Breaking Down

Torments In Powder Pink


The television screen was flashing colours onto Heechul in the dark room. Heebum was on his lap and he was him in an evil-genius fashion as his face contorted into a monstrous state.


“I'm his main pairing!” Zhou Mi's voice resonated, and Heechul face contorted into a viscous smile.


“Good boy.” A cackle rang through the apartment.








“Aw hell no. How can he have the audacity to do that?” Eunhyuk was standing waving his hands wildly at the television screen that had just displayed Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi in a compromising position before having an advert break. “That !”


“Eunhyuk, calm down!” Yesung tried to be still the mood. When all Eunhyuk did was continue flailing, he threw a pillow at him. This caught his attention and he was about to rage but when Yesung nodded his head towards the unmoving Sungmin, he thought better of it.


Sungmin still hadn't moved. He hard everything, every word dropping a new block on him that weighed him down, crushing his body and preventing all movement. Whether or not he had breathed since Zhou Mi first uttered those words was questionable.


“S-Sungmin?” Eunhyuk attempted to make contact, edging closer to him. “Sungmin are you okay?” He sat down next to him and s an arm around him, pulling him towards himself and leaving his hand resting on his shoulder. With his other hand he pressed Sungmin's head down onto him then laced his fingers with the hand on Sungmin's shoulder so he was holding tight. Yesung, who was on Sungmin's other side, shuffled in closer too and, after releasing a hand from Ddangkoma, put his hand around Sungmin's waist.


“You okay dude?” Yesung asked whilst squeezing his side. No reply.

When the advertisements stopped, Sungmin flinched. The camera panned over all the members of Super Junior M and sure enough, Zhou Mi still had his snake-like arm laced around Kyuhyun like it was going in for the kill. He was attempting to sink his fangs into him and Kyuhyun was evidently doing nothing to prevent it. Eunhyuk squeezed tighter.


“Maybe we should switch this off, I think we've seen enough. They'll just ask the same questions they always do anyway.....” Eunhyuk suggested.


“Yeah you're right,” Yesung agreed, reaching for the remote control to fulfil the suggestion when he was stopped mid movement by a shout.


“No!” Sungmin awoke from his catatonic state and protested the change of the channel. Yesung and Eunhyuk exchanged shocked glances and Yesung moved his hand back to his turtle. Eunhyuk and Yesung tried to talk with their eyes but it was hard. It involved an eye battle with both the men looking at each other with intense gazes then looking to Sungmin quickly as if pointing, their eyes virtually poking out of their heads. They were fighting over who should talk Sungmin into changing the channel. Yesung won.


“Sungmin. Sungmin hyung. Lets change the channel. Come on. I'm sure there will be something better to watch on another channel,” he spoke in his best cutesy do-what-I say voice.


It was ineffective with Sungmin instantly disregarding the suggestion. “No! I want to watch this!” His tone was calm but with anger spreading through each word, increasing as more were said. “I am watching this!”


“But Sungmin....”

“NO!” He shrugged the two men off him with force, dropping forward and onto his knees and sliding towards the television, sitting back on his legs in front of it. Front row seat to the horror show. The tension in his body made his shoulders twitch as his body was as stiff as a board.


Eunhyuk looked to Yesung and nodded his head towards Sungmin, indicating it was his turn. Yesung rolled his eyes and gave his turtle to Eunhyuk who tried his best to reject it but was forced into submitting. Dropping to the floor too, Yesung bum shuffled along the carpet to Sungmin, settling beside him. Instead of suggesting to change the channel, Yesung intended to take a different route.


“What do you think of their first broadcast? They're doing well, huh?” He asked softly but confidently.


Without taking his eyes from the screen, Sungmin answered blandly: “Too well.”


“Too well? What do you mean by that?”


“They're convincing......” By they, Sungmin meant two specific people. There was a bite to his voice. “You'd almost think they were being truthful.....”


