulled the cover over him. Gently he started to his hair, humming to him gently.


“Everything's fine.”


Slowly Kyuhyun started to relax. First his teeth stopped chattering, then he stopped shaking. After a while his eyes started to close. Maybe he was over the worst of it now. Timidly – afraid of another outburst – Sungmin started shifting down the bed, keeping Kyuhyun tight to his chest. He finished in an almost laying position, but with his head and shoulders still propped up. Kyuhyun's top half was part resting on him. When comfortable, Sungmin reached and pulled the covers over them both. With this Kyuhyun jumped but he was soon calmed by Sungmin's repeat of: “Everything's fine.”




As the night passed on Kyuhyun's breathing found its normal rhythm and they both slowly fell into a deep sleep. The world ticked on to another year, and so did Sungmin. Outside, the snow was still falling. Gracefully.




And you can stay with me forever,
or you could stay with me for now.


And tell me if I’m wrong.

Tell me if I’m right.
Tell me if you need a loving hand,
to help you fall asleep tonight.





Thank you everyone for reading this far! :)
When I read this chapter back to myself, I realised that I come across as quite sarcastic sometimes haha

I will try to finish the next chapter as soon as possible :)














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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3