Sungmin, I Love You. My Torments in Powder Pink.

Torments In Powder Pink





Lights of the city passed by slowly as the car seemed to be moving in slow motion. There were people on the pavement, busy with friends, passing the time talking as they moved towards their destination. The air outside was somewhat cooler since the sun had set but inside the car it was stifling, strangling. The sounds inside the car came predominately from Ryeowook and Yesung who were chatting furiously, speaking interspersed with Ryeowook's laughing. That was in the front of the car, in the back it was a different story. The only sounds that came from the two still bodies was the laboured, uneasy breaths that seemed to come from deep within their lungs. The two in the front were talking enough to cover their part and fill in for Sungmin and Kyuhyun. At times Ryeowook tried to include Sungmin or Kyuhyun in the conversation but soon gave up when the replies he received were head movements or simple one word answers spoken just above a whisper and through gritted teeth.


Kyuhyun's strength had been strong over the past few days as he didn't even try to speak to Sungmin, avoiding all unnecessary eye-contact and actually succeeding. The moment he'd vowed it he'd already abandoned hope, but it seems his faith had been wrong. But at this moment, his resole was twisting into thin strings that he was walking upon, teetering, as he sat in such a close proximity to Sungmin. Just stare out of the window he told himself over and over. Don't look at him. Every time Ryeowook would say his name he flinched, panicking at first it was Sungmin who had said it. He didn't want to speak. Sungmin too felt didn't want to be there. Not to speak either. He didn't want to be there. He wanted nothing more than to be as far away from Kyuhyun and the sound of his breathing...... and the way he smelled....... His resolve was taking on sieve like properties, his stubborn and headstrong qualities dripping through slowly. This party was a bad idea. Dropping his eyes down he travelled them along his lap and to where Kyuhyun's hand was resting on the seat in between him and Kyuhyun. Oh God. Ripping his eyes away he pressed his joined hands in between his thighs, holding them tightly in place. Wondering hands wasn't something he needed. For the rest of the journey he didn't move his eyed from his own lap.


Reaching the destination neither Sungmin or Kyuhyun waited for the car to stop before they unbuckled their seatbelts and reached for the door handles. The air was suffocating and they couldn't wait any longer. Sungmin stormed ahead into the building while Kyuhyun waited and walked just slightly behind Yesung and Ryeowook, Ryeowook turning his head every few seconds in hope of sparking up some conversation. Passing through the double doors into the party room made Sungmin feel physically sick. His vision was made unclear by flashing lights and all around him were dancing bodies, the music playing so loud that he could hardly hear himself think. 'Home, home now' his mind was shouting and he had just turned around with that specific intention when his car-mates entered and he came face to face with Kyuhyun. Squeaking a little he jumped around and shuffled away in a random direction.


Ryeowook and Yesung went to find Teukie while Kyuhyun took the opportunity of being separated from them to hide away and make himself as conspicuous as possible until either the party ended or an opportunity for escape arose. He never did like loud busy places and in his current mood, he detested them. He stayed to the edge of the dance floor so he could actually move, lifting up onto his tip-toes to see over the crowd. Seeing an empty table in the far corner he made a beeline for it, walking so intently that he didn't notice the hands that intercepted him, snaking over his stomach and resting on his waste.


“Kyuhyun,” A silky voice spoke. “Where have you been, I've been waiting for you.” Siwon pulled Kyuhyun with an almost bruising force up against his chest. “I didn't think you were coming. It wouldn't be a party if you weren't here.” His breath tickled his ear as he spoke directly into it.


Kyuhyun shuffled uncomfortably. He had wanted to be alone but somehow he was glad of Siwon's presence. Sliding his arms free he pushed Siwon away. Siwon's face dropped then lit up again when Kyuhyun grabbed his hand and pulled him away to his table of choice. Kyuhyun decided he wanted company but that he still wanted to be out of the crowd. Siwon practically skipped behind him.




