What doesn't go in where?!

Torments In Powder Pink




Kyuhyun was on the plane and already missing Sungmin. He hated to be in this kind of situation. If he missed him so much after only two hours, how would he feel after potentially two weeks? He couldn't bare thinking about it so he leant his head back on his chair and closed his eyes, hoping to be lulled to sleep, a wish purely in vain on such an uncomfortable chair. But he tried none the less. Anything was better than how he was feeling at the moment.


Sat next to him, watching him intently through the corner of his eye was Zhou Mi. He had insisted on sitting next to him, bribing Henry with with cookies to exchange his seat and nearly going gangster on Siwon when he attempted to steal it. He was on a mission; not an entirely unwanted mission. In truth he just wanted an excuse and Heechul had given him just that.


When they finally arrived in china after a flight that seemed to Kyuhyun to be the longest of his entire life, they jumped into an awaiting car that took them straight to their hotel room. When they arrived in the lobby of the hotel they were passed the keys to their rooms. There were four of them so they had to pair up, with one person having to sleep on their own.


“I don't want to sleep on my own!” Ryeowook announced as soon as their manager had finished explaining.


“I'll share with you then,” Donghae was first to offer to be his parter.


“Yay!” Ryeowook smiled, overjoyed that he wouldn't be on his own.


“What about me Donghae?” Siwon questioned, his eyes threatening to fill with fake tears as his bottom lip wavered. “I thought you'd want to share with me.”


“Too late Siwon.” Ryeowook said finally, cutting through his attempted aegyo.


Suddenly remembering, Siwon practically jumped a foot in the air, turning mid flight towards Kyuhyun who looked disinterested and lost in his own world.

“Kyuhyun! You're not taken yet,” wink. “How about you and I share?” It wasn't really a question.


“No! Kyu and I will share!” Zhou Mi threw in quickly, slicing himself between Kyuhyun and Siwon.


Kyuhyun was still uninterested and when Zhou Mi s his arm around him and started leading him in the direction of the room he had picked at random, he didn't even react.


Siwon was left stood with his arms out-stretched in the direction the two men had left in,mouth agape and bottom lip quivering even more.


“Don't worry,” Hankyung walked up and slapped Siwon on the back. “I'll share with you.”


“Oh Hannie!”Siwon cried and crumpled onto his shoulder, hugging onto him tightly. “At least someone loves me.”


“Yeah big guy, yeah,” Hankyung replied sarcastically, rubbing Siwon's back.


The others tried to stifle their laughter, all except Donghae and Ryeowook of course who were both staring daggers towards the empty hallway. If looks could kill, they surely would. Siwon was too wrapped up in his own self-importance to notice how demanding Zhou Mi had actually been with Kyuhyun, not even giving him a chance to respond. And it was pretty obvious why he had.......


“Wait.... so that means I'll be on my own?” Henry broke through the drama. “You can't let the maknae sleep on his own, what if something happens to me? What if someone tries to kidnap me? What then? Do you think you could all live with yourselves?”


“I know. Why don't you go share with Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi! I'm sure they wouldn't mind you sleeping on the floor.” Donghae suggested, exaggerating the enthusiasm to aid his case.


Henry's reply was quick: “Ew no, I'm not sharing with those two! Zhou Mi has fancied Kyuhyun for ages now and I'm sure Kyuhyun likes him too! I don't wanna be in the room.... if you know what I mean.”


Siwon instantly let go of Hankyung and walked over to Henry, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him close to him roughly so that their heads were mere inches apart. He needed someone to make it entirely obvious before it clicked. “What is that supposed to mean? Explain yourself!”


“I don't need to explain myself, its pretty obvious.”


Siwon let go of him and stepped back, gripping his mouth with both hands and opening his eyes so wide they looked as if they might fall from his sockets. He turned and strode towards Donghae and was about to speak before Donghae quickly cut him off.


“Siwon! I know, why don't you share with me and Ryeowook, let Henry share with Hankyung. That's all right, right? See you later.” He grabbed Siwon and stirred him before waiting for a reply.


“Donghaeeeee, what do we do?” Siwon pleaded for an answer.


“Shhhhh, we'll talk when we're in our room.” Donghae answered.


They located their room and unlocked the door, stepping inside and switching the light on. It was no time before all three men's mouths were on the floor again.

“A DOUBLE BED?!!!” They shouted in perfect unison.









“Ah its this one Kyuhyun!” Zhou Mi announced, unlocking the door and pushing him through the doorway. After turning on the light, his eyes settled on the double bed across the room, him lips turning up into a sly smile.