Yesung knew exactly what he meant and spoke quickly to counteract his thoughts before they ran away with him. “Don't be silly Sungmin. You know it's all an act.”


“I can see it now, it's clear as day.” Calm and still.


“You can see what?” Eunhyuk butted in, his voice high in panic. “Sungmin don't speak so ridiculously!” He would not let Sungmin believe this! His fanboy heart would break.


“It's obvious.”


“Can't you see that it is entirely one sided? Zhou Mi is all over Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun isn't doing anything.” Eunhyuk was doing his best to explain the situation but Sungmin's mood was so bizarre at this moment that nothing seemed like the right thing to say.


“Exactly..... He's doing nothing.”


“He's doing nothing because he feels nothing. This means NOTHING!”


“But why isn't he stopping him. If it means nothing then he would stop him.”


Eunhyuk had had enough so it was uncontrollable when he grabbed Sungmin's shoulders and turned him to towards him, adrenaline giving him added strength to counteract Sungmin's defence. Then he released his shoulders in favour of holding onto Sungmin's face, a hand on each cheek, forcing him to look at him. His pleading eyes joined with his imploring words.


“Its all for show. You know this. We all have to do it! Its for the fans, they love it. You have to see that! Donghae and I, Yesung and Ryeowook..” He looked at Yesung for confirmation of the last part. “Even you and Kyuhyun!”


“But we are all real. We act like that and its true. What's to say that they aren't the same?” Sungmin voiced his fears.

“Because you and Kyuhyun are real!”


With those words Sungmin pushed him away and stood up, exiting the room.






Schedule finished everyone went back to their hotel rooms. Donghae grabbed for his phone about to ring Eunhyuk to ask him how he looked when he saw on the display that he had several missed calls from Eunhyuk already. He rang him back, almost jumping out of his skin at the frantic voice on the other end.


“Donghae why didn't you answer your phone?!” Eunhyuk demanded.


“S-sorry, it was on silent, I didn't feel it vibrate,” Donghae tried to explain himself. “Are you mad at me.”


“Never mind. Sorry, I'm not mad.” Eunhyuk reassured the worried sounding Donghae. “I need to talk about today's schedule. What the hell was going on?”


“Do you mean the whole Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun thing cause if you do I'm just as confused. What the hell was he doing? I don't know what's gotten into him....... They're sharing a room too.”


A choked breath was heard from Eunhyuk's side. “W-WHAT?! Sharing a room?!”


“H-he insisted.....”

“DONGHAE!! How could you let this happen?!”


“Don't be mad at me Hyukkie.......”


Siwon strutted into the room, pouting just as Donghae said 'Hyukkie'. Strutting towards where Donghae was stood on the verge of tears, he practically ripped the phone from Donghae's trembling hand, lifting it to his own ear.


Eunhyuk this is Siwon. I'll assume that you saw today's ludicrous display and are feeling equally as disturbed both mentally and physically as I myself am. Of course you are.” Siwon began, standing with one hand holding the phone and the other holding his hip. “I'll have you know that Donghae, Ryeowook and myself conducted a little sneaky ninja detective work last night and came back with little or no evidence to indicate Kyuhyun has any unsavoury feelings for Zhou Mi. If you would relay this to dear Sungmin, whom I am sure is deeply troubled in these dire times, I would be grateful. I will continue to do my best to prevent any funny business. Also, I miss you. Goodbye.” His business like tone stunned both Eunhyuk and Donghae: Donghae's jaw currently resting on the floor and Eunhyuk entirely speechless. When he handed the phone back to Donghae, he scooped his jaw from the ground before nodding at him then strutting away again. That man will never fail to amaze the people around him.


“D-Donghae? Are you there?” Eunhyuk spoke down the phone.


Shaking his head to clear his mind, he answered: “Yes. Yes I'm here.”


“Good, I thought you had gone...... What did Siwon mean by 'sneaky ninja detective work'?”