When Sungmin darted away he shuffled aimlessly until he reached a wall, turning around and pressing his back to it as if trying to escape a monster. Alone he stood for ten minutes before Eunhyuk approached him. “Hi Sungmin,” he greeted happily, ing a drink into his hand. “Here have this, it'll lighten you up a little.” Sungmin was so unbelievably happy to see Eunhyuk that he almost threw his arms around him.


“Eunhyuk,” he spoke out on the breath he released. He didn't even ask what the drink was and downed it in one.


“Woah I said drink it not down it. Go steady.” Eunhyuk laughed at Sungmin, sensing the tension and wanting to lighten it up with a joke. This time Sungmin did throw his arms around Eunhyuk, wrapping them tightly around his neck and speaking into his ear.


“I'm so happy you're here,” he said softly.


Eunhyuk couldn't help the heat that rouged his cheeks and he placed his own arms around Sungmin, moving carefully so as not to spill his own drink. “I'm glad you've come, you need this, it'll do you good.” Sungmin disagreed but nodded his head anyway. With his back to the crowd Sungmin couldn't see Kyuhyun as he stared at the embrace wide eyed, but Eunhyuk could. When he eventually released Eunhyuk he pressed his back against the wall again, just in time to see Kyuhyun pulling Siwon along by the hand.


“Didn't take him long,” Sungmin spat out then quickly slapped his hands to his mouth when he realised he said that out loud. Eunhyuk had seen them too and had heard Sungmin's reaction, responding as ideas began forming in his head.


“What did you say?”


“N-Nothing, I didn't say anything.” Sungmin tried to cover up his expulsion. Eunhyuk let it go, smiling as his ideas clicked into place.


“I just have to go to the bathroom, wait here, I won't be long.” Eunhyuk informed and disappeared through the crowd. He didn't quite go the bathroom, just moved far enough away that Sungmin couldn't see him, pulling out his phone and typing furiously away at a message to Donghae.


Hae! I've just had the best idea! Meet me outside.


As if he'd been waiting for a text Donghae had his phone in his hand, quickly responding when he felt it vibrate.


I'll be right there.


The two of them had been avoiding each other all night to keep up the illusion of them not being friends. Donghae hated being away from Eunhyuk but, if it was necessary, he must do it. Their plan had been to act as if they were no longer talking and fight in the hope that Sungmin and Kyuhyun would join forces to bring them back together. It was a tall order but Donghae always trusted Eunhyuk's plans.


When Donghae saw him outside, away from prying eyes, he sprang towards him, wrapping his arms around him in a constricting cuddle. It was Eunhyuk's third of the night (the first one from Siwon) and each as surprising as the next. The feel of Donghae's body up against his own was by far the best feeling and he fought to control the bouncy balls that jumped about in his stomach. Catching them in a net he reeled them in and began to tell Donghae of his sudden idea.


“I have an idea Donghae,” he began, still holding Donghae to him and running his fingertips up his back. “I was just with Sungmin and he definitely still likes Kyuhyun, I have proof.”


“Proof? What happened?” Donghae asked, pulling back from Eunhyuk's hold somewhat.


“I was with him just now and he saw Kyuhyun holding Siwon's hand and shouted ' didn't take him long!'” Eunhyuk was all smiles. “And the juicy thing of all is that, just before that, Kyuhyun saw Sungmin hugging me and the look on his face was priceless!” Eunhyuk released Donghae and jumped about animatedly.




“Yeah! We've been handed this opportunity and we need to use it!” Eunhyuk place one hand on each of Donghae's shoulders on looked into his face with animated eyes. “We need to use this to our advantage, play them off against each other to make them realise how they feel!”


“How can we do that?” Donghae asked for the words of wisdom. “Are we not going to do the original plan? What about our fall out?”


“Oh we'll still be using the our fall out, in fact I think it'll be even more important now. What I was thinking was that..........”







“Seriously Donghae, Just stay away from me now!” Eunhyuk pushed open the doors and stormed past Teukie and Kangin, stamping his feet in an exaggerated fashion. Donghae stopped dead still where Eunhyuk had shouted those words at him, staring at Eunhyuk's back as he walked away then turned away and moved quickly through the crowd of dancing bodies. Eunhyuk continued on, suppressing a cheeky smile that threatened to blow his act.


