Drool Stains

Torments In Powder Pink


And you never knew
how much I really liked you

because I never even told you
oh, and I meant to.”







Kyuhyun stood, tall and proud, looking at himself in the full length mirror.




Pointing at himself and winking with a cheesy grin plastered from ear to ear.


“Today will be the day....... Kyuhyun fighting!”


He held his gaze a little longer, same cheesy grin, before, like a doll being deflated, he bent inwards at the waist, slumping his shoulders. His neck had retracted so far into his torso that it almost looked as if he was doing some sort of turtle impression. The confidence displayed seconds earlier was evidently an act.


Deciding that it was best to try and start his day, he proceeded towards the bathroom, grabbing his towel off the floor as he went. Reaching the door he paused, taking a moment to breath and straighten his thoughts before going out. He was out there. He must not see him flustered. Lifting his head, he ran his fingers through his hair, ensuring that none was too badly out of place. Usually he wouldn't care too much, but today he felt that bead head wouldn't do him any favours. Considering the display that Sungmin had witnessed earlier, messy hair would only aid the diminishment of his sanity. Continuing his trip to the bathroom, he grabbed the door handle and slowly pulled it down, opening the door to the rest of the flat. Light flooded him from head to toe as he exited his bat cave and entered into a sun drenched hallway. There was only a small window, but the walls were bright white, reflecting the sun, encasing him in heat and light. It was almost as if he was stood at the gated of heaven. He hated it. He had to squint, meaning that he had to put a little more effort into his facial movements; energy that was usually reserved for ridiculous self-cam or group photos faces. Having a sensible photo taken would ruin his reputation as a weirdo. Scrunching his eyes, he resorted to shuffling along the floor again; at least he was safe from alarm clocks out here. Hastily moving to avoid any unwanted contact with Sungmin, he entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He walked towards the sink and rested his hands on it, arms fully extended, for support. Still mulling over the mornings events he took a deep breath and looked at his face in the mirror. Clearly showing was the tell-tale sign of drooling: a crusty line extending from his mouth down the bottom of his chin. On closer inspection, he found that the chin-bath trails extended down even further onto his neck. He didn't know whether or not to be angry or happy because this was a new record for him. Sure Sungmin would have seen it, but surely he must have been impressed. To have a crusty drool stain this long was surly an accomplishment (and for Sungmin to be able to see it from across the room?! An accomplishment in itself!). He even slept on his side! What magic drool must have been exiting his mouth for it to be able to defy gravity?! 'There should really be documentation of this', he thought to himself, but swiftly changed his mind as soon as he realised he would have to cross the hallway again. Sungmin would not react well to him going to get a camera to take a picture of that. Or would he? It was impressive after all. After thinking about this deeply, he decided to just wash it off.


“I've already waisted a lot of my day”


He proceeded to brush his teeth with his blue toothbrush – the only other one in the holder being hot pink – wash his face, then hands, then dry everything with his matching blue towel. As he was hanging up his towel he couldn't help but notice the other towel hanging there. It was hard not to notice to be honest because it was soft pink, patterned with big read strawberries. Choosing the hook next to it, almost instinctively, he hung his towel as close to it as he could. Looking pleased with himself he exited the bathroom back into the squint educing hall.


What he didn't count on was Sungmin being stood in the hall way, not too far from the bathroom door which he had just walked out of. On turning towards the living room and stepping forward, he walked straight into Sungmin with a force strong enough to send him stumbling backwards. Instinctively, Kyuhyun flew his arms forward, reaching out to grab Sungmin who, in turn, was reaching out towards Kyuhyun. When hand contact was made, Kyuhyun, who was far stronger than Sungmin, instantly pulled him towards himself. The combination of difference in strength and panic sent Sungmin flying forward, coming face to nose with Kyuhyun. There they stood, hands clasped and chests nearly touching for several seconds. Suspended by shock. Still unentirely aware of the situation, Kyuhyun looked down at the same time as Sungmin looked at up. Their eyes were interlocked for a moment before they both, in panic, stepped back, hands still intertwined as if they hadn't even realised they were that way. There they stood, just as before, hands and eyes joined , but this time with a foot and a half gap between them. There was Sungmin before him, illuminated like an angel by the light streaming in from the window behind him, accentuating his beauty. This lasted for about a minute before Sungmin let go, turned quickly and scooted off in the direction of the living room. Kyuhyun on the other hand, still staring where Sungmin's eyes had been, was rooted to the spot.



[I think here it is clear who was most affected by the contact. Possibly.]



Breaking free from his stupor, he raised his hands to his head and rubbed them vigorously over it. 'Stop being so stupid', he internally chastised himself, bringing his hands down to rest on his mouth, eyes closed. Slowly he opened his eyes and scanned the area in front of him. Sungmin truly was gone from sight. 'I really need to stop this. How will I be able to live if every time I see him this happens?', he thought. Gathering up his senses he took a large step forward, followed by another one and so on, turning the corner and entering the combined living and kitchen area. His heart jumped when he saw Sungmin, arched over the cooker. It was then that he noticed a smell that had evaded him due to the situation. It was the smell of nearly done fried eggs and bacon. Wonderful. As if he could sense him, Sungmin called: “sit down, I've made breakfast for us”. Kyuhyun obeyed without a second thought. The food was soon brought over and gently placed down in front of him, the other placed in front of the seat opposite him. A feast of bacon, eggs and toast that truly did smell delicious. Such a simple meal, but not so for Kyuhyun. Next placed was a glass of orange juice next to each plate. Shortly after Sungmin took his seat and Kyuhyun tried his best no to look at him: a task that proved itself to be difficult.


“Thank you very much for this”, Kyuhyun said, trying to sounds as unaffected at possible.


“You are welcome, I don't mind”, Sungmin replied in his usual casual, friendly manner.



[Maybe Sungmin was really unaffected?]



To avoid any more awkward conversation, they both started to eat. It was as delicious as it smelled.


After the food was consumed, conversation resumed itself with the caring, hyung-like utterance of: “don't forget, we have schedule today, so you'll need to get ready”.


“I will. I will wash the plates also”.


“Thank you” was the simple reply offered. With this Sungmin stood up and walked slowly towards the bright hallway. Before turning the corner he stopped, back facing towards Kyuhyun, with one hand resting on the wall next to him. Turning his head so that the side of his face was in view, he unexpectedly spoke: “you should maybe wash your chin again, there's still some dried drool there....”, expectedly sending Kyuhyun's hand hurtling up towards his chin. Then, turning his head even more so that he could look at Kyuhyun, he said: “.... but your hair looks good today....”.

With this he left. Kyuhyun, once again, fell into a stupor.


Attempt number one of being unaffected: Fail.

Attempt at a confession: Fail.






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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3