“Well, they are in the room next to us you see, so when we found out, we listened at their door then went in to check up on them.” Donghae explained.


“Aaaaaaaand?” Eunhyuk encouraged elaboration, slightly impatient.


“Well like Siwon said, there was nothing. Zhou Mi seemed a little angry to have been disturbed and Kyuhyun just looked like he was ready to go to sleep. Nothing really to be suspicious of....... ah wait! Zhou Mi did put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door handle, but when we asked, Kyuhyun said he knew nothing about it and Zhou Mi just made up some rubbish about not wanting to be disturbed when they were sleeping.”


“Hmmmmmm sounds ominous. It appears that Zhou Mi is trying to sink his claws into Kyuhyun and that's bad. I know he loves Sungmin but you never know how convincing and forceful Zhou Mi could be.” The next part Eunhyuk said slowly for emphasis: “You know what you have to do now right? You have a duty to make sure that this progresses no further. Sungmin is a mess here. Its not good! You need to Kyuhyun! Under no circumstances – and I mean NONE – must they break up!”


“I understand! You don't need to tell me twice........ Hyukkieeeeee, I miss youuuuu......” Donghae extended the last part for full cute effect.


“I miss you too Hae, do I even need to tell you?”


“It's still nice to hear,” Donghae replied with a audible smile.


“I should go now to see Sungmin, I'll text you later okay. Bye,” Eunhyuk ended with a kiss.


“Bye bye,” he returned the kiss.


After a slight pause, Eunhyuk spoke again. “Are you still there? You hang up first.”


“You first, I don't like to hang up on you,” Donghae protested.


“But I'm asking you to, please.”

“No, you!”




Donghae was cut off from speaking by a beep that indicated the disconnection of the two phones. He looked at his phone. He was disappointed that Eunhyuk had hung up first even though he had asked him to......


At Eunhyuk's side, Yesung handed him back the phone that he had pulled from Eunhyuk's hand, hitting him with an eyebrow of judgement. “Seriously dude?” It wasn't a question, it was a chastisement.


“Dude, uncool,” was Eunhyuk's incredulous reply as he walked from the room away from Yesung and back to Sungmin.


Sungmin was back on the sofa now with the show having finished, still as upset but now with added anger. Ever now and then he'd narrow his eyes and grit his teeth as if imagining something then he'd relax again, staring off into space.








Donghae was pacing up and down the hotel room thinking through what Eunhyuk had said to him. In all honesty, everything he had said to him was unnecessary. He loved the 'KyuMin' pairing as much as Eunhyuk did and would not let Zhou Mi get inside Kyuhyun's skull. He had to think up a plan of action, part on being to talk to Kyuhyun. Chances are he is unaware of Zhou Mi's feelings towards him, which was hard to believe with how obvious he was being. Kyuhyun was so blinded by Sungmin at the moment that it probably made it hard for him to see. He must tell him gently, don't want him to freak out. Why wait? Donghae stalked from the room and to the room Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi shared, knocking once and not waiting for an answer before walking in. Kyuhyun was no where to be seen but Zhou Mi was sprawled on the bed, his long legs looking spider-like as they were sprawled out in front of him. As Donghae sprang into the room Zhou Mi reacted to lean forward slightly.


“Where's Kyuhyun?” Donghae demanded, none too pleased to be faced with Zhou Mi.


Zhou Mi responded with a nod towards the bathroom. Great, he's in the shower. Now Donghae would have to be alone with the one man he couldn't bare to be near at the moment. Minutes passed in an awkward silence before he decided to speak.


“I just want to let you know that I know what you're doing.” He said low and subtly but strongly.


Zhou Mi just lifted his lip at one side in a vicious smirk. “I don't know what you're talking about.”


“You do.”

Kyuhyun emerged seconds later, fully dressed with his head wrapped up in a towel. If he could successfully do that, it was an indication that it needed cutting.....