“I thought they'd have made up by now,” Teukie looked to Kangin with sad eyes. “Those two never fight!” Kangin nodded his head but looked in the direction that Eunhyuk had walked in. Something inside him didn't quite believe what was happening.


“Oh my God! I can't believe him!” Eunhyuk stormed over to Sungmin who pushed back from the wall he was standing against.

“What's wrong?” He enquired.


“Donghae! He just won't stop!”


“Stop what?” Sungmin stepped towards Eunhyuk.


“He's just obsessed with me or something. He won't stay away. I told him it's over but he won't leave me alone, telling me how we belong together and how he loves me and can't live without me.” Sungmin's eyebrows furrowed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. “But do you know what? I couldn't care less about what he thinks or how he feels. If I never speak to him again I wouldn't care less.”


“What?!” Sungmin's face took on a deer-caught-in-the-headlights look and his mouth fell open. “But, Eunhyuk.....”

“No Sungmin! This is how I feel, don't even try and talk me round. And do you know something else, I never liked him, the whole time I've..........”







Donghae threw himself down into the empty seat beside Kyuhyun, dropping his head dramatically onto his upper-arm.


“D-Donghae?” Kyuhyun was somewhat startled by his sudden presence. Donghae released a long drawn out breathe and Siwon fell across the table, extending his arms out and him.


“What's wrong?” Siwon asked, concern tinting his voice.


“It's him, Eunhyuk. He hates me.”


Siwon threw himself from his chair to his knees and shuffled along the floor until he was kneeling next to Donghae. “Is it true? Oh say it isn't true?”


“It's true. He hates me and there is nothing I can do. I've tried but he won''t even let me speak to him.” His acting was a little over to top but it was pulling Siwon right in. Kyuhyun didn't quite know what to believe but when Donghae began to cry, he was startled.


“Oh Donghae,” Siwon leaned up and embraced him, Kyuhyun too found his arm wrapping over him.






“the whole time I've liked you Sungmin.....” Sungmin's features slowly grew wider as the meaning of those word carved into his skull.

“M-Me?” He asked, not believing his ears.


You Sungmin. It's always been you.” Eunhyuk stepped forwards and grabbed Sungmin by the shoulders. Sungmin tried to move but he was rooted to the spot. All he could manage was a weak shake of the head. “Yes Sungmin.”


“N-no........” Eunhyuk pulled Sungmin into a hug and for a moment he didn't struggled, held in suspension by shock, then he began pushing and forcing himself away. Eunhyuk put up a fight but lost. Sungmin is much stronger than he looks.


When he was away he walked fast in an aimless direction, not caring in this moment where he was going. The bodies seemed to be dancing closer to each other as Sungmin tried to force himself through in his panic. Eunhyuk waited behind for a few seconds before following him. He plan was coming into effect, all he needed was for Sungmin to move towards Kyuhyun then he could really put his plan into action.


It was when he was out of the crowd that Sungmin stopped. He looked around blindly in his panic, not taking in his surrounding or the noises, feeling his head spinning.


“Sungmin! Sungmin!” Eunhyuk shouted, forcing though the crowd himself. “Wait for me!” He saw where he was and smiled inwardly. Let the fun begin. He grabbed Sungmin and span him round, keeping a tight hold of his shoulders. “Please just hear me out, I need to tell you this, to make you hear me, or I'll explode..... Sungmin....” he slid his arms up and clasped onto Sungmin's neck lovingly. “I like you. I like you so much.” Sungmin was held still.


Donghae saw them first and he let out a loud cry Admittedly, seeing them made his heart jump but he knew it was all an act. In unison Kyuhyun and Siwon looked in the direction Donghae had been looking in and saw the sight that made him cry out.


“WHAT THE?!” Siwon shouted, the fire building in his voice. He was in the process of pushing himself up from the ground then Donghae threw himself towards him, hugging tightly and burying his face in his chest.