It took for Kyuhyun to have a shower before he fully awoke from his temporary stupor. When he got out he expected to walk in to bedroom and see Sungmin but instead it was Zhou Mi, unpacking all of their things into the draws and wardrobe.


“Ah you're done? Feel better.” Zhou Mi asked in an over-friendly tone.


Kyuhyun scanned the room whilst replying: “Yeah a lot better thanks. I had almost forgotten we were here.”


“I could tell,” he laughed. “I hope you don't mind us sharing a room.” he said, feigning a timidness equal to a scared animal.


Kyuhyun saw this and didn't quite know how to react except to assure him he didn't mind. Zhou Mi was great full and announced he was going to use the shower. Kyuhyun was so tired that he laid back in his bed, recovering his phone and quickly sending a text to Sungmin.



Hi Sungmin. We're in China now. The flight was okay. I'm tired as hell. I miss

you more than I expected. I wish you were here xx


Kyuhyun laid his phone to rest on his chest and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Before he knew it, he could feel his eyes closing. Sleep was overtaking him and in his current state he didn't want to fight it. Then his phone beeped, indicating a new text.


Hi! I miss you too, I keep forgetting you're gone. I'm glad your flight was okay.

You should sleep if you're tired, don't make me worry. Text me in the morning.

Sleep sweet xx



Kyuhyun smiled to himself. He wanted to obey Sungmin's order but wasn't ready to stop texting him. Actually being in contact with him made him miss him so much more. He probably should have waited until the morning to text him.


He was typing his reply when the door to the bathroom opened, a semi- Zhou Mi emerging. Kyuhyun couldn't stop his eyes from reacting to the movement and before he knew it he was looking at him. In fact he was staring. He had dark grey pyjama pants on and no top. His towel was draped over his head, failing in its job of drying him as water droplets fell from the ends of his medium length hair and sliding down his slim, slender abdomen. He did look stunning; model-like. Kyuhyun felt no attraction to him at all but still couldn't help himself form staring. It was intrigue rather than physical attraction.


“Are you okay Kyuhyun?” Zhou Mi asked, smirking lightly as his plan had had a reaction.


“Ye-yeah,” Kyuhyun quickly answered, shaking his head swiftly. “Where is your top?”


“My top? Oh I don't usually wear one. You don't mind do you? Only I get so hot in my sleep that I couldn't bare wearing a top.”


“No.... I don't mind, I was just wondering.”


He rubbed the towel over his head a couple of times before sliding it off and rubbing it slowly over his chest and shoulder. Kyuhyun was still watching, transfixed. Then Zhou Mi dropped the towel on to the floor and climbed on the bed.






“Donghae! Oh Donghae! What are we going to do? We can't allow this to happen.” Siwon bawled, clutching onto Donghae's shirt.


“Well first of all you need to calm down. Second, Ryeowook, do you know anything about Sungmin and Kyuhyun? If not, can we trust you?”


“You needn't bother, I know all about it. Sungmin actually came to see me about it earlier today..... not that I needed him to tell me, they were as clear as day.”


At hearing that Donghae laughed, nodding his head in agreement. “You're so right. Me and Hyukkie could tell it a mile off. They're cute right?”


“So cute,” replied Ryeowook bring his fisted hand up to his chin and grinning widely.


Siwon had been pacing the room, fingers laced in his hair. “Yes they are cute, but how cute will they be when Zhou Mi has his way with Kyuhyun. They won't be cute at all! They won't be together!!” He was staring at them wide-eyed and still pacing. “Why a double bed?!”


“Siwon, calm down! You're not going to make anything better by getting hysterical.” Donghae tried to convince him.


“He's right,” Ryeowook added. “And anyway, Kyuhyun loves Sungmin, he wouldn't do anything.”


Siwon stopped pacing and both he and Donghae turned to Ryeowook, mouths agape.


“He said he loves him?!” Donghae asked and when he received a happy-faced nod from Ryeowook, he ran to him and grabbed his hands, jumping up and down on the spot.

“Wow, that's soooooooo lovely.” He shouted excitedly. “Siwon come here for God's sake,” he beckoned, turning to Siwon waving his hand at him.


“Watch you're mouth, “ He warned, taking his hand and grabbing Ryeowook's now free hand with his other. He was trying to fight the smile that was twisting his mouth, but failing miserably as it was clear to see. “Oh Kyuhyun.”


Now a complete circle of fan-boys they began jumping around. When they were out of breath they stopped, all three moving to sit on the bed.