“Donghae?!” Kyuhyun was startled by his presence. “What are you doing here?”


Wasting no time he made his reasoning clear. “I need to talk to you. Come on.” Grabbing the confused Kyuhyun he pulled him from the room.


“Can't I just dry my hair?”




Out in the hallway Donghae slammed the door closed and pulled Kyuhyun to face him by holding onto both of his arms.


“Kyuhyun, I want to be blunt to have it in the open as quickly as possi.....”


“This is about Zhou Mi isn't it?” Kyuhyun asked, averting his gaze.


“Y-yes. How'd you know?” So he did know, well that makes it easier.


“Well Zhou Mi was all over me and you're a little obsessed with me and Sungmin being together, so I just but two and two together.”


“Ahhhhhh, okay.... hey what do you mean obsessed?” Kyuhyun shot him down with a quirk of his eyebrow. “Okay then...... well then I'll say this as an obsessed fan. What the hell were you doing?! You know Sungmin will have been watching right?!”


Backing away he answered: “Yeah but, he knows I love him..... I told him. He won't worry. He understands all about the fan-service so he'll realise it was all for show.”


“I'm not going to sugar coat this Kyuhyun so to put it bluntly: no. Unless you talked about it beforehand I don't think there is any way he will take that to mean nothing. You are in a relationship now so little things mean so much more. I wouldn't take it well if it was Eunhyuk.” He didn't want to let slip that he knew Sungmin wasn't okay with it.


“But, he knows I love him.”


“Do you really think he will take that into account? If it was the other way around, how would you feel?” Kyuhyuns face grew more and more concerned, his eyes scanning the floor. He's right, he thought.


“I've messed up.”


“Don't beat yourself up, it was him. Maybe you should have pushed him away. Yeah. But he was forcing himself on you.”


Kyuhyun nodded his head. “What should I do?”


“You should ring him.”


“Ring him..... yeah I will ring him.”


“Good. Do it now.” Donghae was already steering him before he had finished speaking. “No time like the present. Let me know how it goes and watch him in there, he's devious.”


“I will, thank you.”






“Have you heard anything from Kyuhyun?” Eunhyuk asked the stoic man, snaking his arm about him again. His reply was a shake of the head. “No? Why not ring him then, see how everything's going?” Sungmin was shaking his head when his phone, placed on the coffee table, started to ring. Sungmin just stared at it so Eunhyuk took it upon himself to answer it for him.


“Kyuhyun? Hi! How are you? Hows everything going?” He felt angry inside for how he had acted on the show but he forced himself to sound jolly for the sake of Sungmin. It may also encourage him to speak himself.


“Oh Eunhyuk, I wasn't expecting you to answer. I'm okay thanks. Where's Sungmin?” Kyuhyun asked, feeling slightly concerned.


“Sungmin? He's right here,” Eunhyuk told the truth, ignoring the frantic head shaking from Sungmin, pushing the phone to him.


Sungmin moved to dodge the phone but Eunhyuk didn't cease so Sungmin took the phone and hung the call up then turned off the phone to prevent him from calling again.


“What are you doing?!”


“I don't want to talk to him right now.”


“Sungmin!! That isn't going to help anything!” Eunhyuk protested.


Sungmin pouted and looked away. Well it seems this this hasn't affected his aegyo.


“You will talk to him. I'll make you if its that last thing I do.”






Hearing the phone beep off, Kyuhyun pulled it from his ear and studied it. Sungmin had hung up on him. Donghae was right.






ichathoriqlover: Sorry, I'm a fool. Here is the actual update. Thank you for reading this :D


forevermusic: You're right, Kyuhyun shoudl say that!! We'll see though, see what my mind comes up with....... Thanks for reading :D :D


Since I messed up with the other update, I'll put this again: this story will be ending soon so if there are any particular things/events anyone would like me to include, let me know and I'll see what I can do :D :D


Thank you for reading/commenting/subscribing!!




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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3