“Siwon, hold me?!” Donghae pleaded and there was no way he could refuse. Disaster one disarmed.


Kyuhyun sat stone still, staring at the scene that was unfolding right before his eyes. Eunhyuk face was just inches away form Sungmin's and his hands were touching his cheeks tenderly but they may as well have been on fire from the effect they were having. Everything was moving in slow motion and Kyuhyun didn't even know how to react. His breathing hitched as sweat formed on his forehead.





In a dimly lit narrow corridor just around the corner from the destination of the party Zhou Mi stood with his back against a wall with Heechul hissing in his face. “You are useless?! You're just going to stop? After everything I've done for you? You're pathetic, a waste of life.” His words were poisonous.


“I just can't do it any more. I wish I'd never got wrapped up in your evil plan. We've hurt Kyuhyun and Sungmin.” Zhou Mi stood his ground and stormed past Heechul.


“You're weak, weak and pathetic!” Heechul shouted but his words only bounced of Zhou Mi's back as he walked away. He didn't go back to the party, instead walking in the direction of the exit. He'd had enough of being bossed around by Heechul. Sure he liked Kyuhyun and was insanely jealous of Sungmin but by doing what he did he wasn't gaining Kyuhyun's love. If anything, all he was insighting was hate and he didn't want that. He'd come to the conclusion that if the best he could have was friendship then that was good enough for him.


Heechul was left livid in the corridor, his hate expanding the walls as he breathed out. A vain was protruding on his neck as he seethed. What neither of the men knew was that there was a third part to there conversation; a listener who was hidden from view. Hankyung had been sat at the bar when he saw Heechul stomp from the room dragging Zhou Mi harshly by the arm. Intrigue getting the better of him, he followed them out through the double doors and into the empty corridors following the sounds of Heechul's furious breathing. His footsteps were steady and cautious. His curiosity mixed with personal feelings. When Heechul and Zhou Mi rounded the corner, Hankyung moved faster and then stopped dead when he heard Heechul's raised voice, venom dripping form every word. He listened, shocked and confused by every word until Zhou Mi came around the corner and walked in the direction opposite to where he was. 'Plan', what did they mean by 'plan'? Curiosity driving him once more, he stepped up to the opening onto the corridor in which Heechul was stood. He did not speak until Heechul turned to him, sensing the presence of another. There gazes were locked for some seconds before Hankyung broke the ice.


“What 'plan' were you talking about?” He asked calmly.


Feigning innocence while a not so innocent smirk curled up his lips he replied. “I don't know what you're talking about.”


“Don't think you can fool me that easily, I heard everything that you said. Did you and Zhou Mi plan the things that happened in China to split Kyuhyun and Sungmin up?” Hankyung could feel his anger rising, coupled with a feeling of confusion and jealousy.


Heechul gasped. “Kyuhyun and Sungmin were together?” Bringing his hand to his mouth he stared at Hankyung wide eyed.


“Don't act stupid, you knew they were, it was as clear as day and even more so now. You planned everything to break them apart. Why?”


Dropping his hand and rolling his eyes, Heechul spoke again, his words long and laboured as if he really didn't want to be speaking to him. “I'll say it again – and this is the last time – I don't know wha.......” His words were severed by Hankyung pinning him against the wall of the narrow corridor, keeping him in place with a strong hand on his chest, his other hand on the wall next to Heechul's shoulder. He paused for some seconds staring and when Heechul didn't move he removed his hand from his chest and placed it on the wall next to Heechul's head.


“I'll ask you one more time – and I'll make sure it's the last time – why?” He cared for Sungmin and Kyuhyun like they were his own brothers so he couldn't stand someone trying to hurt them. Also, within him, there was a furious jealousy burning in anticipation of Heechul's motives. His intense stare was steadily cracking Heechul's icy shield. “Come on.”


“They had everything: happiness, love. I was jealous!” Heechul bit out. “Jealous of Kyu.... jealous of Min.........” His bitter words were cut off by two hands grabbing either side of his face and harsh lips crashing against his own with the bruising force of wasted time and desperation. Heechul had no time to react before Hankyung pulled away again.