“Wow this bed is comfortable! Ryeowook commented only to be sent daggers by the other two.


“Don't say that!” They shouted in unison. “If the beds comfortable.... doesn't it increase chances of.... you know....”


“Oh shut up. You worry too much!” Ryeowook cut off Siwon's line of thinking.





“Hey Sungmin.” Yesung opened the door wide and stepped aside for Sungmin to enter his apartment. “Eunhyuk's in the living room.”


“Hi Yesung, how are you?” Sungmin asked, walking in and heading in the direction of Eunhyuk.


“I'm okay thank you, missing Ryeowook but I have my turtles, I'm not too lonely. And of course you and Eunhyuk are here.”


Sungmin smiled and nodded.


When they rounded the corner to the living room, Eunhyuk was already on his feet and moving in the direction of the two men's voices.

“Sungmin!” He shouted and flung himself at him. “You're here at last!” He was squeezing him so tightly that Sungmin felt he couldn't breathe.


“Hyukkie, are you okay? You're squeezing me very tightly you know.” He enquired, holding him tightly in return.

“No. I miss Hae! I hate it when he goes away!”


Yesung smiled to himself and sat down, picking a turtle out from a box on the floor and putting it onto his knee.

“And Yesung's turtle was scaring me. It kept staring at me evilly while eating its lettuce.”


“Rubbish!” Yesung shouted, shocked and appalled. “How dare you suggest something like that?!”


Eunhyuk let go of Sungmin eventually and turned to Yesung. “He was! I swear he was pretending that lettuce was me or something!”


“PSHHHH! Whatever.”


Sungmin couldn't help the giggle that escaped his lips at Eunhyuk's accusation. He really must be worked up from missing Donghae if he was thinking things like that. Directing Eunhyuk to the sofa, he forced him to sit down, placing himself in the middle of him and Yesung.


Eunhyuk eyed the turtle suspiciously.


“If you keep looking at him like that he will attack you,” Yesung threatened, turning the turtle so it was facing the man who's face was now wide in shock.


Sungmin now gripped his mouth to prevent his inevitable laugh. It was a good idea coming round to see these two, he doesn't know what he would have done if he had to spend the night alone. But he thought he had better change the subject before the hostility grew any larger.


“So, have either of you heard from any of them?” he asked, looking between the two men.


“Donghae text me before he got on the plane,” replied Eunhyuk. Yesung nodded and said that Ryeowook had text him also. This made Sungmin said cause he hadn't heard anything from Kyuhyun as of yet, but he forced a smile.


“Did you hear anything from Kyuhyun?” Yesung asked.


Sungmin shook his head.


“Wait, does Yesung know about... you know?” Eunhyuk whispered none too quietly.


Sungmin didn't have chance to reply because Yesung answered for him. “I do know. And Sungmin I'm sure you'll hear something soon, so don't look so sad.”


Eunhyuk gave him a look that said 'how do you know' while Sungmin smiled at him thankfully.







“What were the other room numbers?” Donghae asked openly.


“48 and 49” Ryeowook replied. “I know because I was holding the keys.”


Siwon's face lit up. “Ah so as luck would have it they are right next to us.”


“Yes and do you know what that means?” He looked between the two. “No? It means we can spy on them, make sure Zhou Mi isn't up to funny business.”


As if a light had just been switched on, Siwon sat up straight, a smirk lifting the corners of his mouth. “You're right. Come on boys. No time like the present.”


Siwon slid of the bed, grabbing a hold of both Ryeowook and Donghae as he went. Walking to his suitcase he knelt down and recovered a hat from the depths. Placing it on his head he turned back to the two awaiting men.


“What's the hat for?” Donghae enquired, looking rather puzzled.


“A disguise, you should get one too, me need to make ourselves unrecognisable in case they come out.”


Donghae and Ryeowook were practically rolling on the floor with laughter as they stared at Siwon in disbelief.


“You're so silly Siwon. Do you really think they wouldn't be able to recognise you just because you have a hat on. Siwon they'd be able to recognise you if just your was on show.” Ryeowook declared causing Donghae to clutch onto his stomach and lean into Ryeowook for support. Ryeowook was making a good substitute tormentor in the absence of Eunhyuk. Maybe this trip wouldn't be as unbearable as he had previously thought.


“What? What's that supposed to mean?” Siwon enquired, true puzzlement evident on his face.


“I mean.... never mind. Wear your hat if it makes you happy. Lets go.” Ryeowook replied, encouraging movement through the door by leading the way. “I don't really know why we need to do this, but if it puts your minds at rest.....”