“H-Hankyung.........” For once Heechul was rendered speechless.


“Do you know how long I've wanted to do that for?” A gentle smile curled his lips and he forgot all about his anger. Heechul remained stone still with his back pressed firmly against the wall, giving his mind time for the situation to process. He didn't breath for those seconds and when he jumped back into life, his signature smirk graced his lips once again and he pulled Hankyung roughly by the neck to meet his lips once again. Now that's the Heechul he'd expected, the shocked, silent image didn't suit him.






Come on, come on, come on you fool. Why the hell are you letting me do this?! Eunhyuk could feel Kyuhyun's eyes on him and he was frustrated that he was doing nothing to prevent what was happening.


Kyuhyun's head buzzed as the base from the loud music bounced in his ears. His eyes were watching the scene play out before him but his body wouldn't move. Like he was seeing something but not fully comprehending what it was. He was a deer in the headlights, a startled mind without plan or action. Then when Eunhyuk looked at him – looked him dead in the eyes – he started to awaken, starting in his fingertips but moving painfully slowly. Eunhyuk's next move was what fully shocked Kyuhyun back to life when, Sungmin's small face cupped by his strong hands, he brought his own face forward and kissed him full on the lips.


Sungmin didn't close his eyes.


Donghae saw and buried his face further the crook of Siwon's neck cause Siwon to nearly choke as Donghae's hair fell into in wide open mouth. Coughing and spluttering he hugged Donghae tightly and looked to where Kyuhyun had been sat. He was no longer there.


The moment Eunhyuk lips made contact Kyuhyun was animate, forcing himself from his seat, moving towards the pair at a speed he didn't even know his body could move in. When Siwon saw his body just feet away from the pair, he choaked again, but this time on his own breath as it hitched.


“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” Kyuhyun held Eunhyuk with one hand and Sungmin with the other, pulling them apart roughly. ing Sungmin from his hold, he used his now free hand to grab onto the other side of Eunhyuk. Holding him with both hands now he shook him. “WHAT IS THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Rage burned in his eyes and he looked ready to rip Eunhyuk's head off.


“Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun calm down!” Siwon had left Donghae on the floor to break the pair up before a fight began. Kyuhyun was reluctant and only let go when Siwon prised his hands away. Dropping his head to his chest and lifting his hands to his hair he grabbed large chunks and tugged at it in pure frustration. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. He needed to leave, to go, to run as far away from this place, from Sungmin and Eunhyuk, as possible. When he lifted his head he saw Eunhyuk and instantly turned away. The next person he saw was Sungmin. His eyes were trained on him and for the first time in weeks, Kyuhyun felt like they were really looking at each other, but the look in Sungmin's eyes was a cloudy mixture of hurt and confusion. Then he turned away and ran towards the exit, spurning Kyuhyun's feet into the movement they desired. Through the congregation of writhing bodies, Kyuhyun lost Sungmin buts followed on a whim through the double doors that had just closed. At the far end of the corridor, some distance from him he could see Sungmin stumbling forward, his steps unsteady and his hands pressing against a wall to the side of him. Kyuhyun shouted him and Sungmin jumped then continued to stumble on. Kyuhyun began to run now, reaching Sungmin's slow moving body in a matter of seconds. His body wobbled, threatening to fall but he kept onwards.


Sungmin, please, just let me speak.” Sungmin ignore his plea. With every movement his frame grew more unsteady and he struggled to put one foot in front of the other, let alone move forward. “Please stop, you're going to fall,” Kyuhyun pleaded further. And once again it fell on deaf ears so Kyuhyun ran in front of him and placed a hand on each of his upper arms, physically preventing him from moving. A quiver ran through Sungmin and he lifted his head slowly to look up into Kyuhyun's over arching face, and when their eyes met, his legs gave in completely and his body crumpled to the floor, his knees landing first and the rest of his body going like a concertina. Kyuhyun fell with him and was ready for the impact of Sungmin's head as it fell against his chest.


“Sungmin...... Sungmin.....” His voice sang out.


Sungmin's body shook and he didn't answer for some minutes. “I can't do this..... I can't..... I cant......” With every word he tried to convince himself a little further that he meant it.


“I know that I can't do this any more. I can't stand this.” Kyuhyun fought out in reply.


“No.....” Sungmin replied bluntly and wearlily.


“No?......” Kyuhyun was cut of but Leeteuk's frantic voice and footsteps as he hurried towards them. Dropping down onto his own knees beside Sungmin he snatched him from Kyuhyun and pulled him towards him, rocking his head and his hair. “What is it? What happened?”


“He.... he.....” Kyuhyun began but was cut off again. “In fact save it, I'm gonna take him home.” Standing up he pulled Sungmin with him, passing him on to Kangin who had been with Leeteuk when he ran down the corridor. “This needs time. Goodnight Kyuhyun.”


Kyuhyun stayed on the floor as Sungmin was taken away and for well after. When he eventually moved his knees cracked and his joints ached. He didn't bother going back into the party, nor did he signal for a car, he took the long walk home. Back in, the flat was undisturbed. Kyuhyun wasted no time in entering his bedroom, closing the door and himself away from everything.


In the morning, he felt worse. He felt much worse than he had done when Sungmin had ended everything. Why did that have to happen? He would have gotten over Sungmin eventually..... he thinks.... but it's not like the wound had been reopened, but with the second time the skin was weaker and needing more healing than the first. Did he have the strength? He didn't move from his bed all day, nor did he hear a sound from Sungmin. Sunday was a failure.


On Monday they had schedule and he forced his bones to move. It was as though nothing had happened. Sungmin acted as though he didn't exist and everyone else looked at him with a disgusting sympathy that made his skin crawl. Siwon tried several attempts at speaking to him but always stopped after the first few words as if the rest were strangled. Eunhyuk and Donghae were once again together, Eunhyuk looking particularly sorry for himself. Leeteuk had tried to speak to him about the other night but he cut the conversation off by simply saying: “I don't want to talk about it,” a statement with no routes for questioning. And then that was how the rest of the week continued.


On Friday, Kyuhyun was ready for the Earth to eat him. The plan for the day was to each perform solo on the stage in front of the rest of the members and some other trainees. There was only a small audience but this was somehow more daunting that a sell out concert with an audience of thousands. The aim of the performances was to give each other opportunities for improvement through criticisms or to just receive praise. It was rare that they each got the chance to see the other members performing like this. Intimate and personal.


One by one they took the stage, some dancing, other singing. Eunhyuk and Donghae performed technically precise dances while Ryewook and Yesung sang beautiful ballads. There was no criticism available for any. When it was Sungmin's turn, he shuffled to the stage and stood with his eyes fixed on his feet. He sang a ballad and it was beautiful though his voice was cracked and etched with obvious hurt and sadness. He couldn't see a thing from the bright lights in his eyes but regardless, not once did his lift his eyes. When he was done he shuffled back to his seat.


Next should have been Heechul but, as usual, he wormed his way out of performing so next was Kyuhyun. He was reluctant as ever, pining for the solace of his bed instead of burning stares and blinding lights. Forcing his body up the stairs to the stage he walked to the microphone in the centre and looked out to the audience, eyes searching for one man in particular. The lights really were bright today as he found he could not see one person. Blinking his eyes he lifted his hand to his brow but it only helped somewhat. He would just have to deal with it.


“R-Ready,” He coughed out to the music co-ordinator waiting in the wings. The music began slowly and Kyuhyun dropped his hand from his head, opting to close his eyes instead of standing in an awkward stance. A few seconds into the music and it was time to sing. He took a deep breath through his nose and opened his mouth to sing the first words. Almost all eyes were on him but he couldn't see. He knew they'd be watching, but would Sungmin be? Was he taking this advantage to look at him or was he shunning him like usual. Sungmin flooded his head and his que to sing came and went with no word accompaniment as the lyrics sank back down his throat. He couldn't force them up no matter how hard he tried. Dropping his head and lifting his hand he signalled to the coordinator to stop the music.