“We need to make sure Zhou Mi isn't weaving his evil web of seduction around Kyuhyun,” Siwon replied, lacing his arms around both men. “Poor, innocent Kyuhyun.”


Donghae laughed again at how dramatic Siwon was being. He was worried himself, but evidently not as much as Siwon.


Once out they split up, Siwon and Donghae listening at the door to room 48, Ryeowook at room 49. The men they sought were in room 49. Siwon soon heard Henry's excitable shouts and so quickly moved away and joined Ryeowook at his door. All three – as quietly as possible – pushed their ears up against the door. All was silent for several seconds before the sound of Kyuhyun shouting broke through.


“Don't put that in there!”


An exaggerated gasp was emitted from Siwon open mouth. Donghae looked ready to burst through the door where as Ryeowook still looked as stoic as ever.









Sungmin's phone beeped indicating a text and he had it out of his pocket before the beep could even finish. The other two men watched as a smile spread across his face.


“From Kyuhyun?” Eunhyuk enquired.


“Yep,” Sungmin replied.


“What did he say?” Yesung asked.


“He said that he's safe and that he misses me.”


Yesung and Eunhyuk replied in unison: “awwwwwwww.”


Sungmin was busy typing his reply when Yesung – who was grinning at him – made an observational announcement: “You're definitely the girl in your relationship aren't you?!”


Eunhyuk had conveniently just taken a big drink of his strawberry milk and nearly spat it all back out again. He was going to laugh so was trying his best to swallow it as quickly as possible. This took some time, but when he had, he doubled over in stitches.


“You. Needed. To. Ask?” he said though laughter.


Looking at him incredulously, Sungmin asked: “What's that supposed to mean?”


“Just that...... well you're not the most manly of men.” he said matter-of-factly as if it was obvious.


It was Yesung's turn to laugh now and he took it, emitting a large guffaw.


“Shut up!” Sungmin insisted, folding his arms cutely and pouting.


“You just proved my point exactly.”


“I said shut up!” Sungmin reached over and wrapped his arms around Eunhyuk' neck, placing him in a light choke hold.


“Sungmin's the girl,” he continued to tease, entirely unthreatened by the hold that Sungmin had him in which was getting progressively tighter.


When he didn't receive the response he wanted, Sungmin let go and pushed him harshly. “I'm the girl. What does that even mean? We're both men!! How can one be the girl?!”


Yesung and Eunhyuk looked at each other incredulously, deciding whether or not to explain all the ins and outs of what makes him the girl in the relationship, but instead choosing to settle on the more innocent reasons.


“Well,” Eunhyuk began. “Since you're more feminine – in both looks and personality – than Kyuhyun, you're what is known as the 'girl' in the relationship. You will act like a girlfriend would where as Kyuhyun would act like the boyfriend. Take Yesung and Ryeowook for example: Ryeowook is easily the most feminine out of the two so he's the girl. Get it?”


Sungmin chewed on the side of his lip then nodded his head slowly. “So, who is the girl out of you and Donghae then?”


“Me and Donghae?! I don't know what you're talking about!” he retorted, giving Sungmin the 'shut up' eyes.


“Oh please! If I thought Sungmin and Kyuhyun were obvious, there's no way I could have missed that you and Donghae are together! It'd be obvious even if I was blind and deaf!”


Eunhyuk scratched the back of his head nervously and was going to deny it but then realised there was no point.


“And I want to know the answer to Sungmin's question too, its been puzzling me for some time,” Yesung added.


Eunhyuk added a nervous laugh to his nervous scratching as two pairs of eyes stared at him expectantly.


“Well..... I guess...... Donghae's the girl.........”


“Really?!” Yesung shouted in disbelief. “I'd have put my money on you any day.”


Sungmin just nodded his head, still getting his brain around the idea of having male and female roles in same- relationships.






“Oh my sweet Lord,” Siwon cried before hastily being shushed by Donghae. Siwon's hand was reaching for the door handle but was sharply swatted away by Ryeowook. Stepping away, Donghae pulled the other two with him and they stood in a circle with their heads down, planning their next move.


“Right guys, I don't know about you but I didn't like the sounds of that – Ryeowook don't shake your head – and one thing is for certain: we need to get in there.”







I'm an EunHae shipper............ and just to set some minds at rest, I don't ship KyuMi!!

I find that I am writing sillier and sillier as this things goes on. It will eventually be incoherent.......

Thank you new subscribers!! Thank you for the comments!!  Thank you for reading!! I hope it was okay :D



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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3