“Kyuhyun?” Leeteuk spoke from the audience, but it sounded far off and wispy. Kyuhyun composed himself with a few deep breaths, pushing Sungmin out of his head and thinking over the lyrics in his head then signalled for the music to begin again. He knew that if he got the first few lines out, the rest would flow smoothly. He listened to the tune and let his fingers tap on his leg to the beat. This time he felt for sure he could do it and he did manage to push out the first few words but his throat then closed without warning making any sound impossible. What was going on? Through frustration he hit the side of his leg then signalled for the music to stop then straight away gave the go signal. The third time was like a repeat of the second but he managed a few more words and that time the music stopped before the signal. His body felt wasted and he used the microphone as a stand to hold some of his weight on by gripping tightly with his right hand. His mind raced and he dropped his head with the force of he thoughts bouncing off his skull.


“I-I can't do this any more.....” he spoke softly, his word only just picked up by the microphone.


“Kyuhyun?” Leeteuk spoke again.


“I just..... I just can't do this..... it's too much.....” He kept his head facing downwards by lifted his head somewhat.


Donghae lifted his head from Eunhyuk's shoulder and leaned forward in his chair. Sungmin had been facing away, refusing to look at all but had now brought his head the the stage but still not his eyes, keeping them solidly on the floor


“How can you expect me to deal with this? To be like this?” He spoke like he thinking out loud, like when you plan a conversation in your head before you have it.


“For us to be like this? It's all too much.” Kyuhyun scrunched his eyes shut and rested his head on his hand, staying quiet for some minutes. His body felt drained; he just wanted to lay down and sleep.


“Say it. Now is you opportunity. Say it.” Eunhyuk was up on his feet shouting.


Then like he'd just been given a sudden shot of adrenaline, he lifted his head and put his hand to his brow again, squinting his eyes and frantically searching the audience. “Sungmin,” he whispered, barely audible. Then a bit louder: “Sungmin? Are you still there?”


Sungmin had shuffled forward in his seat, ready to bolt, but hearing his name spoke, and so fragile yet full of determination, he couldn't stop his eyes from looking to the stage. Eunhyuk's eyes moved to Sungmin and he shouted again. “He is! Speak!” Sungmin's heart raced but he remained still.


“Sungmin? Sungmin I know you don't want to speak to me or even hear my voice. Even more so I know you don't want to hear this, but please, I beg you to listen. Just let me say it then you can make your choice and I promise I'll make myself accept your response.” He wetted his lips and looked around again before continuing. “I love you. Did you hear me? I love you and I don't care that everyone knows now. I loved you before, I love you now and I'll love you always.”


Sungmin shuffled, his body finding it difficult to keep still. Those who already knew were smiling and those who knew about the conflict were ready to jump up and down. Those who didn't know stared wide eyed and wide mouthed, feeling like they'd been hit by a truck they seen coming in the distance.


“I've never felt like this about anyone and I don't ever want to. I'm done forever. I'm yours and there is nothing I can do. I've tried but it just makes me realise that you're all I want. Now all there is left in me is the need to love you and love you and love you.” Siwon gasped whilst clutching his chest and Donghae buried his head into Eunhyuk as he felt tears stinging his eyes. Kyuhyun was looking in one set direction, to the place he believed Sungmin to be sitting. Although he couldn't see him, and Sungmin knew this, he quivered because he could feel Kyuhyun's eyes on him. He couldn't tear his gaze away.


The room was silent for some minutes then Sungmin gasped as Kyuhyun began to walk off the stage. Once he was down he'd be able to see him and his cover would be blown. There was no way he could hide any more. He wanted to run but at the same time felt compelled to stay. Kyuhyun looked directly in Sungmin's direction and walked towards him none too slowly. He took big steps and moved fast but to him it still felt too slow. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, leaning toward the two men whose distance was becoming less and less.


Thoughts span like a tornado in his head. Coherence was an impossibility. In front of him, Kyuhyun stopped.


“I'm here; this is me........ This is the last time....... Sungmin, I love you.” Kyuhyun stood as close as possible without touching Sungmin, looking down at him as Sungmin looked up into his eyes. “What do you want?”


What does he want? The one question that has been plaguing his mind. On the night they split up he thought he knew what he wanted but was it right after all? Did he want to be apart from Kyuhyun? To never speak; to never see; to never touch him? Did he?


“NO!” In the sudden moment of clarity his mind cleared and he shouted out, gripping onto Kyuhyun's shirt. Siwon bit his tongue and yelped.


“No?” Kyuhyun looked down confused.


Sungmin flicked quickly between his eyes. He knew now. “No I don't want to never speak to you again, or to feel your eyes on mine and see you look away quickly before I catch you looking....... I don't want to never feel your touch again.” Kyuhyun's hands gripped Sungmin's face. “Kyuhyun I....... I love you.......”


Kyuhyun felt his heart drop though into his stomach. Did he hear that right? He wasn't sure but he was so desperate for it to be right that he lowered his head and kissed Sungmin softly but fully on the lips. He'd craved it for so long that he got a bit carried away and pressed harder but after several seconds Sungmin responded, sliding his hands up his chest and holding onto Kyuhyun's shoulders. That was it, the confirmation. When they pulled away Kyuhyun felt like his heart would never stop beating at it's current fast rhythm. Sungmin felt a lightness in his chest. If Kyuhyun wasn't holding onto him he felt he would float away.


Most in the room were silent, then like a ticking bomb, they exploded in an eruption of cheers and shouts, pushing up from their seats and running towards them along the narrow walkways between the chairs in a stamped. The commotion brought their eyes round and they laughed at the sight. When they reached they pulled the two out into an open space and stood around them jumping up and down in a circle and pulling them round. Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around Sungmin to keep him tight to him and Sungmin snuggled into the embrace. The jumping stopped and one by one, people embraced the two, overjoyed at what they had just witnessed. Eunhyuk and Donghae formed a four-way hug and when thy pulled away Eunhyuk apologised about kissing Sungmin. Kyuhyun understood. They meant well, they just didn't always think things through. Ryeowook and Yesung took it in turns hugging the men, Ryeowook whispering about how happy he was and Yesung whispering to Kyuhyun that he told him he just needed to be patient. When it came to Siwon's turn, which he was undoubtedly excited for, he tried to go over to them but suddenly felt faint, lifting his hand to his head in a play-actor fashion and slumping down into a conveniently close chair. Instead the two went over to him and embraced him and he let his tears roll, shouting incoherent words at them that conveyed how happy he was and when they tried to release him he refused, his grip strengthening. The night of the party his world had almost ended but now everything was right again.


Everyone near them had received their fill of hugs before Heechul stood up from his seat and walked towards them. He had his head down but a defiant look in his eyes. He was yet to apologise about everything that had happened and would probably never do so. He just wasn't the type. Slumping towards them he wrapped an arm around Kyuhyun and kissed him briefly on the cheek then moved on to Sungmin, repeating the same action but squeezing him a little tighter. Not a word was spoken but as he was leaving he winked at Kyuhyun, an action that spoke a thousand words.


And from that moment forward they vowed to never let anyone bother them or interfere with their relationship. Sungmin was Kyuhyun's; Kyuhyun was Sungmin's. That was all that mattered.






The End








So it's the end.......... Wow. I feel emotional *cries incoherently*. It's my longest running fic :(


I hope it didn't dissppoint anyone. This wa actually really hard to write. It has taken me so long cause I just couldn't bring myself to write it :(. And as always, I plannd it all out but changed it while I was writing. Plans just don't work for me..........


Thank you all so so so much for putting up with me and my slow updates and overuse of English colloquialisms and slang. Also for taking your time to read this and for your continued support!! I've loved every single comment and subscribe. As I always say, I appreciate it more that you will ever know!! Thank you!!


*bear hugs and love*





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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3